#sorry it took me so long to respond




Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Agent!Reader

Summary: Remember that mission where you and Bucky had to pretend to be newlyweds and you needed fake documents to prove it? Seems there was a little mistake with the paperwork…

Word count:1.4k

Warnings: some swearing, a little awkwardness, mild injury (the reader kicks Bucky and mistreats a book ) light allusions to things of a sexual nature

A/N: I’ve been having such a hard time writing what I intended to write and then the other day I come across a few lines in a random wip doc and voila! it turned into this. Brains are weird things. I hope you enjoy this silliness ❤


Torres holds his hands up defensively.

“I know it sounds bad, but-”

“‘It sounds bad, but?’” you repeat his words back to him incredulously. “What kind of ‘but’ is somehow going to rectify this situation?”

Dropping his chin, he cringes as if expecting a blow as he replies carefully.

“Well, you’re only legally married, nottechnicallymarried?”

Keep reading

Thank you so much, love!! I’m so happy you enjoyed it! ❤️
