#soulmate first words au


I rise out of the depths of tumblr avoidance to set the record straight about something that probably doesn’t matter to anyone but me, but what is the Internet for, if not explanatory narratives about something nobody needed explained?

OKAY SO, Fanlore attributes me writing soulmate fic to a post I made WAY BACK IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2014 (here is the post, reblogged by me on May 22nd, in case anyone was curious [https://web.archive.org/web/20170707232038/https://amusewithaview.tumblr.com/post/86538169905/cinderlily-parnela-lansbury-kenezbian]).

HOWEVER, I have always alwaysalways said, whenever anyone asked, that I got the idea for First Words Soulmate Stuff from a post in the Les Mis fandom, so seeing my inspiration INCORRECTLY ATTRIBUTED annoyed me because like—give credit where it’s due, you know?

So I finally hunted down the Originating Instigating Post, the one I STILL REMEMBERED all these years later, and here it is: [https://amusewithaview.tumblr.com/post/85267114295/yo-so-i-just-read-that-post-about-couferre-and]. Discerning readers will note that I reblogged this Les Mis fandom post on May 9th, 2014, a whole 13 days before I reblogged the post that Fanlore currently sites as my likely inspiration.

I’ll grant you, IDK where THEIR inspiration came from, and frankly I do not currently care enough to hunt through their back catalogue of posts circa 2014 and find out, but I WAS INSPIRED BY THIS LES MIS POST.

@dameferre — hi, I cannot for the life of me remember whether we actually interacted at one point or if I was just one of many Internet goblins following you way back in 2014, but—for better or worse—none of my Darcy soulmate stories would exist were it not for you.

On a whole other note—my first soulmate story with soulmarks was posted on AO3 in 2012, in the Teen Wolf fandom, but idk if that’s relevant to the “first words” debate.

And there we go, an explanation—WITH SOURCES!—for something you probably never needed explained.

You heard it straight from Amuse’s mouth.
