#speaking to the void

Well y’all, the sad day has finally arrived. The time has come for me to retire this blog. I will le

Well y’all, the sad day has finally arrived. The time has come for me to retire this blog. I will leave it up as an archive for those of you who may wish to revisit my posts, but I will no longer be active here. 

Tbh this is a lot harder to do than I thought it would be. I always planned to retire this page when the manga ended, but now that the time has arrived, I find myself extremely emotional about it and quite sad. Originally, I wanted to try and convert this blog to multifandom, but over time I just felt like that would be a huge disservice not only to you guys, but to this blog in general. I’d rather move blogs and start over while keeping this blog 100% snk and dedicated to Levi over trying to bumble fuck it into something else. 

I mean, this blog is six years of my life in this fandom. Six years of analyzing, thirsting, editing, shitposting, and loving this series and Levi all clustered together. It’s six years worth of me coping, making new friends, and talking to all of you. I feel like this blog is sacred to me for a lot of different reasons and because of that, I simply cannot bring myself to impede on it with other fandom content. 

So, I am permanently moving to my multifandom blog @gojous

Mutuals here will get an automatic followback from me there. I still post snk there, and I will also happily answer any asks some of you may have regarding snk and its characters there as well, but the time has come for me to move on from this blog. 

I just want to say that I love and appreciate every single one of you so, so much. Truly, y’all have been a light for me in the darkest times of my life, and while this fandom has had it’s ups and downs, it is still hands down my all time favorite fandom to be in and to interact with. Thank you to everyone who has followed or interacted with me on this platform. I hope to see a lot of y’all on my new blog, but if not, no hard feelings. I still love you all the same. 

I wish you all nothing but the best and I am so grateful to have shared this chaotic and emotional rollercoaster of a journey with you. I am so sad to see snk end, but good things cannot last forever. I hope you all know how much you mean to me and how truly honored I am to have had the amazing experiences you all have granted me on this blog. It has meant the absolute world to me. 

Thank you all for everything! I hope to see you soon — ♡              

Post link

Levi survived.

Levi succeeded.

Levi fulfilled his promise.

Levi fulfilled his purpose.

And in the end, Levi got closure.

Levi finally gets to move forward, and find a new purpose in life, and some semblance of peace in life just like he’s always deserved, and just like I always wanted for him. I’m so proud of him and all he’s accomplished, and he will always sit at the top of my list as my all time favorite character.

I’m yellingggggg, at this point Levi has a 99.9% chance of surviving to the end BLESS it’s what he deserves I’m so
