#soulmate alternate universe


It’s never too late to love 7/8

Chapter Summary :

The day before their separation… will they make this day unforgettable?


Day 6

Sky Garden - Booked just for us

Dinner in a romantic restaurant

Dinner in our suite - Evening wear

When he opened his eyes, Greg saw the note on Mycroft’s bedside table. He was secretly relieved to see that Mycroft had preferred the privacy of their suite for their last evening together.

Their last evening.

Once again, Greg’s throat tightened.

He had gotten the impression last night that Mycroft wanted to open up, but this morning…

This morning, Mycroft had already been up and about for a long time judging by the cold seat next to Greg.

Once again, he was surprised at how quickly he had become attached to the man. He felt as if he had known him forever.

And they will part tomorrow.

Trying to push away these thoughts that would get him nowhere, Greg stood up and began to look for Mycroft.

He found him leaning against the window frame, a steaming cup of coffee in his hands, staring out over the London skyline.

“Good morning,” Greg said with a yawn as he approached him.

Mycroft turned and came to meet him. He leaned over and kissed him gently before saying, “Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

“Like a baby.” Greg replied, “Did you sleep well?”

“Not too bad, but let’s leave that aside,” Mycroft took a short pause before he continued, “I already had breakfast while I was waiting for you to wake up, I had a couple of things to take care of. You can have it here, if you want, and then we’ll get ready for the Sky Garden. The cab is waiting for us as soon as we are ready. Since I wanted us to be at ease, the agency managed to reserve the top floor just for us.”

“That’s really great.”

Greg sensed, however, a special restlessness in Mycroft, but mostly a slight distance. He did not insist on finding out why, however, and began eating his breakfast.

Mycroft sat down opposite him, poured himself a fresh cup of coffee and leafed through the newspaper. After a few minutes, the feeling of uneasiness dissipated and their complicity was again there.

Mycroft made Greg laugh more than once with his caustic comments about what he was reading in the paper, and Greg was still laughing as he finished dressing a few moments later. When he came out of his room, Mycroft was already waiting for him in the hallway.

He held out his hand, the gesture still causing the same warm feeling in Greg, and asked, “Ready to go?

Greg nodded, "Ready.

The rest on AO3

Beta read by the amazing @loki-is-my-kink-awakening

Still not my native language

Still hoping you’ll enjoy this story 

Still thanking you for bearing with me

Mystrade masterlist here
