#sphere convex



he was already dressed, seonghwa knew he wanted to go out while he had the free time. yeah, the company offered help but he wanted to try his hand at it on his own. that didn’t mean he didn’t mind a little bit of the company. the main reason he found himself seeking out woohyun. if there was anyone that would go out with him, it would be woohyun. and it didn’t take to long to the other in the living room. 

“hey~” he sing-songed a bit and came to sit down next to woohyun on the couch. “do you want to go shopping with me? i’m trying to figure out what i want to wear for the party.” he had a few floating around. it wasn’t his style to do something hard or overly complicated. “it shouldn’t take too long but i always enjoy the feel of planning it.” either way, he knew it’d be fun at least. 

woohyun’s leisurely laying about in the living room, lost in his thoughts bout the musical opportunity. he’s looking over his minor parts, trying to engrave them into memory when seonghwa plops down next to him. he lifts his head at the other’s voice, smiling brightly at the younger. “hey~” he sings back, locking his phone and dropping it on his lap, shifting to give the other more room. eyebrows raising at the question, he tilts his head, his smile widening.

“sure!” he agrees, nodding his head. he’s be happy to get out and about, clear his mind a bit and gear him up for the party. “nothing wrong with that! let me just…” he trails off, glancing down at his clothes. they’re just joggers in a t-shirt, which isn’t too bad for just going out in shopping in. “grab a hoodie and a hat real quick! and i’ll be ready to go?” he pushes off the couch, calling out a ‘one sec~’, diving back in his room to grab his things. once fully dressed, he makes sure to grab a mask and his wallet, shuffling back out into the living room, aiming to grab his shoes. “what are the ideas you’re working with?” he asks as he looks back up at seonghwa with a curious smile.


in the clouds,


Hyun tries – and fails – to stifle a large yawn with his hand, his mouth opening wide like a walrus. “Ah~ But hyung, if I tell you, won’t I be spoiling the episode for you? That’s not fair, right~? Ooh! But I can tell you this – I got to work with Jeon Somin! And K.ARMA’s Kil was there too, she was in the same recording today.”

woohyun smiles at the younger, humming in sympathy. “i’ll bet.” he’s seen a handful of episodes, and knows that a lot of the content on running man is tiring, if not fun and exhiliarting. he doesn’t at all blame the other for being tired. “you’ll sleep like a rock, i’m sure.” he muses, chuckling. woohyun would at least, with how much he’s seen gone on the episodes. put the constant music promotions on top of that, and god. woohyun can feel the added exhaustion in his bones, even if he’s had a few hours of rest.

“it is!” he beams. “gotta give some tender love and care to these babies.” he taps his throat in gesture, chuckling at his statement. he’s always drinking some sort of warm beverage every night before bed. water and teas are his best friend, especially during promotion periods. “i’ll make you some! it’ll feel nice on your stomach too, especially before bed.” he’s quick to set his mug down and get to work, moving to heat back up the water once more. “you sound wonderful every time, too.”

as he looks over to jonghyun, he sees the yawn, and smiles fondly, before redirecting his attention back to the tea. “ah, i guess so.” he states in faux disappointment, an exaggerated pout on his face and apparent in his words. “i guess i’ll wait til the airing. oh woe is me…” he can’t help but laugh. “oh? how was that? were they nice?”

after a few moments of preparation, he’s pouring the tea into another mug, and the scent is warm and soothing. he smiles as he does, and when finished, presents it to the younger. “here you go~” he moves to retrieve the honey, setting it down by the mug for sweetener. “it’s steaming, so wait a bit. blow on it if you need.” he adds gently.



( … )

          “nervous? like we get there and they realize you should be singing so you have to emergency prepare a song nervous?” he teases, knowing it won’t happen but he’d actually he happy to see it. woohyun singing on the show seems like a matter of time, right? he’s perfect for it. then again, he’d love to see all the members get a chance one day. it’s a nice ambition, if only to show off how each of them are talented, outside of the units they’re in too. “what kind of song do you think will be sung today? a ballad? trot?” hoseok grins wider. though he wouldn’t dare sing it himself on a show like this, he does love the sound of it when others do. 

