

So ends Spiderweek. This horde of 12 will be ready to scuttle off to new homes in an hour (6:00pm EST)

Douglas is the last spider of Spiderweek! In about 2 hours (6:00pm EST) he will be available in my shop

Opal the Iridescent Spider will be available today at 6:00pm EST

This golden Art Deco babe Florence. She will be available on Sunday at 6:00pm EST ✨

This trio is Alicia, Diana and Franklin, all named by my partner/lovely assistant

A little space spider named Una. Have you heard about the spiders that were taken up to the space station Skylab to see if they could build webs in zero gravity. Look it up, it’s wild. This entire nebula will be available on Sunday at 6:00pm EST

This floral girl is Ida. I love the mix of bright red and blue with the pastel pinks ❤️

I think it’s time for another spider week. This first silky boy is Humphrey
