

“AH!” Cal shouted in surprise. The look of terror and fear seemingly out of place on his huge, suited body.

“Relax. Cal! That’s Milan,” Phillis communicated through the watch. “Milan! It’s so good to see you!”

“Wish I could say the same Phillis, I’m sure you look exquisite as usual. As is the help you managed to find. I know the templates from the watch are pre-set, but I must say you wear this one well.” Milan says as he eyes Cal’s current appearance, even going so far as to lightly stroke his lapel on the new suit he was wearing.

“Uh…. Wow. Um… Mr. Milan… pleasure to meet you I… sorry Phillis didn’t mention how you looked so I wasn’t sure to look for I… sorry you’re just very handsome and cute and I wasn’t expecting…. Well you!” In Cal’s mind he had an image what an international superspy would look like. So, it was very surprising when this cute shorter man had walked up to the security room in an even more fancy suit than the one Cal was given.

“I bet she undersold my good looks. Well Phillis there’s certainly enough to go around. You don’t have to be jealous. I specialize in being unassuming when I want to be, though it’s hard to keep this much charm under wraps.” Milan said to the watch Cal was wearing followed by a wink at Cal again causing him to blush. “By the way you can call me Hank or Henry or later if you’re free after this.” For Cal it was jarring to see this cute smaller white buy so forward, when he looked like a tough soldier in a suit!

“Keep it in your pants agent. I’ve got an exit strategy for us planned out by the river now that you’re here. Prepare for extraction.” Phillis chided as Milan laughed.

“Not quite yet love. I didn’t jump off cliffside parties and go in deep cover to just leave. I needed you here because our mission wasn’t done yet Phillis.” Milan explained as he began to type into the security system.  “I know you can see into what I’m pulling up now so let me catch you up. I had already stayed in an undercover position as a valet for the party for days before our mission. When I ditched the watch in the ocean I was doing so because I knew our cover had been blown. Ramiz knew our style with disguise tech and to get by unnoticed I needed it gone. So, I dove off that cliff, where I had my backup bag waiting for me. By the way Phillis remind me to thank this lovely gentleman who runs this bar on the outskirts of town.”

“Milan! Focus!” Phillis yelled, though she was taking extensive notes on the info Milan had been pulling up.

“Anyway, I immediately saw that drones were scanning for the watch, but they couldn’t find it under the waves when it was deactivated. Needless to say, I followed them back to where they’d been deployed, found this mansion and infiltrated it as a butler to keep tabs on what Ramiz could possibly be up to. It goes way passed a Baron’s info drive. He’s doing strange bio technical experiments Phillis. Are you seeing this?”

Phillis paled as she observed the scenes before her. “Unfortunately, yes. I’m uploading these recordings right now. My gosh.”

Cal could only stare in confusion as footage of the labs he’d passed on the way here flooded the screen. In some videos he could see scientists creating these strange sets of rings. In others he could see a line of healthy powerful looking young men lying asleep on medical examining beds. The last video showed Ramiz! Though not the Ramiz Cal had seen at the bar nor in the mansion. This Ramiz looked older and more withered, until he held one ring up to an unconscious young man only for a bright flash to occur. A very familiar bright flash to occur. When the camera’s perspective got into focus The young man on the table was a lot older looking and look infirmed, while Ramiz looked confident and full of vitality. “Bring in the next one,” Ramiz called out in the recording before it cut off.

“So. Phillis, I don’t understand all the tech behind what’s being done, but I do know it needs to stop before another innocent young man gets taken. He’s been kidnapping these people off the streets! We need to stop him before anyone else gets hurt.” Milan continued.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Ok… Milan this is using similar tech to mine, and it goes way beyond cloaking for espionage… yes. We can stop this. But we must get Cal out over here. Cal, I’m going to tell you how to disengage the watch so it can be removed ok? Milan, with the watch’s help… you’ll be able to free the captives, destroy the labs, and clear us a way out.”

“Sounds wonderful darling. Cal, was it? If you would.” Milan reaches out his hand for the watch.

Cal looked down at his big body as Phillis gave him the disengage instructions. He couldn’t fully grasp the severity of the situation, but he knew that it was his time to step down. As much as he’d enjoyed playing with these new bodies, he wasn’t going to let that get in the way of making sure anyone in this building was ok.

Before he even realized it the watch had fallen off into Milan’s hand and in another flash, Cal was standing there in an oversized suit, about a few inches below eye level with Milan. He was back to his normal height of 5’2 and mop of unruly dark hair made him appear average at best. Even his tanned skin mad him miss his previously darker bigger body just a moment ago.

“Thank you very much Cal. I literally only just met you, but I do know that you must’ve done a hell of a lot to get this far to help me and Phillis. I’ll take it from here.” Then with a practiced pose, Milan put on the watch! It snapped around his wrist in a flash and charged to life.  “Alright Phillis, you’ve got communications going. I’ll do the groundwork. Cal, you may not have the watch, but we need eyes on security. You give us a heads up on anything we may miss, ok?”

Surprised, Cal nodded eagerly. “O-of course. I’ll be watching. You can count on me.”

“Good, then let’s go Phillis.” Milan presses down the buttons on the watch and starts his first transformation. He instantly took on the form of the soldier body Cal was using before! From this angle Cal could see just how imposing of a presence he had mere moment ago. Before Cal could even fully admire Milan’s body, he’d run off down the hall.

Through the security cameras Cal could see Milan in soldier form go in and disarm a bunch of guards before knocking them all out in mere seconds! In no time at all Milan was in another room smashing through equipment and research using the body Cal called Ignis! He was raising the axe on his back with expert precision, slicing through everything around the area!

Cal sat back and relaxed as Milan made short work of every obstacle this building was throwing at him, all with the subtly and support from Phillis to not raise any of this fortress’ alarms!

While he was certainly happy that the plan was going well, part of Cal was already reminiscent over his experiences with the watch. Swimming at those speeds, saving Leo from that burning building, speeding down the roads on a motorcycle, and even that strange party at the bar. All of it was such a unique interesting experience. Everything Cal didn’t think he was…

All seemed to be going well as Cal could see Milan freeing the last of the captured men, when something occurred to Cal. He was reviewing the various screens in front of him carefully as he asked Phillis, “Hey… you’re still in the system right Phillis? You can see everything I can?”

“Yeah of course. I still have our whole exit plan once Milan is done. The waterways are our best bet, I’ve got a boat set up and everything.”

“Can you see yourself? Your boat I mean? And the upper floors? I’m only seeing Milan down here… everything else is… the same… I remember Ramiz said he’d be going upstairs. To check on the butlers but I don’t see him anywhere. Or any of the butlers for that matter.”

“Wait. Cal you’re right. The feed I’m receiving. Frame by frame comparison. It’s looping. Someone knows we’re in their system. Milan! You hear that? Regroup and make your exit with Cal now!”

“I’m on my way Phillis I-“ Milan began before his voice cut out. Moments later screen after screen in the security room began to turn off. Even the lights were beginning to dim.

“No! Cal! They’ve locked me out. Listen carefully I need you to s-“ Phillis began before her voice was cut off from the room’s speakers.

And then Cal was alone, nothing but silence and dimming lights around him.

“Oh crap. Fuck! Ok. I Uh…. Shit… I need to… get out of here! Find Milan! Phillis too! Then… shit. Then we’ll figure the rest out together!” Cal mumbled pacing back and forth before quietly opening the door to sneak back through the halls.

His soldier like memories remembered the exact path back up the stairs to the ground level, though now the path was littered with unconscious guards and broken glass. Milan was definitely in this direction. As he ascended the stairs, he could hear a conversation happening.

“Well Milan, I can’t say I’m surprised. I knew you’d turn out at one point. Our lest rendezvous ended so abruptly, perhaps now you’ll be able to stick around.” Cal could see Ramiz in his nicely suited body talking to Milan who was still transformed into Ignis the fire template, but disarmed.

“Ramiz! You’re looking… darker than usual. I’d heard you’d appropriated art as you rose the ranks of crime, not it appears you’re doing the same with race and ethnicity. Can’t say I blame the attempt to rid yourself of that ugly mug,” Milan retorted. Peaking out a little further Cal could see Ramiz had two guards restraining him! Not only that Cal could see that Milan managed to catch his eye and wink at him. What was he doing!?

“Now Ramiz! You’ve got me right where you want me. Everything you were after, right here. Why not call off your guards and we can talk about this like gentlemen.” Milan offers.

Ramiz laughs and strangely enough all his guards laugh in the same cadence at the same time. “Agent Milan. I couldn’t build a mansion large enough to contain that ego of yours. I was never after you! It was always that watch! The device is more powerful than you could possibly imagine. Once your change times out and that genius comes here to rescue you, THEN I’ll have everything I want! And I certainly won’t need another butler. The one’s holding you down should suffice.” Ramiz proclaims.

Cal could see fear run across Milan’s suave composed face, but he quickly shook it off. This was also the first time Cal noticed that these new guards looked odd. Their clothes were ill fitting as if they were wearing a suit sized much smaller than their current bulky forms.

Milan growled, “Mousier Ramiz. If you think for one moment that you’ll lay even a finger on Phillis!”

“You are hardly in a position to be making threats agent.” Ramiz mocks.

“Oh. I won’t be the one threatening.” Milan says as he begins to close his eyes and look away from the windows of the room.

Confused and concerned, Cal was wondering why the agent was looking away. The mansion windows in that direction face a nearby river and the sun shining outside made it hard to see passed the waterfront. But for some reason there was a low buzzing sound growing progressively louder. That is until a large speed boat burst through the windows into the foyer!

Piloting the boat was none other than Phillis who had smashed through the mansion walls and held a pistol out shooting the two men holding Milan. The agent seemed to see this coming and rolled out of the way as the boat landed! Phillis tossed Milan a gun and the two began to shoot at the encroaching guards! Cal was awestruck at the action movie like fight he was seeing unfurl before his eyes. Though the occasional bullet towards the stairs reminded him to duck in time for a stray shot to shoot open the vent to his side.

“That’s enough!” Ramiz shouted as he stood from behind cover and began to point his ring at Milan and Phillis! Soon their bodies went rigid, and Cal could see small strands of energy were pouring out of them.

The gunfire immediately stopped as all the guards in the room seemed to be still… no… vibrating with energy. Their faces growing a very similar stubble like pattern to the current firefighter template that Milan was wearing. However, unlike the guys from the video Milan’s form was remaining unchanged and still ruggedly handsome. Ramiz was simply grinning ear to ear.

