#sprencer reid x reader


Spencer Reid #37

#37 “Can we cuddle?”

(D/h)= dominant hand

There was no doubt the Spencer Reid was awkward, everyone could agree with that, but it wasn’t until they met her that anyone had ever seen him stutter or speechless. She seemed to change him in so many ways, and it was obvious to the whole team that he was falling hard. There were times when they just caught his staring at her with a look of complete admiration and adoration in his eyes. They just seemed to compliment each other perfectly. He could ramble on, stutter, mess up on his words or embarrass himself completely and she would just laugh softly with a kind of fondness in her eyes. He wasn’t used to her physical affection quite yet. It was so random, but comforting and sometimes he had trouble reciprocating and that’s what bothered him. He had never really been in a relationship unless you count Maeve, but he had never had the chance to be physically affectionate with her and Y/n, well she had experience. To him it seemed like she did, the way it was so casual for her and she didn’t have to hesitate before she acted. She could communicate with everyone so effortlessly and it wasn’t awkward. Her actions spoke volumes and she seemed so comfortable expressing herself. It took Spencer a while to realize exactly what he was feeling, he was feeling insecure. She made him feel things he had never felt before, things even stronger than Maeve and it terrified him. He knew he wasn’t as bad as he used to be, he definitely wasn’t like he used to be years ago when he joined the BAU, he had come a long way, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t terrified. He wasn’t like Morgan who was smooth and charming, able to flirt at any moment. He didn’t think he was that good. He feared screwing up. There would be times when he would ramble on about a theory or spew facts, only to stop and blush out of worry that she didn’t like it. Sometimes he had to be reminded by Morgan, or Y/n herself that she was with him for him and those babbling moments were a part of him.                                                                                                      
It wasn’t unusual for them to have to share a room while on a case, it had happened before and sometimes Morgan had shared with them. This time was different, there was two beds to share among the three of them. It had been a long day and the three of them were sent back to rest for the night, only to see the three beds. While, Y/n and Spencer had been dating for 8 months they hadn’t shared a bed before. It wasn’t just about the fear of rushing the relationship as it was about completely crossing the FBI unspoken rule. “Well I think its safe to say you two are sharing a bed. I’m going to hit the shower. Play safe.” Morgan was smirking as he winked heading into the bathroom. Y/n couldn’t help but laugh softly and shake her head despite the blush on her cheeks. There was no point in denying that she had thought of being with Spencer sexually. Spencer was standing there with heated cheeks looking at the door Morgan left through. Why did Morgan have to say that? He would never have the guts to act on such a suggestion. “It’s late so we might as well just get changed and go to sleep.” Y/n’s suggestion seemed to take Spencer by surprise. How could they get changed? They were in the same room right now. Morgan was in the bathroom, there was nowhere for the other person to go. “Here? Together?” His voice came out hesitant and confused. Y/n couldn’t help but smile slightly at his awkwardness. “Yes, if you’re comfortable with that Spence. We can just face opposite ways and get changed.” Spencer shifted his bag of his shoulder before nodding. They both turned around and started to change. Spencer didn’t have as much to change as he only took off his pants and shirt, only to pull on plaid pajama pants and a white shirt. He finished quickly only to realize there was a mirror in front of him. He could see Y/n slowly pulling down her jeans and kicking them to the side. He couldn’t help but gulp as he stared. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t tear his eyes away. Her long legs leading up to her black underwear and light blue t-shirt. Watching as her hands wrapped around herself holding onto the bottom of her t-shirt and lifted it up slowly until it was over her head and on the floor. Spencer knew he should look away. He had so much respect for her, he  saw her as more then a sex object. He just couldn’t tear his eyes away, she was so beautiful to him. He watched as her hands reached behind her back, unhooking her bra and watching it fall to the floor. Y/n bent over stepping into the black pajama shorts before slowly pulling them up over her bum. Next he watched her pull grab a muscle shirt and pull it over her naked body. He couldn’t help but admire the way the fabric slid down her back.  These little actions were so intriguing. How she used her (d/h) to undo her bra and she took her time, yet was so confident. “You finished?” Y/n’s voice broke him out from his thoughts. “W-what?” “Are you finished getting ready?” “Uh. Yes.”                                         
Y/n and Spencer crawl into bed leaving space between them.  It was as though they didn’t want to over step the unspoken boundary. The silence was sickening as they laid there for what felt like forever, but what was only a few minutes. How could two people be so close but so far away? Yet there was this pull, they both wanted to be closer, they both yearned for each other. Spencer who had never wanted ached much for physical contact in his life just wanted to hold her. The boy who used to be so disturbed by human contact and the idea of germs being passed on through it just wanted to be held and wanted to hold. He wanted to be close to her. He wanted to be close to her and hold her in a way he had’t anyone else. “Y/n.” His voice was soft and gentle, but hesitant. “Spence?” “Ca- Can Can we” he stops and licks his lips as he takes a deep breath. “Can we cuddle?” A smile immediate broke out on Y/n’s face and she didn’t bother to respond before she snuggled into him with a sigh of relief. Something about Spencer Reid felt so sturdy to her, so safe and comfortable and she felt like she could lie there with him forever. She felt content, but he also gave her butterflies and sometimes she felt like a teenager again when she was with him. It was the most riveting feeling in the world. She could feel his heart pounding in his chest and it was a comforting feeling knowing that it was because of her, that it was the effect of having her close to him.  She made him feel different. She made him feel giddy and like a teenager, she accepted him and made him feel loved. Maybe that’s why it was so easy to drift off, despite the nightmares he had been having for months and it was so peaceful. With her he felt at peace. The nightmare couldn’t claim him when she was wrapped up in his arms. They seemed to drift off at the same time to the sound of each others heartbeat and steady breathing.

The bathroom door opened,  "Do either of you want to-“ Morgan cut himself off as he saw the two bodies entwined in the bed. He couldn’t help but shake his head and chuckle. "I hope those two wrapped up.”