“i wish.” woohyun snorts. the idea is fun– if not a little far-fetched. maybe in woohyun’s wildest dreams. but it’s still exciting, a bit nerve-wracking; king of masked singer had been a show he loves to watch, loves to guess along with the panel members. he even wants to perform on it, someday. seungcheol being on it is something inspiring, and it gets him even more excited for the event. “i just really like it~”

he hums at the question. he’s seen so many different types, that he isn’t quite sure. ballad is probably the best suited answer, but trot…woohyun would be ecstatic. “i hope it’s trot.” he says after a moment, nodding to himself. “that would be fun. i always love hearing it– it’s fun! fun to dance along to.” it’s almost impossible for him to sit still in trot performances; there’s something about it that always makes him dance.

“i wonder if we’ll know anyone.” he wonders after a moment, humming as he tilts his head to stare up at the ceiling of the van. “either on the panel or one of the contestants.” that would be surprising; being a panelist on an episode where they knew the contestant. it would have been cool to be here for seungcheol, but woohyun won’t complain at the opportunity given at all.


with promotions in swing, woohyun falls back into the usual habits he has at the broadcast station. which means a lot of sleep at any point he can in between the usual broadcast priorities. after breakfast that he scarfs down, he’s quick to find somewhere to rest up a bit before they move into second rehearsal and getting ready for the live show. he needs all the energy he can get, especially with how challenging the dance has been for him. he finds an open space next to sehun, and plops down on it. he’s subtle for a moment, shifting closer to the younger before he all but collapses against his side, chuckling tiredly.

“sehun-ah~” he sings, reaching out to give the other a big hug. though tired, he’s still happy to give some affection to his younger members. “did you eat well?” he loosens his hug, but he still leans up against the other, snuggling closer as he gets comfortable. he hums, resting his head on sehun’s shoulder and lets his eyes trail over the others milling about the room. some are still eating, some are goofing around with staff– and some are taking the chance to rest as well. “first rehearsal sounded good. i’m excited to perform…” he trails off into a yawn.

@sangyeonrk ; set a couple of days before weekly idol recording 

woohyun’s always been curious, especially during promotion times– where they go to so many different recordings. he’s always wondering what they’re going to do, what he’ll say; he’s thinking up various ideas and songs to showcase on variety shows or interviews. with weekly idol steadily approaching, he’s already trying to think of what they might have to do; he’s gone through a couple of the latest release episodes to check the types of activities and corners they’re doing lately. he’s been trying to do better, especially on variety shows– so he’s been putting extra care into trying to have some sort of idea before they officially record. 

he’s in the middle of watching a group doing the random play dance bit when he sees someone enter the living room. glancing up, he immediately pauses, smiling when he notices it’s sangyeon. “sangyeon-ah!” he greets, reaching up towards the couch to pat the seat. “do you wanna brainstorm for weekly idol?” he asks, grinning cutely. he directs his attention back to the computer, humming as he taps through the video. “i’m looking at some of the segments, trying to gear up for it. stay prepared, that sort of thing.” he’s not horrible at improvising, but it makes him feel much more comfortable having an idea of what to expect, or at least to gather up inspiration prior.

backdated; convex win(s) reaction ;

don’t wanna cry is something that feels very convex, but also very different compared to a lot of other things they’ve released thus far. it’s grown to be a song that woohyun enjoys very much, even if the dance is one that he felt he struggled with the most this comeback. it feels worth it, then he sees the overwhelming response in the days passing– and after the first win, and then the second– it feels good. it feels right.

he almost cries every time. it feels like the first time they won, and woohyun can’t help the immense and overwhelming joy he feels with each day that passes. he’s in such good spirits at the end of the day, exhausted by the pressure of busy schedules and high expectations, but living on the adrenaline high that comes with a successful promotion period.

