#spoilers everywhere



What kind of modern Elayne AU is this

70s heist movie.

“ After the former Queen Morgase Trakand had been ousted from her royal reign, her daughter Elayne seeks revenge for the villainy and injustice of it all. The goal? To return the crown of Andor and its accompanying position back into the hands of their rightful owner, aka, her own. To accomplish this feat, she has searched far and wide to find extraordinary help for the fight against the obscure man and his cult of shadowy followers.
Will she overthrow and outwit the man responsible for her plight and return to a life of splendor and prestige? Will her allies be a useful aid in her plan, or hinder her progress for their own gain? And how will the growing infatuation between Elayne and three of her hired collaborators evolve? Will it remain a lustful tryst with no consequences, or will it change the lives of everyone involved forever?
Find out this fall in theatres all around Cairhien! “
