#soulmate behaviour indeed



Kaito, THINKING, internally, to himself, NOT out loud: Jeez, they really went and made a sign for me? Kaitou KID’s an elusive magician! He wouldn’t just…

Conan, TALKING, out loud: …show up where the sign says, right?

I mean HOLY SHIT. It is one thing when Kaito and Shinichi finish each other’s sentences when talking, which they canonically did in the past, but that Shinichi can actually finish Kaito’s thoughts.

And the thing is, he wasn’t talking before that. It’s not like he was in a conversation walking up there and just finished the same/a similar sentence just as Kaito was thinking that, this isn’t a cut from Kaito’s thoughts over to Shinichi’s conversation somewhere else.

No, Kaito’s thoughts are interrupted by Conan approaching and speaking up - and speaking up in the middle of a sentence, the very sentence Kaito was just thinking. Shinichi just takes over and finishes Kaito’s thought out loud.

I like to talk about soulmate behavior when it comes to Kaito and Shinichi, but hot damn, this is some next level soulmate behavior, honestly.