convex have been through a lot. woohyun’s seen it from the start, when he transferred over to sphere for the boy group project. he doesn’t know what he expected then– just a debut, just a chance to sing his heart out on the stage. he was just happy to perform, and now it’s just the same, but a little different.

he wants to sing, and he wants to be with convex. they’re a group, and a team, and woohyun doesn’t think he wants to stop this at any time.  this is what he wants to do, and the team he wants to do it with.

when a third win comes, and then a fourth– with the happiness come the pressure. and woohyun knows that next time, the expectations will be higher; the need to continue the success after this promotion is going to be apparent, and he knows it’ll be tough. but he’s excited, and he’s looking forward to the future. with convex, woohyun thinks they can do anything.

with each promotion they appear on, woohyun gives his all. he wants to make this promotion cycle one to remember; he makes notes to continue practicing, to be at his peak performance for both convex, sphere, consta, and more importantly, himself. 


promoting don’t wanna cry makes him feel like he’s on cloud nine. it feels good, to be happy in the midst of promotions; he doesn’t worry about anything– just merely basking in the glory of it all and enjoying the time with his members. so many of them are busy, either solo or in small groups or they’re altogether. there’s always someone doing something, and woohyun’s happy to see it. 

he wasn’t able to catch seonghwa after his idol radio schedule, body too exhausted after the music core filming to do much other than rest. it’s the next day, during the in-between time before music core filming starts when he can’t sleep anymore, when he plops down next to seonghwa and leans against him, shooting him a grin.

“how was the radio schedule?” he asks, tilting his head at the other. “i wasn’t able to catch it last night,” he pouts. he had just been too tired to even try, but the first thing he’s going to do when they get back to the dorm is find the upload of it.  

backdated ; september 13th

woohyun thinks the best part about having such a large group, is that there are so many of them. he’s never bored, because there’s always someone willing to spend time with him. and despite there being a lot of birthdays in the group, that’s one of the things woohyun enjoys the most. he loves gift giving, and above all, he likes spoiling the members. there are times where he can’t do much other than grab a cake and some praise, but he always attempts something. birthdays are special days to appreciate someone, and woohyun adores every member of their group. it would be almost criminal of him to not do something!

he catches jaehyun in the morning, when they’re gearing up to head to the broadcasting station. he’s still tired from being woken up, but after seeing jaehyun in the kitchen, he’s quick to turn right back around and head back into his group, grasping for his present.
he didn’t have time to do anything extravagant, no cakes or treats this time around. it’s just a simple sweatshirt, one he had grabbed after the slow shift from summer to autumn began to show itself. he grabs the small gift bag and meanders his way back out to where he saw the birthday boy last. 

“jaehyun-ah~” he sing songs, using one hand to wipe the sleep from his eyes. when he has jaehyun’s attention, he grins, lifting his gift in the air. “happy birthday~” he sings, wiggling his brows. “here~ autumn is coming, and it’s best to stay warm. hopefully it fits!”


he’s brewing a cup of tea in the kitchen, one of usual routines before bed in the midst of promotions. he has a whole list of soothing throat remedies and preventions that he uses, and a nice cup of tea to soothe his throat for the following day is one of the easier and simplest ones to do. it also feels like a treat after a long day of work, and there’s a soft smile on his face as he finishes making it.

he’s adding a little bit of honey to the drink when hyun enters the kitchen. he lifts his head up and smiles wide in greeting. “hyun-ah,” he greets with a chirp. he stirs in the honey for his tea, lifting his mug up to sip at tentatively. humming against the rim of the cup, he pulls it away to look to hyun again, tilting his head. “how was the recording?” woohyun questions softly. with how packed their schedule was, woohyun hasn’t seen the younger much today, as he was scheduled for a running man recording. “anything fun?” he raises his brows at the other in questtion, smile tugging on his mouth.

