#speaking of issues


sorry for the tony&nat spam i just figured out what i’m doing w them in the issueverse and i’m catching feeling mostly

still thinking about the throwaway line in what if episode 1, where howard says he and hedy lamarr spent a weekend together but she wasn’t teaching him german.

this line is SO good because on the surface it’s just, oh, howard spent a weekend with a famous actress. that’s sort of nothing, little joke that plays up his reputation. meant to imply they spent more time in bed than talking, probably.

but also, hedy lamarr was an inventor who absolutely attempted to contribute to weapons development in WWII and, notably, probably would’ve been happy to collaborate with howard, since her work wasn’t actually being used at the time otherwise.

chances are that weekend was spent going over invention ideas more than anything else. but his playboy reputation means that’d be nobody’s first thought, and he knows that, and that’s just sooo good. 10/10. who’s going to suspect a thing?

i love when people are like “he’s ooc in that” but they’re talking about actual canon. like babes the canon decides what’s ic
