#spewing out of thier mouth




But goddamn do they need better fucking support/representation then what they get. 

Im sorry but slapping bi onto a character JUST so you can justify your same gender ship, which lets face it, is 99% just some yaoi/yuri wank thats devoid of any real connection and only exists so you can jack off to, is NOT good representation. 

Like fucking, I just saw some Luke Skywalker discourse. 

Now anyone who knows anything about Star Wars knows that Luke is straight, he was interested in Leia (before it was found out she was his sister) and in the EU he marries Mara Jade and has several children with her. Theres no indication Luke was ever interested in men. And of course the tumblrites crawled out of their holes and bemoaned that “Luke could be bi, you dont know”. 

Its really funny when people bring up this stupid ass argument “You dont know” 

Even if you lay out the characters ENTIRE HISTORY to them, they’ll still deny it. Like imagine every piece of every Star Wars media that had Luke in it was laid out before them, every game, movie, book, what have you, HIS ENTIRE CHARACTER HISTORY. And NOTHING EVER indicates that hes ever been interested in men. They would say “Well you dont know” Yeah, I fucking do. His entire biography is right in front of you, you dense motherfucker. Do you think that Luke’s supposed interest in men only exists in medium that doesnt exist? Hes only interested in men when the audience cant read the book, watch the movie, or play the video game that involves that aspect of Lukes life? How the fuck does that even work?

I know this was a rant, and I seem to have lost the point of this post. But im saying that Luke being bi to justify you shipping him with Han Solo, really isnt good. 

Bi people need true blue bi representation of someone whose character history actually shows them interested in both genders. Like Marceliene from Adventure Time. Yep, Marcy is bi, and has had boyfriends before she started dating Princess Bubblegum. 

The AT fandom, and Tumblr in general would like you to forget that happened so they can continue to shout how gay PB/Marcy are. I really dont like how a mainstream bisexual character has been stolen from bisexual peoples hands. I am curious to know what would happen if you had a picture of Marcy with the bi flag, or submitted her to a “Bisexualcharacter of the day” type of blog? Would there be backlash? Probably!

Gay people need representation as well, as they’re sorely lacking in it as well, but we need to not cross the streams and keep bi and gay representation separate, because they are fundamentally different sexualities, though they are both part of the LGBT community, they are still different and have different needs, which I feel that no one realizes. 

Bisexuality needs to stop being used as a bandaid to justify shipping and needs to be fully embraced as an actual identity, something that I feel isnt a lot of the time. 

But yes I’m sure your anger toward people who think Luke is gay or bi is purely because you are just so concerned with the bi and gay community, that is very obvious. And all the research you have done into proving Luke is straight is done entirely out of concern for better representation yessiree

Bisexual representation equals about 2 fucking people I can name off the top of my head. If there isn’t fan made representation, then the well tends to run dry.

As a bisexual who’s been in a 7 year relationship like, my bisexuality is treated the same way. Many people in my life have not seen me, a bisexual, out of it. To them it doesn’t exist simply because they haven’t seen “proof”. So I’m telling you, as a bisexual, to fuck right off saying that you have to have characters explicitly state being bisexual at every moment of the day in order to be a “real bisexual”

I, a bisexual, am totes cool with turning every fucking character in every fucking fic into bisexuals.

Yeah, I want representation in media, but fuck dude, I also want it in fanfic.
