#sorry this is just a text blob lmao


If you have a hard time getting yourself to read big chunks in mandarin (or any L2) I suggest comics! Even if you’re not a fan normally! You’ll get more natural language than textbooks but in more manageable bits, and with visual context to help out.

Ray is a series I read in high school but never finished–because apparently it wasn’t all translated into english! So I was excited to find it in mandarin. She’s a surgeon with x-ray eyes, so unsurprisingly I’m picking up some medical vocabulary.

Language practice is hard enough, don’t force yourself to read originally-written-in-chinese work if there’s other things you’re interested in already. You can find scans by searching [title] 漫画. eg: Saint Young Men 漫画 Or depending where you live the library might have some! Especially for graphic novels you might have to find a print version; I found an excerpt of Fun Home so at least I know it was translated. For looots of original comics, the app 快看漫画 is great if a little overwhelming, or this site.
