

college hijinks #1

an awkward situation
Character(s): Shigino Kisumi, Yamazaki Sousuke
Word Count:800
Notes: written off one of the “aus” prompts, to combat writer’s block, mostly? please be reminded that this blog is a “dump” for a reason.

i’m not sure, but i’d like to add to this in the future, maybe? obviously, i make no promises /bites nails


Standing by the fridge in the middle of the university dorm room he shares with Hazuki Nagisa, Kisumi realizes he is in a bit of an awkward situation.

Before he’d so blithely invited the stranger currently seated on a couch in the middle of the room – sure in his assumption that said stranger was his roommate’s boyfriend –  inside, Kisumi (probably) should have thought to remember that the only things he knew about Nagisa’s boyfriend were

a)      He was taller than Nagisa

b)      He had dark(-ish?) hair

c)      He was a second-year Engineering student, here at Toridai


d)      He was sort of reserved and somewhat (a whole lot) strange, in an (according to Nagisa) endearing sort of way

Exactly four pieces of information.

Four pieces of information that could have applied to any number of students studying at Toridai, and definitely weren’t reason enough to invite  the first tall, dark-haired, reserved-looking guy to knock on the door into their room with a cheery, “oh, it’s you! Nagisa-chan just popped out for a moment – why don’t you come on in – ”

Kisumi doesn’t even know Nagisa’s boyfriend’s name. Hell, he’d just met Nagisa – over the weekend, all of forty-eight hours ago.

Classes are due to start the next day, and the two of them have only just settled into their dorm room. Really, the only reason Kisumi knows so much about Nagisa already (and Nagisa about Kisumi) is because they both happen to be extroverted, gregarious sort of people.

In most other situations, it would have taken Kisumi a while – say, the first month of term – to really get to know a roommate, much less a roommate’s boyfriend.

Oh my God, Kisumi thinks, this is sort of an awkward situation, isn’t it? Man, I don’t even know his name.

It - the thought – occurs to Kisumi when he is halfway through pouring a glass of juice for his (yet unnamed) guest. He gives himself a mental kick, plasters on his bestest, most charming smile (one hundred percent little brother approved!) and turns around, approaching the couch-and-its-occupant with the juice in hand.

Kisumi notes, amused, that his guest is sitting with his arms crossed over his chest and his gaze fixed somewhere on the floor, as if he’d been forcefully made to sit down and don’t move now, you hear? Kisumi supposes he had probably been a little enthusiastic about his invitation.

“Oh, I am sorry,” Kisumi says, setting the juice on the well-worn coffee table in front of the couch, “I don’t believe I introduced myself – I’m Nagisa’s roommate, Shigino Kisumi – but you can call me Kisumi! And you are – ?”

He receives a blank look and a brief, “Yamazaki Sousuke,” delivered in a deep monotone, and accompanied by the slightest uplift of a thick eyebrow, as if to say, I have no idea who you are or what you are talking about.

“It’s great to meet you, Yamazaki-san!” Kisumi presses on, undaunted. Just because Nagisa isn’t here doesn’t mean Kisumi can’t be a good host. “You know – Nagisa told me he’s been trying to contact you since Friday night! I guess Engineering students really have it rough, huh?”

Another raised eyebrow, more pronounced this time. His eyes, Kisumi notes, are a deep, vivid teal, like a tropical lagoon, or something. Very poetic.

“I’m not an Engineering student,” Yamazaki says, and there is an amused lilt to his baritone, this time.

Kisumi blinks. “Not an – ”

Yamazaki stands, tips his jaw. “And I have no idea who this Nagisa is, either.”

“No idea who,” Kisumi begins, going slack-jawed. Awkward is too light a word to describe what the situation has become.

“I’m the RA,” Yamazaki continues, blandly, “I came to look in on the occupants of this room – oh, you know – as part of my job. Thanks for the juice, by the way.”

The juice in question sits, untouched, on the table.

“Sure – uh, no problem,” Kisumi manages, manfully resisting the urge to lower his burning face into his hands.

At the door, Yamazaki turns back for a moment and says, with a curious little half-smile, “you might want to think a moment, next time, before you pull a random stranger into a room. You do know what impression you gave off, don’t you?”  

And he slips through the door, leaving Kisumi to – belatedly – process this last, enigmatic statement. He gives in to the urge to cover his face when he does, finally, process it – but only for a moment, after which he throws the door open and calls down the hallway, at Yamazaki’s retreating back,

“Say I invited you in again, what would you say?”

Yamazaki pauses. Kisumi can hear the smirk in his voice when he replies, halfway down the corridor as he is, “well, I’m not dating Nagisa-kun, am I?”