With no one else moving, Cal realized he had to do something! He nervously got to his feet and felt like he was going to regret this next part. It was hard to imagine Cal was capable of anything, but a blind fury filled tackle. And that is exactly what he delivered to Ramiz who was confused to a new participant in this fight. It was enough to have Ramiz stumble startled, dropping his concentration on Milan and Phillis, but not enough to knock him over.

“Who the fuck are you?” Ramiz composes himself and lifts Cal up by the neck squinting at him.

“Let him go!” Phillis demands, still panting at whatever the ring had done to her.

“Is your agency taking interns Phillis? You could certainly do better than this one. You’re the creator of a piece of technology that can replicate and overwrite a person’s DNA. The miracle mind of her generation wasted. But now that I finally have something you want, you’re going to give me that watch Milan is wearing and walk over here slowly. Or this one experiences what this ring can do up close.”

Through bleary eyes Cal could see Milan and Phillis look at one another before Phillis entered the watch’s release code, reverting Milan back to normal.

“He’s no one Ramiz. I’ll give you whatever you want, but that guy gets out safe. Ok?” Phillis said approaching slowly.

Ramiz let out a slow laugh. “I have no intention of sullying my collection with someone like him. You have my word, he’ll come to no harm… well much harm.”

Phillis glared daggers at him till they were five feet apart. Cal was still dangling in the air by the arm of this impressively powerful man!

“Cal… I’m sorry.” Phillis said looking at him sadly before punching Ramiz and slapping the watch back on to Cal’s wrist! Before Cal could even speak Phillis had slammed down hard on a template that Cal had not seen before. There was a bright flash of light from the watch and Cal could already feel Ramiz’s grip loosen.

SpyWatchChapter 5

After a long night of study and rest Phillis awakens to a the light snoring of Cal on the couch. He’s sprawled out sleepily with his watch hand flung lazily to the ground.

“Guess he managed to finish reading everything available. Otherwise that transformation wouldn’t have timed out with the new parameters I set in place. Honestly surprised, perhaps there is something to this guy after all…” 

For the next few minutes Phillis opened up her laptop to find out where exactly Milan would be headed based on the watch’s info and his hidden message. It wasn’t until she’d ordered food that arrived within the hour that Cal awoke to the smell of hash browns and bacon.  

“Did you get us breakfast?” Cal mumbled blearily as he rubbed his eyes.

“The fast food shop down the street did that actually, I just paid for it with a fake name. Eat up. We’ve got a long day ahead of us.” Phillis tossed Cal a bag of food as she explained. “I managed to locate the likely area Milan is likely headed. It’s owned by one of Ramiz’s shell corporations and has a dangerously high energy output. Also happens to be equidistant between Milan’s last mission and where you found the watch.”

With a mouth full of eggs Cal asks, “Who is this Ramiz guy anyway?” 

“Long story short. The bad guy. Milan and I faced him in a variety of missions all throughout Europe. He’s a French Trillionaire who is always after experimental tech, which happens to be my specialty… and he was at the bar last night… though he looked… younger and more powerful than before.”

“Think that’s why he was after Milan? Revenge? Or because he had something Milan wanted?” Cal gulped.

“Could be either. Our last mission was Milan retrieving a drive from a duke at this party by the coast… we’d assumed it was just sensitive state secrets, but if Ramiz is involved… nevermind that. Let me explain the plan for today. We’ve got a small mansion like compound by the river in its own rich part of the city. Rich landscapes and even wealthier individuals live in that section. As of 8:00 AM today, this new compound happens to be in need of new security guards. Most of their staff left after an anonymous offer for a new place that pays more.  You’re going to be their perfect replacement.”

“Awesome. I’m pretty confident I could use a watch template to be like something close to a guard, but why would they hire me so quickly? Not like, they’d hire me off the street.” Cal said, as Phillis let slip a smirk.

- 1 hour later - 

“I can’t believe I’m doing this. Why do I have to do it shirtless again?” Cal shivered in the cool morning breeze as he stood outside a row of mansions.

“You read the manual. You already know that the watch uses your existing outfit as a frame for the transformation. Now you remember the plan?” Phillis says to Cal through the watch.

“Yeah yeah. Still sounds crazy though. You better actually miss by the way!” Cal whispers angrily to his wrist.

“Just worry about your part of the plan ok? Speak of. It’s time. Do your thing Cal.” Phillis ordered.

“Here goes nothing.” Cal slid through the various templates with a much clearer display on the watch and pressed down his next template. 


In a flash of light Cal adjusts himself admiring his new form. 

“Woah, that stats for this one were no joke,” he speaks in a deep commanding voice. “Guess this is what 6′5 and 270lbs feel like… fuck these arms are huge. This tattoo looks so cool too! I wish I had my phone for selfies… and I’ll have to remember this one for Leo later.” Cal continued to explore his body, running his new larger hands over his massive thighs and quads, while pretending to tie his size 15 shoes. As his hands made their way up he could feel his sizeable package packed tightly in a jockstrap, while the tips eventually reached his new 6 pack. Each rigid abdominal muscle as tough as Kevlar and as delicious as chocolate for anyone looking for eye candy. 


“Cal stop feeling yourself up. I’m already in position. Start your route!” Phillis chimed in from his watch. 

“Fine! Fine! I’m on my way!” Cal got up and began to jog down the street. Plenty of wealthy housewives and househusbands were gawking at the towering Adonis briskly walking passed their windows. Each low impact step causing his impressively tight pecs to bounce from their size alone. 


Before long Cal arrived in front of the heavily fortified mansion compound. Cal knew that in a few minutes one of the mansion owners would exit to collect a package that Phillis had expedited to arrive now! Soon a handsome blonde man pushed open the large doors and walked outside in his tie loosened suits. As he stepped to the sidewalk to collect his package, a car suddenly was zooming down the road!

Cal, in position, immediately saw what was happening and sprung into action. With little effort he managed to push the man out of the way as the car sped incredibly down the street.

“Great work Cal,” Phillis whispered.

“You could’ve gone a little slower,” Cal said through gritted teeth. However the man beneath him soon stirred.

“Incredible. You managed to save me just now. Who are you?” the suited man asked.

“Simon Pain sir. Sorry about the push, didn’t think a rich place like this had this kind of thing happen in em.” Cal said adopting a new intonation of speaking to sell this new template. 

“They normally don’t Mr… Pain.” the man squinted taking out his phone. He begins to look him up as Phillis puts the finishing touches to Simon Pain’s online profiles. 

“Well glad I chose this place to start my morning jog. Just moved here from out of town, trying to find some sense of normal but it’s pretty different than-” 

“Odessa Texas.” the man completed. “Where you were born to Judy and Michael Pain. Did football and wrestling all throughout high school till you enlisted and became a soldier. Thank you for your service Mr. Pain.”

“Uh… you’re welcome. How’d you know all this stuff about me?” Cal said feigning suspicion. He knew that this guy had access to all sorts of resources to confirm “Simon Pain’s” identity. 

“That’s not important Simon. What’s important is that I know you need a job after returning home. Two twin boys at home with their mother need a strong family provider after all… and I’m in need of some extra muscle. How’d you like a job Mr. Pain?”

“I mean I would, but I don’t know the first thing about you sir. Don’t even know if I’m smart enough for whatever you need me to do!” Cal scratched his head.

“Think of it this way. It’s like your time in military. I pay you for security and you do what I say. You could even start as early as today and it pays VERY well.”

The man slid Cal a check with a lot of 0s at the end of it. 

“Fuck that’s a lot of 0s… and I can’t really afford to say no. Sure man I’ll take it.”

“That’s good to hear. My name is Duke Bernard Wendal. But you can just call me Duke.” the Duke smiled. “Now let’s get you inside. We’ve probably got a suit around your size in there.”

Cal was excited to hear this going so well, while Phillis was perplexed by the sudden appearance of the Duke who was at the party now in this same city. Something wasn’t right. 

Duke walked Cal into the mansion through its large doors! “You’ll find that we are a large organization that prefers to work in style. As such we value our security. Here is where most of the guards stay.” Through the large foyer Cal could see Duke gesture to an open room with military style cots and a large wardrobe.

“We recently lost a lot of guys so… their uniform is yours!” Duke walks inside and opens up the wardrobe to reveal a set of large suits meant for men of quite intimidating builds. There was a smaller selection of female items there, some of which even looked familiar, but he couldn’t get a good look before Duke retrieved a suit and closed the doors. 

“Here you go. This probably fits a guy of your build. Try it on. You must find it hard shopping for clothes that work with a physique like yours.” Duke inquired handing him the clothes.

“Oh uh yeah. Right. It’s like a lot of things are so tight. Hard to get things that don’t just tear off my body when I try it on.” Cal said a bit awkwardly flexing as he begin to put on some of the clothes. He also realized how intently Duke was looking at him as he disrobed. 

“I bet Mr. Pain. I for one am glad I can equip a man like you today. Here let me help.” Duke began to slowly slide the pants up Cal’s legs, his warm hands gliding over the vascular appendage with glee. He even helped Cal button each of his tight shirt buttons as Cal blushed. Part of him was nervous, but perhaps a result of the template was enjoying this level of assistance. After reading the instructions for the watch Cal knew this was the soldier template, skilled in hand to hand combat, but with a natural dominant leader personality. 

“Thanks Duke, I’m glad you like the look. Think these threads could handle me if I do this?” Cal smirks with a flex. “If I gotta protect you I’ll be moving around a lot.”

The small slow nod from Duke, told Cal all he needed to know. “Yes I think it will do VERY nicely. Now why don’t you-”

“Mr. Wendal. I thought I heard your voice in here.” Came a voice from outside. A well dressed darker skinned older man enters. He looks pleased as he see Duke and Cal getting dressed. “Apologies for the interruptions Wendal. Who is this?”

“No apologies needed sir I was simply greeting our new security guard. Former soldier Simon Pain is a rather talented man. The suit even fits him perfectly. He just needs his jacket” Duke said attempting to save face as he blushed. 

“Well this is fortunate. I can complete this young man’s… orientation here if you don’t mind. You’re needed upstairs. Some of the butlers need help cleaning out the… study.” The man said. To Cal’s surprise Duke ran off without another word. Soon the new man was helping Cal put on an even nicer jacket to go with his suit. 

“There you go. Simon was it? This is a suit fitted for a guard here. You see we try to occupy a certain image for our line of work. I’m glad Duke Wendal managed to find someone so handsome to continue our hiring initiatives.”

Cal couldn’t help but blush, but deep inside he was loving this adoration. “Thank you sir. I’m sorry I don’t think I caught your name.”

“Mousier Ramiz.” He said with a brief accent. “However, sir shall suffice for now. With you ready for work I can show you around the facility. Perhaps you can learn something before you head home today.”

