#spring reading challenge

bulletnotestudies: We’re back with another reading bingo! welcome to the Spring Mini Reading Challen


We’re back with another reading bingo! welcome to the Spring Mini Reading Challenge

RULES: like with our previous reading challenges, the rules are pretty flexible, since the whole point of this is to motivate you to read just a little bit more :)
the challenge starts on april 1st and ends with may 30th, but you’re welcome to finish it at your own pace
→ use the tag #studyblr w/knives reading challengewhen you post your updates/pics
→ the challenge is ofc, as usual, also on storygraph (check the notes for the link)

once you’ve read a book that fits a prompt, cross it out on the above template and/or share your thoughts on it in a post here on tumblr; make sure to mark any spoilers (hide them under a cut etc.), so people can avoid them if needed :) you can also have just one post and update it as you go, or you can post good ol’ aesthetic book pics!

as always, if you have any questions, feel free to send them to me or any other member in the taglist below xx


Keep reading

Post link