#sorry in advance


idk gonna go haunt my moots inboxes i guess

!! @beansnake!!

made & set it up in record time
please consider giving it a follow or a boost to the commission post on it or w/e, since i have to start from scratch with it again, rip

but i’ll actually be able to follow people with it! how exciting is that?

When ST4 comes out, get ready for me to jump back on my Steve Harrington bullshit

“She affectionately refers to her as Big Swiss since she’s tall, stoic and originally from Switzerland”

I ná tiessë vanya ëa vanya immassë ar arwa mettaryo immassë, ar laitalë lá asta immava. Lá ulca hya mána engwë acárië laitalenen … Ma ná mírë vë laicamiril hastaina qui uas alaitië?


Whatever is in any way beautiful is beautiful in itself and has its end in itself, and praise is no part of it. Neither worse then nor better is a thing made by being praised … Is a jewel like an emerald damaged if it is not praised?

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