The next hour was an impressive walk through the varied halls of this mansion for Cal. He didn’t realize just how much space this kind of building could occupy. Even with his longer legs, it seemed to take forever to see all the training facilities, all the doors that had hazardous signs on the, and all the hidden underground labs they just passed! It wasn’t until the reached the lowest basement that Cal perked up. 

“And finally the security room. You’ll be monitoring this area quite often. Feel free to familiarize yourself with area. I must be  off to check up on Duke Wendal’s progress. He will come to collect you for your next assignment.” With those parting words Ramiz walked off. 

Cal finally let out a huge sigh of relief once he was on his own. Phillis had explained that his whole mission here was to get to the security room. Once he was able to let her in, she could have control over most of this facility and find Milan! He hurriedly entered the room revealing it’s large wall like screens showing every inch of this place. Soon Cal started at the computer operating this room and plugged in the thumb drive invisibly stored in his watch. 

“Phillis. Can you hear me? I did it! Are you in?” Cal whispered to his wrist. 

“I am. Great work Cal. Now let me just access the security footage and… oh wow. Milan has been busy.” Phillis says as she puts on several screens a few rooms filled with tied up guards, broken down labs, and even a bloody nosed Duke.

“That’s amazing. Where is he now?” Cal asked. 

“I’m trying to find an active feed with him on it, but it’s like he’s gone. Did he leave?” Phillis asked disappointed.

Cal stared pensively at the labeled screens. “Wait. Are there any areas in this place that don’t have cameras? Maybe that’s where he is. Let’s see… this list  shows none in the bathrooms… none in the attic… and-”

“The security room.” Milan said closing the door. 

The bright flash left Cal feeling weird, but refreshed. 


“Woah this feels new.” Cal said in a smooth baritone, patting the skin tight leather jacket and pants now tightly clinging to his body. Elbow and shin guard making him feel the most protected he’d ever felt during a change. Part of him liked how confined this new look felt but there wasn’t much time to admire.

“You can grope yourself later, get on!” Phillis yelled. On instinct Cal mounted the motorcycle like a pro and quickly sped off as his helmet slid on to his head. The whole feeling was exhilarating. Cal had never driven more than a basic car before, and not very well for that matter. Now, everything felt so intuitive. Every turn, every slight lean, every focused gaze forward felt natural. Before either realized it Cal had a few miles between them and their pursuers. 

That relief was short lived when Cal made their way into the city and he saw some more unmarked vehicles turn ahead of him blocking off more roads.

“Cal! This form is expert at motorized maneuvering! Find away around! Phillis called out. She had removed her sidearm and began shooting at a more unmarked vans that had suddenly appeared behind them down the city streets.

With an intense glare Cal surveyed the scene in front of him and it felt like time slowed down.

“Ok I’ve got two large vehicles blocking my way, no civilians on the sidewalk or streets, several surrounding cars going at 49 miles per hour, and a construction vehicle parked near that manhole…. that’s it!” Without hesitation Cal turned off the street on to the sidewalk and said, “Shoot the rope holding up those beams!” 

Phillis turned in time to see the construction site and with expert marksmanship shot them down. With a loud clang they fell on top of the construction truck and made a narrow ramp for Cal to zoom on to! There was a glorious moment where Cal felt his heart stop as they went airborne. Was this his craziest idea yet? However, the next second he’d cleared the cars blocking the road and had zoomed off down a subtle street. Finally finding an area clear of violent vehicles, Cal parked the the cycle in a presumably safe spot. 

Phillis looked around cautiously before nodding. “Ok, We’re clear, but we can’t have you looking too out of place in full motor armor.” She said taking his wrist where the invisible watch was set. “With the repaired version of the watch we can add accessories and create minor alteration to your appearances to better blend in.

There was another flash and Cal didn’t feel much different. He was finally able to remove his helmet and  realized he was also wearing sunglasses. Soon he leaned down to get a better look at himself in the bike’s mirrors.


“Woah. I’m liking the stubble with the smooth voice on this one. And wait… do I feel abs to? Fuck this guy is pretty handsome?” Cal said proudly admiring himself in the small reflection. He even lifted his arm to feel a lean bicep bulge the leather jacket still tight against his torso.

“Motorist template. Able to master any land vehicle, process fastest routes, and process information at incredible speeds. In peak physical condition so an optimal choice for speed with land travel on and off vehicles. One of my favorites though Milan did make sure to include a few… habits to make him seem more realistic.” Phillis explained. “As for now we should be ok. Now that I have the equipment I picked up from the bar we should be harder to track. Especially in the city.”

Cal let out a sigh of relief. Even though he felt energized, he liked the idea of not having to run off somewhere to stay safe. He didn’t realize he began to take something out of his jacket pocket seemingly out of this body’s habit. 


“Wait, what am I doing?” Cal said dropping the cigarette mid light. “I… I didn’t even know that I had this in my pocket. Shit. Everything I’m doing when I’m just relaxed or focused just feels like I’m on autopilot. I’ve never even smoked anything before!” Cal said, though her picked up the cigarette, still having some innate urge to at least try it.

“It’s part of the template. The transition to each new identity is supposed to feel seamless. Milan insisted this guy smoke as well as… well a few other things… that aren’t relevant right now. You can smoke if you like, I’m going to find us a safe place to rest up and you… well you can just relax now however you like. Just stay safe.” Phillis said walking off towards a nearby motel. 

 Her last statement really resonated with Cal and he felt so inclined to obey her for some reason. Not to mention relaxing felt pretty enticing when he had a cigarette in his hand. He looked left and right, as if afraid of some unseen judgement and lit the cigarette. He wasn’t sure what to do next, but his lips seemed to know exactly what was coming. Before long he could feel the smoke slip between his lips and then he exhaled in a relaxing release. Cal couldn’t lie, it felt good. It seemed somehow easier to concentrate now that he had this small fix. He was even able to further admire his new form. Staring back at the small mirror head looked pretty sexy simply leaning against his cool looking bike and smoking. He let out a subtle flex that strained his leather jacket, followed by a brief lunge revealing his pretty obvious bulge forming in his pants.

The only thing that snapped him from this self satisfying stupor was a brief whistle. Cal turned his head and realized he’d parked the motorcycle very close to the beach. Taking a few steps out of the shade of the sidestreet Cal could easily see the gorgeous morning sun rising from the waves. He’d been driving all night it seems and now it was a new day… and that meant Leo would be working today!


It was already getting warm so Cal decided to remove his leather jacket before heading to the beach. He was surprised to see his hairier forearms and arm tattoo, but those all paled in comparison to the person waiting for him at the beach.

Cal began to look around desperately for Leo when he took his first steps on the beach. It was clear that leather boots and tight pants weren’t exactly beach friendly, but he was determined to see how Leo was doing since the incident at the frat house.

To his surprise Cal eventually saw Leo walking from his car though still in his American football practice attire. He wasn’t on the team at all, but he certainly loved the game enough to wear all the appropriate safety equipment during his intramural practices. The pads simply highlighted his clearly impressive strength and Cal thought the tightening in his pants would never stop!


Even when not in his lifeguarduniform Leo still managed to look amazing. Cal was nearly speechless and had to take another drag from his cigar to settle down. 

Cal couldn’t help but stare as Leo dropped his sweatpants revealing his tight lifeguard shorts, which made Leo look at him weird when he noticed.

“Can I help you with something?” Leo asked as he made his way on to the beach towards his lifeguard tower.

“Huh oh uh… no I… was just enjoying the view.” Cal said gesturing to the beach. Behind his sunglasses he was glad that Leo couldn’t see how nervous he might have looked. 

“Dude if you’re looking for that hot guy who saved the kid yesterday he’s not here. So many people were asking about him yesterday and it got annoying fast.” Leo sighed glaring at the sea.

“No that’s not it at all… I was uh… there yesterday and I know you’re the one that really made sure he was ok.” Cal explained.

This was Leo’s first moment of genuine surprise. “Oh. Um… thanks. I don’t really do this for the glory, but it’s nice that someone noticed. Thank you… Sorry I didn’t catch your name.”

“It’s…uh… Speed… I mean Steve! Yeah. Nice to meet you… Leo right?” Cal said feigning ignorance. He lightly leaned against a nearby railing to look cool, even flexing a little hard to show of his toned arms.

“That’s right. You must be a regular if you already know me. I’m sorry I don’t recognize you.” Leo laughed letting a smile through.

“Well… maybe we can change that. I don’t normally ask people out when they’re working… but maybe we can grab a drink later?” Cal asked hopefully.

Leo’s smile remained though it took on a more pitiful tone. “That’s really nice of you Steve, but if I’m being honest… there’s actually someone I… well the point is I’m not in a place for that right now. I prefer the nerdier burlier types… nothing against you, it’s just not a good time.”

Cal nodded understandingly, a little sad that no matter what body he was in, Leo didn’t appear to be interested. “Yeah that’s cool… I uh… hope things work better time wise then.” He took another drag from his cigarette but that relaxing feeling just wasn’t hitting as hard.

He began walking off, letting Leo get back to his job and returned just in time for  Phillis to reappear.

“Got us a nice motel over here. It has a deep garage basement which can hide our vehicle in case anyone is trying to track us. Come on!” 

They quickly entered the garage to stow their disguised motorcycle and went upstairs to their new room. To Cal’s surprise, he heard a light beeping sound form his wrist. As the doors closed there was another flash. Once again Cal was in his original motorcyclist form.


“I forgot to mention the minor appearance alteration only lasts so long. I saw you were talking to someone before you rejoined me. I nearly had to get you before you turned back. Who was he anyway?” Phillis asked.

Cal slumped into a nearby chair and sighed, kicking off his boots. “Just… some guy… I kinda like him… but he doesn’t seem to like me regardless of who the watch turns me into.”

“Wait. Are you saying you’ve been using this groundbreaking piece of technology to impress a guy?” Phillis glared at him in disbelief.

“Um… for the first time… it was an accident. The second… yes… but the third! That was to try and save you. But even this fourth one doesn’t seem to do anything for him. It’s… I don’t know. It’s stupid I know.” Cal said blushing and looking down, nearly going into a fetal position in the small chair. 

“Cal… you’re a civilian… I don’t expect perfect discipline. And hopefully by the time this is all over, we simply go our separate ways and you can handle whatever drama you have in your personal life.” Phillis said with a sigh. “Now… your wrist. I can recover any latent messages recorded on the watch before Milan discarded it.”

He lifted his leather clad arm and Phillis began typing away at the invisible buttons. A moment later a familiar voice could be heard.

“Phillis. You won’t get this message right away. Sending the watch on eject mode to get somewhere safe. I’ll be ok! Missions not done yet. Just find the watch and then you’ll see.  And hey. Still owe you dinner one day. On me….”

“Incoming message!”

