


Hi everyone! I have a little bit of news: I STARTED MY OWN LIL BUSINESS!

I got tired of going into spa like stores and everything being super super girly, when all I wanted was a little body scrub. And everything is labeled with really fancy flowery names (theres nothing wrong with that) but I wanted to bathe in something that made me feel epic. SO HERE IS HOW IM GOING TO TRY TO CHANGE THE WORLD! (or at least social norms)

My lil company is called, The Houses of Healing, and yes that is a Lord of the Rings Reference! I handmake body scrubs, bath salts, and other apothecary creations, all with YOUR fandom in mind! Everything is themed and named by different fandoms of TV, movies, books, manga, anime, etc. etc.!! 

I also wanted to make skin care products a little more affordable. If you go into certain storesLUSHthey sell 8oz jars of their scrubs for 20+ dollars! So everything I sell is $12 or less! So if you are still in need of a Christmas, Hannukah, Holiday present, go check out myETSY!! And if you think you have a good idea for what I should make, or name a product, send me an ask! And I’ll credit you for the idea if I make the product!

Instagram: @thehousesofhealing

To share a few that are in the shop now:


Castiel’s Angel Grace Bath Salt


the Jasmine Dragon ~Uncle Iroh’s matcha/jasmine green tea Sugar Scrub


Mrs. Weasley’s Morning Scrub

I’m not saying I need some Castiel’s grace bath salts but I NEED me some. Ugh NEED. Check out my friend’s shop y'all!
