

Closeup of my recent Elain x Lucien x Azriel painting Lucien my love

THE PULL OF NIGHT FROM DAY | Elain Archeron Lucien Vanserra Azriel of the Night Court

Today as I was doing the finishing touches on this painting that has been sitting unfinished for FAR too long, I was (fittingly) listening to the preview of the Elain episode of the @maastastic podcast over on their Patreon and it was getting me SO PUMPED for her book. It’s funny, because back months and months ago pre-ACOSF when I started this piece, my main interest in Elain revolved around who she would end up with and that was kinda…it? But now I am MUCH more concerned with her powers, her inner world and what she has been doing while claiming to be “gardening” this whole time??? Seems suspicious to me She is a mysterious character and I can’t wait to see her development. I’m personally gunning for dark!Elain but we’ll have to see…

Lineart hits different sometimes

And darling Elain. What you hiding, girlie, inquiring minds want to know……

This is the first time I have painted Azriel and actually felt like it comes close to how i picture him in my head ‍