“Phillis. You found it! Knew you would. I’m at a local area laying low undercover. Sending you coordinates to the watch. Knew you’d find it. We gotta move quick they’ve got something big planned Ramiz is gonna-”

Milan’s voice cuts out leaving Phillis and Cal equally shocked. Phillis begins violently tapping the watch, shaking Cal in the process.

“Phillis! Stop! I don’t think it’s working!” Cal cried out in pain. 

“I…Damn it! He managed to leave another message. That clever son of a-…. damn you MIlan. You better be ok.”

Cal could see tears welling up in Phillis’ eyes now.

“He’s like some sorta super spy right? I’m sure he’s fine. Especially if he can do undercover stuff without this watch. He’s probably the best.” Cal said hoping he was right.

Phillis luckily nodded. “Yeah… master of disguised even without gadgetry… but he can only hold on so long. I… I need to get some rest but the watch… it’s at full capacity so you may not need to…. I’m going to give you my notes on how to operate the watch… with your current template you’ll be able to analyze the info and learn to operate it.”

“That’s great, but won’t I… time out?” Cal asked nervously palming his ever tightening bulge.

“Hm…. you’re right… let’s fix that.” Phillis began to tap on the watch again and Cal could feel the similar flash overtake him, except no minor outfit change.

“Woah… did you unlock like a time restriction or something?” Cal asked with excitement.

“No. Still unable to do so… I just made it so you wouldn’t be able to turn back. Now let me get some rest, here’s my tablet with all the info on the watch. Learn it and you’ll be able to help me get Milan back.” Phillis walks off to her room closing the door.

Cal still wasn’t sure what she meant, but he sat down and got to work. He began to absentmindedly palm his still tight bulge, but he heard a surprising metal clink. He squinted his eyes and quickly unzipped his tight pants. With widened eyes he growled angrily as his cock cage would certainly ensure that he’d stay focused and transformed until he got through his studies. 

A few minutes earlier

Phillis walked into the bar and was determined to meet up with Milan’s old contact in the area. Get in. Get out. Get back to her new friend with the watch waiting for her in the car. When she saw the handsome bartender waiting inside, she knew they were in the right place.

The man was all neatly trimmed stubble, muscle, and tattoos. Not an inch of him could be more daunting or alluring for the right individual. He towered over the counter as he narrowed his eyes at Phillis who entered unphased by his impressive presence.

“I heard this place looked better on the inside.” Phillis speaks, looking back towards the door wistfully. Her brief glances revealed a sophisticated lighting system and a well-maintained building interior. Something you wouldn’t be able to tell from the outside.

“Who’d you hear that from?” the bartender grunted with a furrowed brow, not expecting that phrase. His curious voice having an edge to it.

“An old friend. I believe you two met and… bonded over drinks before. I believe he had some S.o.t.B.” Phillis stated, turning back to the barkeep with an arched eyebrow.

The man blushed but maintained a stern look. “Fuck. You’re a friend of Milan’s aren’t you? You can drop the code stuff I had a feeling someone like you would be coming along. Haven’t heard from him in days.”

Phillis let a tired smile slip. “Then I hope this’ll be quick. I’m here to pick up a case Milan left here before he went on mission two days ago. From what I know you’re much smarter than the average bartender and when Milan… made contact with you he left something here for safekeeping. Do you have it?”

The man sighed. “First off princess, it’s Reggie. Second, your boy has a lot of nerve if he thinks he can just send his lacky in without calling and not answering my tests-“

“Milan was taken Reggie. You know what he does. I need what’s inside that case to help get him back.” Phillis said finally letting out a little more genuine expression.

Reggie stared at her stunned for a second before letting out a sigh. “That idiot. I make one safehouse for the guy and he gets into shit before he can even use it. When I get my hands on him I… Ok. Fine. I’ll be back in a second. Help yourself to whatever. It was a slow night anyway.” The bartender went back to another room, walking off angrily.

Unfortunately, Phillis knew this wasn’t the only guy Milan had pissed off. The guy had a knack for connecting with people and gaining intel. However, that was a double-edged sword when he could get too close too fast. No one was ever terribly mad at him, but there was a certain limit that others reached when he didn’t even bother to call the next day.

As Phillis reminisced about the good times she’d had with her partner, she failed to notice a pair of men coming in with suits. Once they got within a few feet of her, she’d already started typing on her phone and caught their reflection on her screen.

“We found her.” One of the men in suits said as he got even closer to her.

“You’re coming with us,” the other said as he grabbed Phillis’ shoulder.

However, they were met with the woman just shaking her head. “I don’t think so,” she said.  With a single tap on her phone,  she revealed the program she’d run to hack the lights in this building. Every single lighting fixture in the place went dark, allowing Phillis to duck out of reach from her two assailants. No one in the room could see the two bottles Phillis had picked up from the bar, but they could definitely hear them break over the heads of the two men after her. Once the lights returned there were two unconscious men on the floor. She looked down proudly at her handy work, but her expression changed once more when more suited individuals flooded into the bar.

She was about to put up more of a fight before they began pointing their guns at her. Phillis knew when she was beat and raised her hands up tentatively. Behind her she heard Reggie begin to open the door to re enter the room, so she raised her voice and said, “What the hell do you want with me? Leave the people INSIDE the bar ALONE.”

Reggie appeared to have got the message and stopped in his tracks as one man emerged from the crowd.

“Always the fighter. Rumors of your tenacity precede you Agent Phillis.” The man greeted, loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt.

“Wait… that voice… Mousier Ramiz? You…. Look different than the last time we saw you.” Phillis said shocked.

“Well, the wonders of modern technology. I won’t bore you with the details, but I will press you for yours.” Ramiz pushed Phillis into the bar counter firmly with surprising ease.

“Tell me where the watch is.” Ramiz said flatly.

“What makes you think I even know where it is?” Phillis growled back.

“Funny. Your friend said the same thing. Though you and I both know you’re much smarter than he was. Now my men have confirmed the faint energy readings in the area, and we found you. Now speak up before we escalate this further.” Ramiz says producing his gun and pressing it firmly against Phillis.

A quick scan of the room didn’t show anything immediately helpful to her in this moment. She could move, attack, or dodge, but all those actions wouldn’t outpace a bullet at this range. Phillis thought she was out of options until she heard what sounded like an approaching stampede.

Suddenly the doors burst open and a bunch of burly sweat men from the nearby gym entered in!

“Bartender! Let’s get some drinks!”
“We’ve got a hungry guy over here let’s fill em up!”
“Someone turn up the music in here!”

All the men in suits were completely caught off guard with this display, but that brief confusion gave Phillis an opening. She hit another button on her phone and the lights began to strobe! This disoriented Ramiz long enough for her to hop behind the counter. Reggie saw this as his opening too and opened the door to activate the sound system nearby. In a matter of moments this dreary bar was blasting music and strobing lights.

“Alright guys what’re you having!” Reggie called out causing a row of hefty men to charge the bar! All of them requesting two drinks, one for them and the other for a special someone.

Cal came in at the rear, panting and sweating amidst a group of burlier men who would refuse to leave his side. They were offering some protein bars and some belly rubs with every step towards the bar, and they weren’t stopping now.

“Fuck. Why does this taste so good? I never have eaten this much, but I love it.” Cal muttered with a mouthful of granola. Despite feeling less nervous Cal could continue to feel himself sweating from the body heat of his new admirers.

Before long, drink after drink was being presented to him. Cal wasn’t much of a beer or wine guy. In fact, he hadn’t had more than 3 shots of anything since his 21st birthday. However, instinct seemed to be taking over and he began pounding away pint after pint. Each gulp sending pleasurable shivers down his spine. Or was that the various hands roaming his body? The heat of the moment seemed to be tinting this scene with rose colored glasses as now Cal felt more at ease and excited.

His attention began to drop towards his bulging belly. The guys had offered him some clothes along the way, but he was quickly taking them off. Unlike his other bodies Cal felt more relaxed than ever when all he had to do was eat and drink to his heart’s content. Not only that, but it was clear he’d kept his attraction to guys this time. Sure swimming as the water template and running through the fire as Ignis was cool, but this body felt the most fun! He was having fun!

Cal waddled over to the bar pushing aside the strange suited men, while rubbing his big gut around his admirers. “I’ll uh take two Uh…. Wait is that you Ph-“ Cal began before he was shushed. Peaking out from behind the counter was Phillis who appeared to be ducking out of sight.

“Cal?! Why’d you transform?!” she screamed at Cal with a whisper.

Even her stern comments couldn’t get Cal down at this point, so he just smiled and replied, “Phillis I’m having so much fun! This body is the best. What was I doing? Oh right! I saw these guys coming to the car and changed so I could help you! Is this helping? Damn I need a drink! Bartender! Another round please!”

As Cal called for this, a majority of the patrons cheered. Phillis let out a sigh. “Phermonic controls are certainly manifesting an… unexpected side effect. Though I won’t argue with efficacy. Cal. I need to find my contact and you need to change back. It’ll be easy to track once you leave a crowded room, but hard once the signal weakens. It’ll at least buy us some time… so uh… get busy.” Phillis says shoving Cal into the crowded mass of shirtless men all vying for his attention.

While Phillis reached Reggie by the sound system, Cal was confused and stumbling around the center of the bar where patrons had begun dancing. He wasn’t sure what was happening with all these hot guys pumping and grinding around him, but he sure liked it. He began to take in just how good it felt. He was being swarmed on all sides, feeling strong hands stroke his broader back, tight abdominal muscles tickling his stomach, and even a few roaming fingers reaching their way to his hardening crotch. Cal found himself embracing all of it, lifting up his huge ham sized arms to the sky as he danced. To his surprise, even more joined the dance floor after that, all with the express purpose of getting closer to Cal’s musky pits. Cal could even feel a few tongues going in deep and licking up Cal’s sweat as he danced around the room.

The room soon smelled like a drunken gym as drinks were being spilled everywhere. This was an amazing party Cal never wanted to end. His dick was thinking the same thing as the grinding got even tighter around him. Being so turned on for so long, Cal couldn’t hold back. After the room had reached peak pleasure a low moan could be felt from the center of the dancing masses and Cal blacked out for a second.

When he awoke Cal was in a mass of men who were equally collapsed. All moaning and muttering in pleasure.

“Shame that big guy is gone now. He was the life of the party.”
“Fuck I’ve never felt anything like that.”
“I’m definitely coming back here next week”

Now with a clearer head and an embarrassing stain in his pants, Cal stood up and headed to the exit where Phillis was waiting. She held a small silver brief case in her hands and seemed to be one of the only people standing amidst the room of people on the ground.

