



✰ on the page linked below in the SOURCE LINK, you will find ( TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FOUR ) hq gifs of SIMONE ASHLEY.all gifs in this pack are sourced from her roles in BOOGIE MAN,KILL BEN LYK,SPARROW, & A WORKING MOM’S NIGHTMARE. simone is 26 and is of indian (tamil)descent, so please remember to take that into consideration when using her as a faceclaim. all gifs were cropped at 245x145 and were made from scratch by feiferfor roleplaying purposes only. therefore, i am taking full credit for these. DO NOT: add these gifs to any other gif hunts, gif sets, edit, redistribute, claim as your own, use in real-life celebrity rps, smut rps or for smut writing. DO:give this post a likeorreblogif you found these useful or have any intention of using these.

  • gifs feature: Eugene Simon, Bronson Webb, Scroobuis Pip, Lydia Wilson.
  • warnings/triggers: Glass, hitting someone over the head with a glass object, touching of one’s private areas, forcefully grabbing one and having them touch private areas (my brain was scrambled on how to word these two), guns (pointing and shooting), being held at gun point, kissing, cigarettes, smoking, partial nudity (shoulders exposed, body covered), food (apple).

(Click here for gifs of Simone in various television series. )