glancing at his mug, then back to hyun, he hums. “would you like some tea? i can make you a cup.”

sphereent:            [ ● ] SPHERE ENT @sphereent • Sep 4             CONVEX 4TH MINI-ALBUM ‘RIGHT


            [ ●]SPHERE ENT @sphereent • Sep 4

            PHOTO TEASER ● ROYAL

           #CONVEX #컨벡스
           #RIGHT:WE #울고_싶지_않아 #DONTWANNACRY
           #ROYAL #로얄

Post link


with their comeback only days away, recordings for promotions come in full force right in the beginning of the month. he and hoseok are on the way to a recording of king of masked singer, and woohyun knows their time as a panelist is only going to fuel his want to be on the show as a contestant. he’s definitely happy about their appearance, and it’s obvious in the way he can’t stop fidgeting.

there’s music playing softly on the radio up front, and woohyun taps a rhythm on his leg, humming it softly. his feet shift against the floor of the car, one leg crossing over the other, only for him to switch legs after a moment. he can’t sit still, excitement bubbling in his form. he knows they’re only panelists, and certainly not the only ones that’ll be there– but the experience in itself is something woohyun knows he’s going to enjoy.

he lets out a soft sigh then, leaning his head back against the seat rest, staring up at the ceiling. “hoseok-ah,” he calls out quietly, as to not disturb the manager in front of the car. “i’m so excited i think i’m getting nervous.” he ends with a laugh, shaking his head to himself. it’s pretty silly of him to be getting nervous about this with the amount of other things they’ve done as convex– but he’s so excited.


he’s always excited when they travel. it only adds onto the positives woohyun finds with idol life– getting to go to different places for different things; los angeles is entirely new, and he’s excited.he can’t help but babble and ramble throughout their journey to the states. even the trip from the airport to their hotel, woohyun’s eyes were glued on their surroundings. taking in everything and anything he could in the short amount of time they’re here for.

he’s using a towel to dry his hair, idling on one of the hotel beds. they’ve got a long day of filming tomorrow, and he’s thinking about how everything will go with it. he’s in good spirits, humming a song he heard on the radio under his breath. letting out a sigh, he drapes the towel around his shoulders, raking a hand through his hair. turning his head, he shoots a smile at seonghwa. “have you been to the states before?” he fiddles with the ends of the towel, shifting idly. “we haven’t seen much, but the scenery looked so nice…i can’t wait to film.” he trails off in a murmur, smiling to himself.


     meteor shower,

( … )

“lead the way~” he sing-songs. watching his character run around with friends in-game is always enjoyable, and jinwook’s pout easily slides away. “starry wall sounds nice,” he adds, trying to imagine what it might look like. well, jinwook doesn’t exactly have much at all in his house yet, so anything sounds nice. “i have a couple of the, um…. star materials for it, so i can trade you!” when woohyun twists to look at him, jinwook is waiting with a cheesy grin. “our hyung always takes care of us so well~ no wonder everyone always— oh!” the soft chime of a shooting star echoes between their switches, a valuable distraction. jinwook quickly shifts his camera up to catch one, then frowns when his character just swings his net instead. he’d forgotten to put away the tool. “ah, i missed it…”

“are there? i bet they’re cute too…” he mumbles, pouting down at the screen. he’s only seen celeste and blathers; are owls npc only? he’ll have to find out. he fiddles with the console, tapping on the sides of it with his fingers as he waits for the airport descent screen to finish up. he lets out a happy noise, softened to not be loud, grinning to himself when he sees jinwook’s character. “cute~~ ah, wait. how do i…” he fumbles with the console, eyebrows pinched in concentration. he finds the ‘delight’ reaction and clicks it, then nods to himself. his smile is wide on his face as he hurriedly navigates his character to where he last saw celeste.