“That… was unexpected. No time to dawdle on that though. It got us a way out. Let’s go Cal. Post phermonic bliss will only last so long. They’ll snap out of it soon.”

Without a clue as to what she meant Cal followed her out.

“Damn. It was so hot in there I was sweating up a storm! What was that? What was I doing just now… it felt so good? I never knew having such a big bulging hairy stomach could feel so good… my hand… their hands…” Cal said surprised remembering the fluttering feelings that had started only moments ago.

Phillis shook her head with a laugh as she opened the case. “It’s a template that was one of our riskier ideas. An agent form that could persuade with the use of the pheromones produced by the human body. You… managed to take it to a new level with how much body heat you generated with those guys.”

“I guess so. It really…. Made everything feel like… more. I wanted to help you at the bar. We all went to the bar. I wanted to eat, they gave me food. I wanted to dance and-“

“And you knocked everyone out with how good you felt.” Phillis completed. “Unexpected, but effective. I’d love to have measured your pheromone levels at the time. But that’s besides the point. I’ve got what we need right here.”

As they got back to the car, Phillis opened the entirety of the case to show Cal. “This is essentially a portable charging station for the watch. Should it ever get drained or damage, this case was good to provide enough energy to repair any damage sustained by missions. Place your wrist right here.”

Without hesitation, Cal placed his wrist inside and the machine clamped around his wrist. There was a light whirring sound and a moment later the device released his wrist. The watch now shined pristine and new in the moon light.

“Incredible. Ok. Now we could see if Milan stored any info on the watch!” Phillis began to type some info into the watch when they heard a slam. The doors to the bar slam open as some dreary looking men in suits stumble out. The first one out was Mousier Ramiz!

“Crap. They’re awake. We need to getaway fast. Prioritize speed over stealth.” Phillis clamored into the driver’s seat and pressed a few buttons. Soon the vehicle compacted inside shifting into the image of a large motorcycle.

“Woah! You can drive a motorcycle?” Cal said surprised.

“No. But you can.” Phillis takes Cal’s wrist and presses 3 buttons simultaneously as a bright light shines the way forward.

“Alright, here are some clothes. Change in to them now. We’re leaving. The faster we drive, the lower the odds we’ve been followed.” Phillis says sternly. “Come on! Take off those suspenders and pants. Slide on that shirt!”

Cal was so confused but agreed. “Ok so can you please explain what’s going on? Who are you? How do you know about the watch? Where are we going? What’s with the clothes!?” Cal said completely baffled and bewildered in his big body. 

“In that order? My name is Agent Phillis from a government agency that’s off the books. I’m the one that made that watch you’ve been running around with this whole time. And we’re headed away from that area. You were tracked to this place because of the watch. Our info on the project got leaked… we lost contact with a good agent nearly 24 ago to show for it… but that info gave some very bad people the means to find some very expensive gadgetry. So I’m speeding down this small town till you detransform.”

“Detransform? Oh! Like turn back into me? Sweet! How do we do that? And you still didn’t explain the outfit change!” Cal asked, eager to prevent even more people from attacking him.  

“Well in general the watch bio links to the user and the timer is set for specific mission durations. However, it’s gotten damaged since I last inspected it. It’s probably going haywire. I won’t know for sure till you change back. In the meantime your entire being is one large energy beacon that people have the ability to track. New clothes not created by the watch reduce your energy signature! So thank you very much for changing. You can drive right?”

“What?” Cal managed to say as Phillis pressed a button. With a single swift motion the car changed around them pushing Cal into the driver’s seat as the exterior changed into an innocuous bus.  

“There. Now even their visuals won’t recognize us in a new car.” Phillis proudly stated.

“Holy crap! You have a car that could just do that? Is this some cool spy car!?”  Cal was smiling ear to ear, now driving with ease.


“Yes. Now shut up. I’m thinking… We’re still able to be tracked as long as you’re in that form… but! If you could recreate the scenario from before, when you returned to normal at your apartment, that may do the trick. It could be what triggers your transformation back into yourself!”

Cal blushed heavily at this, remembering what he was doing when he returned to his apartment. “Do… I have to do exactly that?”

In the distance they could hear screeching tires. Phillis turns around and sees a set of cars racing down the street, but taking a turn, not able to pin down their exact location. She begins to raise her voice. “What? Of course?! Your life could be in danger! Didn’t take a genius to figure out where you are, and I simply had to look up some basic personal info online to get your name Cal! Please whatever it is, just do it!”

“Um… ok… I just need you to… take the wheel… I need my hands for this…” Cal says blushing immensely in embarrassment.

“What? Oh. OH! I see.” The car soon reconfigures and Cal is given some space in the back seat to of the car to ‘work’. 

Cal focuses on himself and begins to reach his hands down his tight new pants. He looks at the sleeve of his shirt and smiles. When he put it on, he saw the size L on the tag, but even as he lightly stroked himself he could see how big his biceps strained the fabric with each motion. Soon, just like before, images floated through his head. Leo in his lifeguard outfit! That woman with the gun! The women by the beach! All the hotties playing volleyball! “AH!” Cal moaned as he let out a huge surge completely coating  the insides of his new pants and passing out.


When Cal woke up, night had fully fallen and the car had stopped. Not only that, he found himself in the back seat still wearing a huge shirt over his previous clothes, and some soaked sweat pants.

“It’s real…. it’s real… this is definitely not  a dream.” Cal said as he removes the much larger clothes and heads out of the car. He sees Phillis exiting the gas station with a bag of food.

“Eat up, we’ve got another trip to do.” She tosses the bag to Cal who was admittedly hungry.

“Where are we going. I changed back! I thought things were, you know? Safe.” Cal asked, concerned, but still dug into the gas station food.

“Safe for now. Your energy signal returned to normal, but it’s only a matter of time before someone finds the watch. And i can’t exactly remove it from you in its damaged condition. You know, unless I remove your arm.”

Cal nearly dropped all the food in panic.

“Which I won’t do Cal. I may work for a shady government organization, but I’m not one of the bad ones. Trust me. You’ve met the ones that shoot first and ask questions later.” Phillis sighed.

Inside, Cal knew she was right. His mundane use of the watch, seemed to pale in comparison to what was happening now. If he was in danger, he knew this agent Phillis would be his best bet of staying alive. 

“Ok… then I’ll go with you, but I’ve got even more questions! If I can ask them…” Cal said, much more meager without his big firefighter body.

“You can ask them on the road.” She said getting into the car and ushering Cal to ride beside her. “We’ll be headed to one of the  only places I could get some decent equipment around here.”

Cal nodded and boards the vehicle. “So… this is a watch that can change you into anyone you want, right?”

“Not anyone. The watch uses a form of solid organic light to replicate the forms of specific individuals for a set duration. Each of the preset templates were created to serve a specific purpose in the field, with individual DNA templates serving as the foundation of the change. The first unit you used was the Aquatic Template for water traversal.”

“Water traversal? Oh! You mean the swimmer! I was able to swim so fast as him! Not to mention hold my breath longer than I ever had before.” Cal remembered fondly. 

“That’s the point of the aquatic template. Increased lung capacity, underwater eyesight adaptation, and the perfect body for hydrodynamics. Increase to foot and hand size for example to help propel you through water.” Phillis explained. “Then of course you’ve seen the Fire Adept.”

“I call him Ignis!” Cal chimed in.

“What? You can’t name them!  Whatever. That one was meant for extreme temperatures. He has lungs that filter smoke, skin resistant to heat, and even an empowered vocal system to give commands across burning buildings. The idea was that if Milan needed a specific persona or expertise… he’d have it with that watch.” Cal could see Phillis grow a little sad at this explanation.

“Who is Milan?” he asked curiously.

“Milan was- I mean IS my partner. I made the watch specifically for him to operate in the field. The perfect spy who could blend in anywhere. That was the goal… he was the one that reminded me to add in sexualities and quirks to all the different template bodies to make them more human.”

“Oh! So that’s why I was so into women when I became them… wait. Did he ask you to include an inclination for fire puns to?” Cal accused.

“Haha! I forgot about that one. Yes he was. We’d never field tested… Ignis… as you call him. So we weren’t sure how much of our creation would carry over. There were vocal tendencies for a few of the templates for ‘authenticity’ sake as Milan put it. We were dealing with some bleeding edge technology… that is until our mission went sideways and we got separated. Our communication was cut off and I could see from my station that he’d sent the watch somewhere far away. Likely to avoid it being captured alongside himself. Knowing Milan, he would’ve left some clue on it to help me find him.”

There was a long silence after Phillis finished explaining.

“Oh… so that’s why you need it fixed. You can’t find your friend until the watch is back to normal.” 

Phillis simply nods at that, letting out another sigh. Without all the zooming cars and weapons, Cal could get his first good look at the woman who’d saved his life. Her longer dark hair hid some tired looking eyes and he could see how easily her hands tensed mentioning Milan. Despite her small frame she appeared tough and determined.

“I’m… sorry I took your watch. I honestly had no idea what it was… I was just using it to get this guy’s attention. But I promise I’ll cooperate and do what I can to help.” Cal offered.

Phillis smiled. “Thanks Cal. I’m probably gonna lose my job after all this, not to mention get fined for all the damaged property, and endangerment of civilians… but I appreciate that. Actually maybe I could- Oh. We’re here.”

Their car pulled out in front of a small roadside area a little outside of town. Cal hadn’t even seen this place except maybe in passing. This place had some small diners, an all day gym, and a rundown bar, with little else for miles.

“This is where we’re going to fix the watch?” Cal asked in disbelief.

Phillis shook her head. “No. This is where I am going to fix the watch. You stay in the car. Probably the safest place for you right now. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

“But wait! Don’t you need this?” Cal gestured holding out his wrist.

“I need you and the watch to stay out of trouble long enough for me to get what I need. And please don’t think about using the watch while I’m gone. I’ve got my phone locked on any energy surges, so I’ll know if you do.”

Cal was about to protest more when, Phillis simply left him and closed the door. Part of Cal couldn’t believe it, the other realized he didn’t really know what he could offer. It just felt like for a brief time he could be useful for…something. He decided to take out his phone and check his texts. Nothing from Leo, nothing from his friends, lots of news about a burning frat house, some news about a mysterious firefighter who saved some people in the area.

That made Cal smile, knowing he managed to help even just a little. The thought gave him some solace, but before long he realized almost an hour had passed. Still no sign of Phillis. Instead, he began to see more and more very plain looking cars pull up to the bar. It was weird at first, but then Cal could see men and women in identical suits exiting the vehicles before making their way in.

“I’ve got to warn Phillis somehow! Shit. I don’t have her number… but I do have the watch!” He knew one thing would definitely get her attention. Looking down Cal was about to press the machine before he thought of something. He put down his phone on the seat next to him giving it some distance, and then he pressed the button. 

