#special gift ever


Honestly I’ve never received such a wonderful belated birthday gift like this. Normally I will just hangout with friends to have a small celebration.

This masterpiece is above than beyond and it melts my heart.

Thank you for drawing a lovely story of Leo x Annalisa ❤ @is-me-ahhuang

I will put the translation under, from left to right, up to down

11th March, Morning


“Leo… I’m going out now”

“The bookstore is too busy, I need to come over and help a bit”

“I promise I will come home soon and we can have a date later”

Suddenly he hugs her tightly

“Are you forgetting something?”

“You don’t have to say it out! I already know it…”

She gives him a smooch on the cheek ❤

“Okay…I’m going now!”

“Such a cutie, be careful going outside”

“I know, I know. Bye!”

“Now the place suddenly so quiet. Everytime she’s not here, it feels like something is missing”

11th March, Evening

“Good evening ~ Aiko-chan, Leonardo is in the kitchen at the moment” - Dazai

"The kitchen?”

“Cara Mia, welcome back”

*let she sits


“You must be tired working hard all day. Now let us enjoy the rest of the day together, today is your special day, alright?”


After dinner

“This is the last one in the menu tonight”

“Now, salute”

“Is there anything that you can’t do? Even your cooking skill is better than mine”

“Haha, you are so cute when you are pouting your face like that”

“…Are you teasing me?”

“Now now, lend me your hand”

“What are you planning to do?”

“There there, you will know soon”


“Hmhm, done”

“Also, I have some words that I wanna say to you”

“I’ve never imagined myself living without you anymore, even in the future”

“I want to keep holding your hand tightly until you hate it, I want you to be by my side to live a whole full life.”

“Ah, maybe you think I’m selfish…”

“But I don’t want let you go, not a chance”

*She’s crying like a river

“Are you okay? Why are you crying?”

“You can never ever take back what you just said, keep your words ans stay by my side forever, do you hear me?”


- The End -
