#sorry for not boosting earlier but this a really great idea




We are already 10 days away from the deadline for submissions, that is, Sunday 13th of December. 

So far, we have received 9 wonderful entries. I’m boh very happy about this and extremely grateful that we already have participants! Keep them comin’ :)

If you have missed the initial announcement and rules, you can find it here

Reblogging for visibility but also because I want to add something a bit more personal: 

This is a light-hearted event, even the word competition is too strong to describe it. We’re just two dionysians happy to host a virtual festival for the god we honor. There’s no prize to win from this. 

So here’s for you, if you want to participate but the idea of a competition makes you nervous, or if you feel insecure about your writing: there’s no rating nor is there judgement on submissions sent. The vote is not there to judge, it’s just meant to be a fun event and every single piece that is submitted is valued and we’re excited to see people participating. 