There was another flash of light at this point and he could feel the collective change in his body. Suddenly, there was a lot more of him and he could feel the car slump to one side. His seatbelt was so tight on his new frame he felt like he couldn’t breathe for a second till it snapped off! He was certainly uncomfortable! Especially with what felt like a hairy torso pressing against too tight of an outfit. Unfortunately, he realized now half of those people in suits got an alert on their phones and turned directly to Cal’s car! The same urge that would notify Phillis had apparently alerted these guys too. 

With considerable effort, Cal tried to duck under parts of the car, but realized it was a lot harder to maneuver in whatever body he had now. Each arm motion and core turn, felt like a huge endeavor. “I gotta get out of here.” Cal said in a strangely deep voice, grabbing his phone which hadn’t changed with the rest of him.

With a desperate pull, he opened the passenger side of the door and stumbled out, waddling to the nearest area. The gym!

Cal entered to a pretty much deserted front desk, as buff guys in the distance worked out. Looking around for places to hide he thought the men’s locker room would at least halve the amount of people looking for him. He began to take off what little clothing his new body wore. It all felt restricting! Soon he grabbed a towel and got his first good look at himself as he passed a mirror.

“Woah. Wasn’t expecting this. How’s this guy good for espionage?” Cal thought to himself gesturing to his big frame and hairy body. “He’d stick out in most areas for sure!” 

Soon official sounding voices echoed through the halls.

“The sensors lead us in here. Fan out!”
“He can’t be far!”
“Finish this fast and reconvene at the bar!”

Those words sent shivers down Cal’s spine and he began to nervously sweat, which seemed to come easy to this body!

“Gotta hide! Gotta stay hidden!”  He did his best to waddle his way through the rows of lockers drawing in the attention of some guys calling it a night for their workout. Desperate for anything he saw a closed off room in the locker area and opened the door, only to enter a sauna. Inside were other big burly men, much like Cal was now. If he was sweating before, it got even worse in here.

“Woah, where’s the fire big guy.” One of the older hairier guy asked.

“Oh uh… nothing just… long day… really sweaty.” Cal explained.

The men inside laughed, all eyes on him.

“No kidding,” one burlier bearded man said. “I can smell you from here, why don’t you sit down and relax?”

“Yeah man.. your musk smells absolutely great, let’s put more steam on the coals.” Another guy said running some water along the burning coals, causing even more steam and sweat to fill the room. When the vapors cleared Cal saw the men inside all smiling at him seductively and approaching him.

“W-what? What are you doing?” Cal asked so nervously, sweating even more.

“What ever you want big guy.”
“We could rub your big belly.”
“Or give you a kiss.”
“Maybe take you back to my place.”
“Or mine!
“Mine too!”

Before Cal could respond he felt a flurry of bare hand rubbing every inch of his body. Somewhere in the tussle he lost his towel and a set of hands were rubbing every new inch of his lower half as well. Each stroke against his bulging stomach felt like heaven. Each gentle caress between his thick thighs felt divine. He was so overcome by pleasure he nearly forgot what he was doing there.

“Wait…” Cal moaned. “The… bar.” He managed to utter.

“Oh across the street?”
“Hell yeah, let’s get you something to drink big guy.”
“You a beer guy? Of course you are.”
“Let’s go!”

And just like that Cal felt their hands retract and reach for his shoulders and back, patting him encouragingly. The pleasure diminished slightly. Enough for Cal’s head to clear and realize the amount of influence he was exerting over these guys. His smile widened at the possibilities with all these shirtless handsome men of all sizes bending to his every whim. But first. He had to save Phillis. Marching out with his new harem of men, Cal wrapped the towels tight around his body and led the charge to the bar.

Cal slowly blinked awake. Every part of him felt sore and tired, but there was no denying the parts of him that felt good. His hand slowly slid down his shirt over his pants and-

“Wait. I’m wearing my clothes still?” He said aloud, as his eyes shot open to confirm what he was feeling. To his surprise, he was fully clothed. Wearing the same shirt and pants he’d worn to the beach this morning. He ran his hands over his unimpressive body and his legs weren’t even hanging off the bed. Looking around, he found no trace of the former self he remembered being! No red swimming trunks or… well that really was all he’d brought back to his apartment… Any trace of his wet steps would’ve long since dried… if they were even there to begin with.

“Was that? Fuck… of course it was a dream! Nothing that crazy could’ve really happened… How could I think I was that hot Japanese swimmer from before? I must’ve just had a tiring day at the beach and crashed when I got back. I better apologize to Leo in case I forgot to say goodbye.”

Cal didn’t know what to make of this. Could this be a coincidence? No… Yes? Maybe! He had to know. He began to look over geo tagged posts of the beach nearby! A few moments later his search had shown him so many new angles of the body he’d actually occupied mere hours ago. Many of the comments were thirsting over this hot swimmer! Some even asking if anyone had an ID page for this mysterious male model! Many were left disappointed that this guy hadn’t gone public or at least had a bunch of thirst trap pics laying around on social media. Some of the pictures didn’t even have his new face!

“I can’t believe it. This actually happened. That was me! I… I was hot! And… the watch!!” Throughout this whole time Cal hadn’t realized the strange watch from before was now on his wrist! He didn’t even remember putting it on.

“Ok…. So if this is real then… the watch… it really did this! I think…. How’d I get it to work last time?”

Cal began to examine the watch pressing its various dials and buttons. So far, the only one he had labeled was the black silhouette of the “Aquatic Template”. However, the more he moved things around the more he could see many others. Some larger, some smaller, but all of them with distorted text as if the watch was experiencing some technical failure. Cal was about to press one of the unknown dark images when his phone buzzed with a new text from Leo!

“It’s… whatever… Rather not think about it. Anyway. You going to that costume party tonight? The one the LGBT+ frat is hosting? Might be a good way to get the word out about your cleaning club.”

Was Leo asking… if Cal was going to a party!? Like… as friends or?

“I… don’t normally go to those things… are you going?” Cal replied.

There was a few moments of pause before Leo replies. “Yeah. Hope I see you there too.”

Cal nearly threw his phone across the room. Despite an incredible shape changing watch affixing itself to his arm, Leo’s passive invite to this party was the most surprising thing Cal could’ve ever imagined.

“I’ll see you there.” Cal finally replied after a few seconds of deep breathing.

Soon Cal was pacing around his room nervously fiddling with the watch. It kept flashing red every time he tried to select one of the options, as a series of numbers flashed on the screen. “Maybe it’s for the best…. After all. Leo wanted me to come! It should be fine… I don’t need to be a sexy swimmer to get his attention… yeah. It’ll be fine!”

Not having much of a costume, Cal simply wore some nice clothes as he crossed the street to the frat area of campus. It was clear that there was a party going on at the LGBT+ frat. Men and women were in every state of dress and in some costumes that were less theatric and more revealing. There wasn’t a guy around who didn’t have his abs or biceps showing. Most of the party was on the frat house lawn with BBQs going next to beach volleyball courts! Inside people were playing beer pong and by the entrance were two hot guys chatting up Leo! One was taller with killer stubble and abs, the other was shorter and more brawny. Both were just wearing suspenders, pants, and a fireman hat as they leaned close to Leo. They all laughed occasionally as Cal ran the opposite direction!

“Ok. This is bad. Fuck. What was I thinking coming over here… ok…. Watch… I don’t need a swimmer here… I need something to grab Leo’s attention. Can you do that?” The watch sputtered and sparked for a second before the red glowing receded. A new silhouette had taken the former’s place.

Template 4 – Fire Adept

Without a second thought and too overwhelmed to decide, Cal pressed the button!

There was another bright flash and soon Cal wasn’t wearing his normal clothing! He was in full fire fighter attire.

“Woah this stuff is heavy.” Cal grumbled in surprise, a low commanding voice escaping his lips. “Damn and the voice. Fuck. It’s even lower than before… pretty sexy too. Hey. Hot stuff. Looking good.” Cal said smiling at the goofy line. Even with those words the voice just oozed sex appeal. Not to mention it was the perfect attention grabbing tone that was gone win him Leo’s attention.

Cal continued to explore his new body as he walked back to the frat house. He occasionally flexed his arms admiring the cool tattoos on his massive biceps as well as the big boots he wore that stomped the ground beneath him. This was also a body that stood head and shoulders above most guys here. There were a few taller athletes here and there, but he was definitely over 6 feet tall once again. Once again, he could feel the invisible imprint of the watch on his wrist. He could also feel a fireman’s axe on his back… was that real?

Not wanting to get distracted, Cal powered on. Before long he was at the doorway where Leo was talking to those two guys. By comparison Cal’s outfit looked much more authentic than theirs.

“Hey gentleman. Hey Leo. Someone looks smoking.” Cal said awkwardly grinning as he said another cheesy line out of sheer nerves.

All three guys stared wide eyed at this huge guy who sauntered over to them. Not only did his natural demeanor look so imposing to anyone nearby, but Cal didn’t realize how intimidating he seemed staring down at them.

The two wannabe firefighters were sputtering over their words. It was Leo that responded first.  “Wow! That’s quite a costume… but you look kinda…. Old for university… no offense. Do you actually go here?”

Cal crossed his arms and gave a big grin as he caught his reflection on the window nearby. Stubbled jaw, deep voice, perfect teeth, and deceptively smooth skin… he certainly passed for someone in their 20s or 30s rather than the early 20s demographic of the party. Not just that but his sleeve of tatoos and naturally dominant presence gave him the appearance of an authority figure not a peer. This was a body that people looked to for command and direction… and much to Cal’s disappointment, not love.

“I uh… well… I saw the smoke… from the BBQ and… I found you… hot stuff.” Cal spoke through gritted teeth, internally moaning finding it impossible to stop the bad fire puns. To his surprise, Leo laughed as the other two guys took this moment to make an awkward escape.

“So, what are you some local firefighter making sure we’re up to code or something? That’s kinda… hot.” Leo laughed.

“Really? I mean yeah. Long day at the…. Station? And it seemed like a fun place to hang out. Someone as cool as you are here after all.” Cal replied, grinning ear to ear. His perfect smile a sign at his surprise and glee that this was going well! However, as they talked Cal quickly realized something was off. He felt relaxed. Not strain or stress like he normally had talking to Leo! Was this what having confidence was like? No… because something else was wrong… deep inside him… he didn’t feel nervous at all… because he didn’t find Leo attractive anymore! He kept staring at Leo’s perfect hair, flawless skin, impressive muscles beneath his lifeguard uniform, and most of all his incredible legs and feet! But nothing!

