#sorry i couldnt fit the entire text

“I feel like Dominique is severely underrated in this fandom. I get she hasn’t had many appearances,

“I feel like Dominique is severely underrated in this fandom. I get she hasn’t had many appearances, but especially after ch46 she’s an incredibly compelling character. All we saw before was her “love” for Noé. But now we know that everything about her stems from heavily implied mental abuse from her family, the trauma of having her brother die in front of her, only to learn he was her twin, and that, in her eyes, she was basically the reason he was tossed aside by their family. And the subtle hints before this about how she wore Louis’s clothes and cut her hair after his death, like in chapter 7, when Noe mentions her teaching him how to dance, but it shows what looks to be Louis instead. I feel like yes, she is on some level in love with Noé, but it seems more like she’s latched on to the only person in her life that’s still alive who has ever treated her with any sort of genuine kindness. And her relationship with Jeanne is more proof of how she is, because even though she would typically view her as a “rival,” like Dante says, she’s incredibly protective of her, and attached, instead. This is because, like Noé, she’s one of the only people in her life to ever treat her with genuine respect and kindness. And, unlike Noé, Jeanne has no connection to Louis, doesn’t even know of him, and views Domi separately from both her noble family and her twin. Thus, Domi latches on to her, dotes on her, because it’s all she knows how to do in response to such kindness. Domi, deep down, has a desire to be able to love and be loved, and in a way that’s incredibly human to me. She’s like a ticking time bomb, in a sense, because she’s spent so long repressing each and every negative emotion, because she feels like she has to, or she’s worthless. If she can’t be Noé’s replacement for Louis, in her mind, she’s nothing. If she can’t live up to her family’s expectations, she only has Noé and Jeanne left to give her some sense of worth. I’m incredibly excited to learn more about her, because we haven’t seen her parents, or even the deeper reasons of why she’s so terrified of her own family. I’m dying to know why she’s like this, what her family is really like, and how she’s going to develop.“

Clean scan by @lolpurple

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