

Pairing:Demon!Dean x Female!Reader

Word Count: ~1.1k

Warnings:angst, moc!dean angst

Request by @theothermrswinchester: You were in love with dean, he was in love with you. You admitted, but he wouldn’t for fear he’d lose you. You leave him,, and haven’t seen him for a few months. Dean turns into a demon now. Hunts you down, to admit he loves you. Since he knows nothing can get you now, and he’s not afraid.

Summary: Girl loves boy. Boy secretly loves girl. Girl leaves home. Boy doesn’t follow Girl. Months later, Boy finally finds Girl… but it’s not in good faith.

Square Filled: stalking (2021) for @spndarkbingo

Author’s Note: feedback is important!


The library is filled with silence as you and Dean continue to stare at one another. No one has said a thing in the past fifteen minutes after what was just confessed. It wasn’t real before, more of a hope or a feeling, but now that it’s out in the open, it’s as real as you and Dean. Sam walked into the room five minutes ago, and he’s been watching you and his brother since.

“Are you two going to say something to each other?” Sam asks, breaking the silence.

“I already said something. It’s Dean’s turn,” you say and continue to look at the older brother.

Dean wants to say it back. He wants to tell you everything you want to hear. He wants to tell you that he’s so in love with you that it hurts… but he can’t. If he says it, then it becomes real, and then you could get seriously hurt because of it. Too many people have died because of him, and he is not going to let that happen to you.

If he pushes you away, then at least you’ll be alive to hate him.

“There’s nothing I need to say.”

If the sound of a heart breaking could be heard, then both brothers would hear it. You know he’s lying. You know how he feels, so why is he denying it? Does he not want to feel this way toward you? Maybe you don’t know him as much as you claim to know. The Mark of Cain has really changed him, and it’s not for the better.

“Well then. I guess there is no point in me staying here any longer,” you say and stand up.

“What? You’re leaving?” Sam gasps.

“Unless I’m given a reason to stay,” you ask, looking at Dean.

“If you want to go, then you should go,” he says and grabs his beer to drink it.

Without another word, you leave the table and march to your room, closing the door with a soft slam.

“Are you insane? You’re just going to let her leave?” Sam barks at his brother.

“What? She’s an independent woman. I’m not going to be the thing to hold her here if she doesn’t want to be here.”

“You know damn well that’s not what she meant.”

Sam scoffs and leaves the library to try and convince you to stay here. Dean may be impossible at some times, but he’d never want you to leave. Sam didn’t spend countless sleepless nights with Dean to hear how supple your breasts look in certain clothes.

That was three months ago, and you’ve been on your own ever since.

You didn’t want to know what Dean was up to because you left to get away from him. You went through a new guy every week just to try to get over him. It never worked, but you’re going to keep trying until Dean is no longer on your mind.

While you were trying to get Dean out of your mind, Dean has been doing everything he could to get you back into his life. He has a new look on life, and he’s no longer afraid of small things like death or losing a loved one. He’d never let you out of his sight, so he doesn’t have to worry about you leaving him. He has new powers–demonic powers–so things like fear and emotions aren’t in his vocabulary anymore.

The second he turned to the dark side, he knew where you were. He kept you in sight for months, stalking you to figure out when the best time to grab you is. You’re not hunting anymore, but you do go to hunter’s bars to meet men there. It’s pathetic, really, but given your circumstances, he understands.

For the past few months, you knew there was something over your shoulder watching you, but you could never figure out who it was. You’d know it if it were Sam or Dean since they aren’t very good at being subtle. However, whenever you do look over your shoulder… there is no one there.

Some people have a sixth sense of knowing when they’re being watched, and your sixth sense has been going off ever since you left the Bunker. It’s not a good kind of watching either–not like an angel watching over you sort of shit. No, this is more sinister as if you’re in danger.

It’s hard knowing there is something out there watching you, waiting for the right moment to strike. Not knowing when that moment will come.

The bunker is the only home you’ve ever known, and you don’t have any money to grab yourself a real place. So, much like what Sam and Dean did before finding the Bunker, you live in and out of motels around the United States. You take on odd jobs to help pay for it. It’s not ideal, but it works right now.

Or it did.

You put the key into your door, walking in when you get it unlocked. You’d just come back from a night of hustling men for money at pool. It’s something Dean taught you how to master. You take one foot in the room and immediately freeze. The lights are off and it’s in the same condition that you left it in, but there is something off about the room. You’re not even sure you want to go inside right now, but you do anyway just to prove to yourself that nothing is in here.

However, when you turn on the light, that’s when whoever is in the room attacks.

You’re slammed into the door behind you, and you look into familiar green eyes that you left a long time ago.

“Dean? What the hell! You fucking scared me!” you gasp.

“It’s nice to see you too. Long time no see, Y/N. You broke my heart when you left.”

“When I left? You let me leave! You didn’t want to man up about how you felt!”

“Yeah, and now I couldn’t care less,” he smirks.

He blinks and his eyes turn pitch black. Your own eyes widen in shock. The anti-possession tattoo is peeking out from underneath his shirt, so he can’t be possessed. Then how the hell is he a demon?

“You see,” he continues, “I’ve spent months watching you… listening to you breathe at night… watching you fuck those men… and I’ve come to realize that you were never theirs. No, you’re mine and only mine. I let you go once, and I don’t plan on letting you go again.”

“How the hell is this possible?”

“Anything is possible, sweetheart.”

For the first time in your life… you don’t feel safe in Dean’s arms… and the thought scares you.


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