Instead as Leo began to explain a story that Cal wasn’t listening to, Cal’s attention drifted to a few women playing beach volleyball. His eyes fixated on their bouncing breasts as they jumped for the net. Each elegant motion more mesmerizing than the next. He thought he might drool till he heard.

“So, what’s your name?” from Leo

“Huh? What? Oh I’m…. Ignis. Yeah, that’s my name!” Cal said thinking on his feet of the final fantasy character and the Latin word.

“Nice to meet you Ignis…. Now did you come here to talk to me or just ogle at those girls over there?” Leo accused.

“No! I uh… I really wanted to talk to you and-“ Cal tried to explain, though once again his eyes drifted over to the women as one team won the game and they all began to celebrate getting closer and closer to each other.

Leo was unimpressed. “Come on man. It’s clear you’re here crashing a college LGBT+ event, creeping on coeds and stuff. This is an important time for people to explore their interests. They don’t need a weird older guy creeping on them for a distance. You should get out of here before I call campus security.”

With that Leo headed inside shaking his head, mumbling something about “First the swimmer and now this guy? Just my luck. Has anyone seen a guy named Cal around? No? Fine. Well, I’m gonna make sure we have enough propane for the grill.”

Cal looked down dejectedly. Another body. Another screwed up attempt!

“Stupid body! Stupid muscles! Stupid… fuck stupid only liking women right now. What the hell is wrong with me?” Cal moped, walking off, down the street. He was still very horny as he sulked his way back to his apartment. However, before he could make his way down the street, he saw a woman approaching in a trench coat. She was more solidly built but her appearance was striking none the less. Her Light brown hair had some blond highlights and she was looking directly at Cal which caused his dick to stir in his fireman outfit.

“Uh… hey there.” Cal said not knowing what to do, and legitimately blushing at her presence.

“You…” she began getting closer to Cal, her soft hand brushing against his rough forearm. “Have the watch!” Her hands directly went for his wrist where she could feel the invisible device between her fingers.

“What!? How’d you know about the watch?” Cal said jumping back, releasing himself from her grip with surprising strength.

She smirked and pulled out a gun. “Me and a few other interested parties know all about that thing. Only difference is I don’t care if you hand it over dead or alive!”

Cal had no idea what was going on! His heart was beating a mile a minute and he wasn’t able to form a single rational thought as death was staring him in the face. This woman was holding the gun so subtly from her coat, no one nearby could even see her threaten him! Not only that people were still partying inside and out of the house, so it’s not like they could hear him cry for help before he was shot!

However, right at that moment someone cried. “OH SHIT!” from inside the frat and there was an explosion that blew part of the house up in an instant! Debris was flying everywhere and managed to strike Cal’s would be captor in the face. With this temporary distraction Cal began to run! As he took a few steps he heard someone cry. “Fuck! Leo! He’s still inside!”

Cal looked to his disoriented assailant and back at the house which had now caught fire.

“Damn…. I’m coming Leo!” Cal roared charging in. Dozens of people in costumes were darting out of the house! None of them large enough to get in Cal’s way though. He rushed past civilians, and through broken tables with ease, once again surprised by his own power. Not only that he realized despite all the smoke he could breathe and see just fine. Did movies really make it look worse on purpose… or was it something about him? Soon he managed to sift through the wreckage to find an unconscious Leo laying down next to a fire extinguisher coughing.

“I got you Leo. Let’s go!” Cal fireman carried Leo out of the burning building and placed him on the lawn a safe distance away from the building to get some fresh air. He wasn’t breathing properly at first. Part of him was worried, but another part knew that he needed CPR! Without any training in the procedure, Cal attempted to resuscitate Leo! With an expert motion and form, he managed to do enough chest compressions and finally blowing into his mouth. For a moment his manly stubbled lips graced Leo’s and a second later Leo was gasping for breath and coughing. He’d be ok.

Cal let out a relieved smile. Soon sirens were blaring by the area. He took that as his queue to run off and managed to take a few side streets to avoid prying eyes. He began to catch his breath feeling tired and paused for a few minutes to catch his breath.

“End of the line big guy.” Came the voice of the woman with a nasty scar on her face. “Thought you’d cover more ground after that incident. Guess you’re dumber than I thought.” Cal looked at her terrified, backing into the small street nearby.

The woman cocked the gun back and then Cal shut his eyes terrified and accepting his fate! With all the sirens and screaming from nearby, neither heard the near silent acceleration of a dark car with tinted windows racing down the street, hitting the woman directly into the trees nearby. This day continued to get weirder by the second.

“What the hell!?!” Cal jumped back, even more scared. His deep manly voice at odds with his obvious panicked and confused words. Soon the windows were lowered and he could see an average looking woman with glasses, dark hair, and a badge. “Get in Cal! You’re not safe here!”

“W-why should I trust you?” Cal said shaking from shock.

“1. Because I’m trying to save your life. 2. Because I can get you out of here. And 3. You’re wearing my watch.” Phillis explained.

“Template 3 activated – Aquatic Traversal Prioritized”

In a flash it was clear something had changed. One moment Cal was stumbling to press a strange button on the watch he found and the next, the watch was gone. And so was his shirt. And his shoes. And his pants! Looking down Cal now saw some red compression shorts! Not only that but a solidly built hairless chest with visible abdominal muscles and pecs! Beneath the red compression shorts was a hefty bulge, a pair of long powerful legs, and some very big flipper like feet!

“What the hell is going on?” Cal said aloud, only to be greeted with a smooth charming baritone escaping his lips.

The morning waves splashed along the shore, causing the tide to graze his new bare feet. It was such an odd sensation to experience being fully clothed one moment then being barefoot and shirtless the next. Though despite how odd the scenario was, it didn’t feel… terrible.

“Fuck… I remember the morning air being colder and my feet would be freezing against the water at this time of day… but it actually feels nice with the waves coming this close.” Cal thought to himself. For a brief second Cal took a few tentative steps towards the water, before he stumbled over his big feet tripping into the sand as another wave washed over him. The fall and the splash to the face shook him back to reality.

“Ok! I’m awake, not a dream! This… this is real…. Fuck… I feel… different.” He says as the water’s reflection of his new self greets his new eyes. “I look different. I’m a whole other race!” At that he flexed his new arms eager to see how big his new biceps could get. He was not disappointed. “And I’ve got a whole new body… this is… AWESOME! I’m like a buff Japanese swimmer for some reason! This is so cool! Wait… this all happened when I found that watch… where is it now?”

For a moment Cal looked around seeing nothing on his person except the red compression shorts he had on his lower half. However as he mentioned the watch, he could see a vague translucent outline of the watch on his wrist. He could even make out a small glow if he squinted hard enough.

“Am I wearing this thing? And why is it saying T3-Aquatic on the watch’s face? Well… regardless… this thing is incredible if it can just turn me into this random swimmer… I guess the beach cleanup can wait… I’m gonna test this new body out!”

Without another thought Cal dove for the water and began swimming into the ocean. It was such a refreshing sensation. Before Cal would’ve never described himself as a strong swimmer, or a swimmer at all for that matter. He could barely stay afloat at the few pool parties he’d ever been to. But this was different. His body was moving as if he’d been swimming for years! Muscle memory he never had took over and he was doing the perfect strokes and motions to adequately traverse the morning sea! Not only that he found that could hold his breath for extremely long periods of time! His eyes didn’t even sting when he took a peek beneath the ocean’s surface. In fact, he could see even more clearly than he could above land! Was this what it was like for all swimmers?

Cal was having the time of his life out in the water until he began to hear a shout in the distance.

“Johnny! Oh no! Help! My kid got pulled in by a wave! He can’t swim!”

Rubbing his eyes nervously, Cal resurfaced in time to see a father yelling out on the other side of the beach. A young boy was flailing in the water for dear life as he drifted further and further from land. This time it wasn’t his body’s instincts that kicked in, but his own. Cal zoomed through the water at alarming speed and within a few seconds he’d already scooped the kid in his large powerful arms and was swimming to shore. He had no idea if the kid would be ok, but part of him knew he had to do something.

“Oh thank god! Johnny! You’re ok. Thank you man!” The father said looking so graciously at Cal who was just as surprised by his action as he was when he returned to the sand. The child began to cough violently spitting out water when Leo rushed to the scene. It was clear that Leo was about to jump into action to save the kid, when Cal had managed to bring Johnny to shore. His heart jumped a bit as he imagined he and Leo being hot lifeguards together. However, this was dashed when Leo shot a daggered look at Cal.

“Give him some space please.” Leo said officially, putting Johnny in the proper position to cough out more and more water. As Cal backed off, onlookers who were finally coming to the beach began to murmur.

“Did that guy just save the drowning kid?”
“Damn he’s hot.”
“Even beat the lifeguard to the punch.”
“He’s really dreamy.”
“Check out his abs.”

It wasn’t long before a few beautiful women in tight swimsuits approached Cal, putting their hands on his muscular arms affectionately.

“I can’t believe you saved that guy?”
“You’re like a real life hero!”
“Want to grab a coffee later? My treat handsome.”

For someone who was often overlooked, Cal had no idea what to do with all this newfound attention swarming him. Nor did he understand why a familiar tightness from his crotch was occurring when all these beautiful… sexy… women… were all over him.

Even the thoughts running through his mind were foreign to him, despite feeling so good. Luckily Leo broke up the small crowd that was forming around Cal as he approached angrily.

“You! I’m not sure who you are or what you were trying to do, but you nearly made this problem so much worse when you dragged that kid back to shore. He was taking in more water when you pulled him back at your speed!” Leo said almost with hostility.

“What!? I’m sorry. I had no idea! I was just… look I’m just really new to swimming and-“ Cal tried to explain.

“Yeah right. Those were perfectly executed strokes. I bet you were just showing off.” Leo growled in disbelief.

“No! I mean. I wasn’t. I mean. If I was it’d be only to impress-“

“All those girls fawning over you now?  Come on man. Thanks for getting him to shore, but you better not try any of those theatrics on my beach again!” Leo stated with such finality Cal had only just realized he was looking a little down at Leo who once towered over him. Still his words stung and Cal was not used to confrontation. Seeing the hurt and concern in Leo’s eyes was enough to make him run off in embarrassment back to his apartment!

A few minutes of jogging barefoot led Cal back to his dingy apartment. Without his wallet or keys, he couldn’t get in the normal way, but he always left a spare under the mat. It felt so weird walking down the halls at this new height. Not to mention he got some strange stares from his collegiate neighbors as he walked shirtless into his own room. Finally inside, he ran to the refrigerator to grab some water. It’d only been a few minutes but he was the thirstiest he’d ever been. The excitement from the day must be finally catching up to him.