“whatever you wanna do! it looks pretty– i haven’t tried it out yet. but stars are always pretty, i think.” he rambles on, moving the joystick around and cooing at the few villagers he has as he moves past them. celeste it on the upper right beach, walking around idly and he brings his character to a stop when he hears jinwook stop abruptly. he peers at the screen, quick to reassure. “it’s okay, there’s a lot tonight. always more to come.” he taps on the joy reaction while standing next to celeste, grinning to himself at how cute it looks. “aw. what were you gonna say?” he tilts his head up, beaming at jinwook. “everyone always?” he tilts his head curiously, but drags his attention away when he hears the echoed sound of a star shooting across the sky in game. “oh– star, star, star.” he sings softly, quick to exit out of the reaction and catch one of the scattered stars that appear on screen.


    let go,

( … )

that voice also coincidentally sounded like his father, “i have only practiced singing for… barley a year, so i know i’m lacking,” his eyes shift to the floor, if there was an visual imagery he’d look like a puppy thinking it would get scolded.

woohyun lets out a long hum, eyes watching jaehyun’s face carefully. his expression is attentative, nodding his head along with the information he’s given. it makes sense– thoughts that he can empathize with. he’s careful as he gathers his thoughts, straightens up and busies himself fiddling with his sleeves. his tongue pokes against the inside of his cheek, and after a moment, woohyun lets out a soft breath, and his smile is soft.

“you’re already doing well.” he says after a moment, tilting his head. “and you work hard. even if it’s barely a year, your voice is nice to hear. i like the sound of it a lot.” he reaches out to pat the other’s shoulder, the force of his smile crinkling his eyes in the corners.

“this might sound a little silly,” woohyun starts, his expression turning a bit sheepish as he pulls back to straighten his form again. “but think less– there’s a lot going on in your head, right? a lot of expectations on your shoulders.” he tilts his head back, eyes trailing up at the ceiling as he narrows his gaze at the plaster, before dropping his stare back down to jaehyun. he beams, nodding his head to himself. “it might be a little hard to, but practice makes perfect, or as close to it as we can get, right?” he says. “sing– freely. without any thoughts and worries. you’re you, and your voice is uniquely you.” fondly, he reaches out to gently tap the other’s forehead cutely.


sweet treat,

( … )

besides everything that has been going on internally, externally, there isn’t much excitement that he feels, in all honesty. taeyong had felt this way last year, but he had been in such a weird and different place then, which he would say is the complete oppositeof the place he’s currently at. he wonders if that’s just a given getting older – the more birthdays you have, the less exciting it becomes. just another year in the life. luckily, he has his brothers, his friends to help him get more in the mood. he’s blessed to have people like woohyun, who especially has had a hand in shaping taeyong into who he is at the present moment. he smiles at the eldest member fondly – he knows he’s a suckerfor sweets. “oh my gosh, hyung, you got me treats?” he’s immediately standing from his sitting position. “thank you so much, hyung ~ you shouldn’t have!”

woohyun refuses to let a birthday pass without doing something. whether it’s spending hours over a letter with all the words he can muster or a simple little gift– he always has to do something. he appreciates his friends, his family, and convex is in both of those departments. so naturally, he has to do something. the cupcakes are something so small to him– and he’s already been making mental notes on what to do for the next gift giving opportunity.

“i did,” woohyun beams, nodding his head with a wide grin. he waits until taeyong has stood before he continues his gentle tugging of the other into the kitchen, looking around as if they were going to get caught. he hums, shaking his head, shooting taeyong a sweet smile. “i probably shouldn’t have, but…” he trails off, ushering taeyong in the direction of the kitchen in his excitement. “…i think something sweet on your birthday is always nice. rewarding. you made it through another year!”

a thought crosses his mind, and he stops suddenly. turning his attention to taeyong, his eyes are wide a bit, a pout beginning to build on his mouth. “i didn’t get candles.” he says, his tone a little sad, though the smile is still on his face. “i completely forgot. hope you don’t mind?”
