#spn s11



Hello in 11x03 when Sam calls Cas’ car ‘crappy’ and Cas goes ‘you think it’s crappy?’ (In the most poor lil meow meow voice ever. He’s wrapped in a goddamn blanket during the whole conversation, goddamn) and then Cas looks at Dean and DEAN looks so conflicted and finally says ‘eye of the beholder’. DEAN! Dean WINCHESTER! Car snob of the century, tells Cas that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder and he is allowed to love his crappy little car! What! Are you saying to me! Cas is sickly and sad ONCE and dean throws his entire repertoire of snappy responses out the window. He wraps a goddamn blanket around his shoulders in that same scene. This is the SAME episode where Cas is on the ground in that weird storage hall and Dean GRABS HIS FACE to see if he is okay. Not just grabs it, holds onto it, then hauls him to sit upright and GRABS HIS FACE AGAIN now with BOTH HANDS. Dean is NOT immune to Cas being a poor little meow meow. If Cas had been human at that point in the show, we would have had a scene of Cas sitting in Dean’s lap while Dean spoon feeds him soup in a matter of 2 episodes max you cannot convince me otherwise
