#sparky vs minecraft



I seem to have an uncanny knack for getting Minecraft Cravings right before, unbeknownst to me, a major update is scheduled.

My main world is one where I’m a lone construction working building the Dragon Path. Why am I building the Dragon Path? Well, perhaps someday someone could use a safe path through the world. Currently I have the basics of the Path 5,000 blocks north and 5,000 blocks south of origin: a path at sea level, a path at level 10, and a path at level -55. There’s also a Nether Path connecting these two - the Southern Nether Path is complete to my satisfaction for now (at least until I go further south). Currently I’m sprucing up the Northern Path, since it was the first direction I went in and I’m now overpowered and ready to spruce it up after exploring to the South. Mostly this involves encasing anything exposed to the surface with glass and switching underground staircases to ladders. I have not yet started on the Eastern or Western Dragon Paths.

Every 100 blocks on each branch of the Path is a Dragon Signpost, which every 200 blocks becomes a Dragon Waypoint. They have simple dragon heads on high pillars to mark where they are, always facing back towards Origin, and the Waypoints each have some basic amenities like a bed, crafting table, and so on, along with a potato garden and some acacia and jungle trees, since they’re my favourite species to work with.

Every 1,000 blocks, the Waypoints upgrade to Dragon Monuments. On the Northern Dragon Path the monuments are marked by Horns: one horn on the N1000 Monument, two on N2000, and so on. On the Southern Dragon Path, the monuments are marked by Tails. I plan for the Eastern Monuments to be marked by Claws and the Western Monuments to be marked by Tongues (or tongue-forks, anyway). Once I hit 11,000 blocks in any direction, instead of, say, an 11-horned dragon on the Northern Path, there will instead be a two-headed dragon, each head with one horn, and then N12000 will have a two-headed dragon with two heads each having two horns, and so on.

One of these days I’ll make the Origin Dragon Monument, with four dragon heads where the head facing any particular direction won’t have the distinguishing mark of that direction. So, the Northern Origin Dragon will have a Tongue, Tail, and Claws, but no Horns.

Anyway, all of these plans were in place and partially built before the latest update. Since I can now pull along treasure boats, the Paths will now have canals dug on each side of them at sea level, and built up over mountains, always three blocks wide for maneuverability. After all, I must make way for when the shipping lanes come back…
