


(Kuroba Toichi may have passed on, but his memory and his legacy live on in Kaito. Who else would remember his soulmate? Kaito cannot help but wonder.)

post black org, soulmate-identifying marks au

a/n:for@spacebubblehomebase for the kaishin secret santa 2021 hosted by @dcmkkaishinevents! i hope you like it :) i had a lot of fun with your prompt 

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Joined a Secret Santa event this year and got prompts for our ship! Naturally, I had to pick the hardest out of them cause I like to make myself miserable lmao- (TvT) Anywho! I originally signed up as an artist, but since the person who wanted this was good with ANY type of media, I took my creative liberties and began writing down potential plot too! Hope you enjoy them because I’m not done yet and this is just a preview before your ACTUAL Christmas gift, dear @ilsepfefferminz!Have a very happy holidays in the meantime, okay? ;-)


The Anemo God saw how dangerous it is for anyone with malicious intent to hold magical jewels as they please (specially like that of Dvalin’s tears), so he appointed someone to make sure those gems never reach the hands of evil. They can go about it however they like as long as they don’t cause harm and the disciple they appointed chose to be a phantom thief. Unbound by mortal rules and laws. It started with his mother, then his father who was killed by a gang of bandits aiming for a specific gem of true eternity (that the Kurobas have never even heard of before then), and thus, it was a title passed on to their prankster of a son, KurobaKaito. Who studied from Sumeru (and absolutely obliterated the top scores at the Academy) and went back to Mondstat to become a carefree travelling performer after getting sick of studying for tests he could answer in his sleep, only to find out the truth of his lineage. Gaining the blessing of a certain bard and taking up the mantle, he becomes Teyvat’s notorious (yet beloved) thief reincarnated, the guardian of any and all celestial gems, and the thorn to every sort of authority that challenges him, Kaitou KID.

He got the Anemo God’s Blessing with a game of Poker. He won (and cheated), but Venti was a good sport about it. In fact, he found his guts to go against (and cheat) an Archon to be hilarious and the bard DID agree to a FREE game so- ce la vie. The two of them got along like a house in the eye of a sentient hurricane. Not only because of their cheerful performer disposition, but also because Kaito can truly understand how the Anemo God feels about taking the place of someone once so adored and revered. It’s a heavy burden. One that Kaito can also share.

Shinichi Kudo is a detective from Inazuma. His father rushed him to Fontaine in the guise of furthering his detective career when they heard early tales of a civil war coming about. Though danger knows how to follow brilliant minds as Shinichi found himself cornered and corrupted by a type of gem that grants eternity… at a price. His age was reduced to half and slowed to a snail’s pace. Granting him the life of a nekomata. A type of youkai who lives a life full of death and holds no peace despite his near immortality. To end the curse, at night he ventures out to seek the same type of gem that brought on his misfortune. For only when the moon rises does the curse give way for his true self to reappear and only then would he not have to hide beneath the glasses of the young, yet eccentric Conan Edogawa.

Some time ago, a young(?) catalyst with a specialty in alchemy revealed to Conan the type of (ultra) rare gem used in the potion that the bandits used to curse him. If it could do that, then it’ll most likely be needed for his cure as well, she says. Thus begins his journey of traversing domains at night and stumbling upon death after death at day. It’s disturbing, really. To be a detective that detest murder and yet to live in Teyvat, a world where slaughter is a means of survival. Necessary and often morbidly understood. A world where nekomatas can barely take a break from the amount of killing that happens everyday. The night have become his only breather. The only time he can curve the call of passing souls as Shinichi Kudo is a mere human who can’t instinctively feel when someone dies from a fair city away. Far out of his reach. Still, it shakes his morality. Test his faith. Remembering how he got his vision as he was being poisoned. Believing he’s at the brink of death. Thinking how desperately he wanted for a little more time to exact his justice on those who wronged him… Just a little more time… And now? With the same power that drove his country to war at his fingertips? He’s sick and tired of eternity.

To think… That he’d find a man of morals similar to his own- one that despises murder with a burning passion -in the mind of a criminal most annoying of all people! He can still recall their first meeting at Fontaine. Detective Shinichi would just like to check for a certain type of gem, if only that stupid thief won’t stand in his way. KID’s just here to do his job (and also find a certain gem to maybe get some rightful revenge on the side), thank you very much. But he must admit, the mysterious and evasive Detective of the East (who only appears at night- what’s up with that-) can be very entertaining to match wits against.

On the other hand, when morning comes, Conan wonders what he did to deserve this. As a nekomata, he has his needs and being feline meant a new craving for fish and not just the celestial ambrosia that is coffee. Who knew that he’d instead be catching a notorious prankster once drowning in the water for unspecified reasons and screaming bloody murder to all finny things when he went out to go fishing that fateful day? Then later, said genius performer insisted on being the first member of his party (whether he likes it or not) as a concerned citizen who took upon a self-appointed duty of looking out for impressionable children left on their own. To be fair, Conan thinks the guy is also, technically, a stranger. But time and again, he proves to be trustworthy enough. Still, why does Kaito-nii seem very curious about his distant “cousin?” And why does he remind him of that one silly fairytale of a street rat that found a genie and became a prince in white lies? Curioser and curioser.

(Random fun fact. If Kaito can get along with Venti, Conan would probably get along with Diona if he ever paid a visit to the homeland of that stupid thief. It’s because both Diona and him are young nekos who share a deep hatred for alcohol for one reason or another.)

Now here’s the tough question, if you can only have one, who would you pull for? XD