He made his way over to his bathroom just to see himself once more. This was the first good look he got at his new face. The clear skin, the almond shaped eyes, and the dark straight hair. There wasn’t a trace of him on this body… except for the red shorts. While it was true he’d had on his red jackets and dark pants to the beach… it appeared that this swim wear had matched the color scheme of his outfit nearly completely. Still… he was trying to get Leo’s hurtful words out of his head so he started flexing in front of the mirror. He was ecstatic to see his muscles looked even more defined up close in a clear reflection. He could be a model! An actor! A porn star! That last thought made him grope his new growing member, which sprang to life now that he was in the privacy of his own home. It felt too good not to stroke… more… and more… In fact, the more he did the better it felt! The cock in his hand was certainly not his own. Cal was more on the average end of dick size when it came to comparisons, but now had the length and girth of a well-seasoned adult film personality. The thought of seeing this dick in porn made it throb and writhe in his powerful grip! Flashes of fantasy ran through his mind. What if this was permanent? What if this was him from now on? Would he be able to apologize to Leo? Would he be able to get those hot babes’ numbers?

That last thought was for some reason so hot and he kept thinking of his hot female neighbors! The women at the beach! Bay watch babes he’d seen in movies! More and more images of beautiful women flooded his mind till a deep moan came out of him and he came all over his bathroom mirror. He stumbled out of the bathroom on to his bed, not even wiping the excess cum off any surface he’d shot on. He’d nearly knocked himself out with how intense that orgasm was! His eyelids were flickering closed as Cal heard the faint beeping of some sound coming from his wrist. And with another bright flash, he fell asleep.



“Agent Phillis reporting in. I’ve tracked prototype device to this college town. It supposedly was activated twice within the last 24 hours. My sensors indicate that there are enemy agents in the area as well. En route to intercept the device first. Whoever has that thing better hope I find them before they do.”

A story where an ordinary guy finds an extraordinary watch.

“Agent Milan what’s your status?” Came the intense voice over the earpiece.

“At the moment Phillis trying to relocate our target, while evading our unwanted guests.” Agent Milan whispered as he ducked behind priceless stone statues and beautiful terracotta urns. At least a dozen angry men were pouring in from all sides, each wearing a well-fitted suit with a subtle firearm at their side. The agent wasn’t paying much mind to them, as he simply adjusted his tie and fixed his hair in a nearby gold framed mirror. His styled curly hair and nicely built body contained nicely with the suit he was quickly putting back together. “I told you starting at the bar and hitting on the first guy you saw was a bad way to start the night. Now you’re stuck in the auction holding room. I hope you enjoy the millions of dollars of fine art, because those guys are covering all exits. You’ll be here for a while.” Phillis retorted, running security cams, communication, and trying to hack into the building’s systems. 

“How was I to know that the biggest most handsome man at the end of the bar was the head of security? And for your information I happen to be an admirer of the arts,” Milan whispered as he snuck his way through each billion-dollar art installation.

“The scar on his right cheek didn’t give it away? Or the stories about how he liked to live dangerously? And- I’m in!” Phillis cheered finally cracking into the schematics of the building and its countless capabilities.

“One. I thought he was flirting back. Two. About time. I’ve got a plan. Fancy places like this have some sort of airlock to acts as fire suppressant. Sucks all the air out nearly instantly. Is that correct?” Milan inquired eying a several sizeable rows of dusty gravel filled pottery behind a glass partition.

“If you’re asking me if I can suck you out of there for a quick getaway, I think you have me confused with the guy at the bar.” Phillis said rolling her eyes. “But yes, this room is equipped with that feature. Though that kind of thing would lock this room down and probably make you suffocate.”

“Good. I won’t need long. On my signal turn the system on for 10 seconds. I see my route to the gala.” The agent dictated as he took a position behind a sculpture, seeing one guard by the obvious main hall entrance.

Phillis let out an exhausted sigh. “Hank. What are you planning?” She asked fearing the worst, just as Milan disarmed the nearest guard and shot through the rows of pottery.

 Dusty ancient powder exposed itself to present day air and Phillis, knowing Agent Milan’s ‘signals’, turned on the air lock. The air grew thin as a room full of air was being sucked out of the room. Not only that but the sandy nature of the broken pots became a whirlwind of concealment. While the guards were all coughing and covering their eyes, Milan was holding his breath and had slipped passed them unseen. Before anyone could understand what had happened, Milan made his way to a door at the end of the room. After a few seconds had passed Phillis shut the airlock off, allowing the room to unlock and Agent Milan to saunter down a long hallway. All the guards were left in a state of confusion and yelling, and by the time they regained their bearings Agent Hank Milan was long gone. “Pretty good idea considering you had 4 drinks already.” Phillis chided, half compliment and half scolding. “What can I say I do my best work when I’m having fun. Now speaking of which. I think I have a party to get to. I can hear the gala already. I’ve got to say I’ve enjoyed this face for the time being, but I think I’ll need to take another go at your latest great invention.” Agent Milan said loosening his tie and rolling up his left sleeve revealing a very sleek looking watch.

“I love when you compliment my work Agent Milan, but remember you can’t use it too many times. Be careful. It’s still an experimental device. Not sure how many charges it has left!”

“Careful is my middle name darling.” Agent Milan says as he turns the dial on his watch. In small holographic lighting, a display appears on the watch’s face. As he turns it a few times, countless pictures of a diverse array of men appear on the screen. “Too tall, too tough, too… over the top… ah here. Perfect!” With that confident declaration he hit the watch’s surface and felt a pulse of energy course through his body. His darker curly hair lightened slightly to brown as it grew shorter and more styled. His face shifted as his jaw grew more defined and his face took on a more serious tone with bluer eyes. His height increased by a few inches, while a few cracks along his upper back revealed his shoulders broadening. His former suit begins to rip, but re-stitches into one that hugs his body. Any residual dust disappearing or falling to the ground next to his perfectly polished black dress shoes.

“Now that’s better,” Agent Milan says in a British accent. “I think this will do nicely for the party. How do I look?” He spins around facing a nearby security camera knowing Phillis is watching.

Phillis rolled her eyes yet again. “You look great agent. Now get your ass to that party and find the target!”

Agent Milan entered through the large doors emblazoned with elegant designs. The party before him was bustling with socialites and politicians from all around the world. He quickly made his way to the jewel of the party, Duke Bernard Wendal. The youngest artifact of a bygone era of wealth and aristocracy for his country, but also the most handsome bachelor that most of Europe has ever seen.

“Remember agent, Bernard is a duke only in title. His political ties are spotty at best, but it’s his family’s tech company was one of the only successful endeavors they performed. He is carrying a special drive on him, it’s highly classified but we need the data there before it gets into the wrong hands. His recent gambling debts have led him to meet a high-profile buyer here, no idea who. But if you can give him a better alternative, he may go with you willingly.” Phillis explains in his earpiece.

“Way ahead of you. I’m going to offer him something he can’t resist,” Milan said as he approached the live entertainment to request a song. Soon more upbeat music was beginning to play, cutting whatever conversation the duke was having. In all the excitement the agent briefly shoved another guest into the crowd causing Bernard Wendal to trip, right into his arms.

“Oh Duke Wendal, glad I caught you may I have this dance?” Before Bernard could respond, Milan had twirled him to the rhythm of the music and no one could deny the instant chemistry between them.

Phillis muted coms for a bit knowing this would go on for a few minutes until Milan had his fun. She along with every other guest at the event, could see the pair whisper sweet nothings to one another on the dance floor, much to both their delight. Once the dancing died down the agent took Bernard to a nearby balcony.

“The stars are quite beautiful tonight aren’t they Bernard.” Milan crooned with a confident smile.

“Yes they are. Though not as handsome as the dashing prince who swept me off my feet. I didn’t even get your name.”

“Well you can call me Milan. If I may say, you look like a man with much on his mind. Care to share?” Milan said wrapping an arm subtly around his waist as they leaned against the balcony.

“It’s that obvious? Well… a baron sometimes  finds themselves in some debt. I’ve got quite a transaction to conclude tonight that will hopefully resolve it.”

“Well I may be able to help with that. What would you say if I represented an organized body who would like to help you? Maybe take you far away from here.”

“Why Mr. Milan, you continue to surprise me at every corner.” The duke says as he removes his jacket and hangs it on the balcony. “I’d say I’m eager to hear more.”

“Then perhaps I can whisk you away to somewhere we can discuss business… and pleasure.” Milan begins to lean in.

The two men are about to kiss when a pair of footsteps come towards them.

“I’d say he’s had enough of both, isn’t that fair, Agent Milan?” A sinisterly handsome man in a suit arches an interested eyebrow at the embracing men.

“Mousier Ramiz, I wasn’t expecting to see you here, nor for you to see through my disguise. What gave it away?”

“Let’s just say I have an eye for detail. Now before I continue. This should stay between just us boys I think.” He pulls out a device and Milan grabs his ear in pain as the earpiece short circuits and falls.

“Neat trick Ramiz. But I’m going to be taking the duke here. I’m sure he wants no part in your shady dealings.”

“On the contrary. I’ve already given the duke everything he’s ever wanted. And he’s about to return the favor.” Ramiz says with a smirk.

Agent Milan was confused when suddenly he felt Bernard’s hand wrap around his body and throw him off the balcony with surprising strength!

“Goodbye Mr. Milan.” Bernard said coldly.

Winds were rushing against agent Milan as he fell. In a split thought he quickly tapped his watch to record a message. The fall obscuring some of his words.

“Phillis. You won’t get this message right away. Sending the watch on eject mode to get somewhere safe. I’ll be ok! Missions not done yet. Just find the watch and then you’ll see.  And hey. Still owe you dinner one day. On me.”

With those words Milan pointed his wrist out and the watch shot off a great distance away through the sea. His form shimmered as the watch’s tech restored his normal form and he hit the water.

- - -

It was a strangely bright morning on the coast of Cape City. Like most mornings, Cal was busy picking up litter off the beach. His enthusiasm and care for this place was apparent. Even if he was doing it alone. Cal spotted his reflection in the ocean’s morning tide. His sleight frame of 5’2 and mop of unruly dark hair made him appear average at best. It was his darker skin and sonorous voice which usually got people’s attention, that is, if anyone every bothered to look his way.

“Hey Cal!” the handsome lifeguard called out. “Thanks again for tidying up the beach! Always wild and messy after a party weekend.”

“It’s my pleasure Leo. Thanks for keeping these beaches safe! You and me! We’re like a team protecting the beach!” Cal smiled hopefully at Leo. The handsome lifeguard was an object of his affection for quite sometime, but has never offered more than gorgeous grins. Leo was the near inverse of Cal with his shorter blond hair and chiseled looks. Not only that but when he was on the sand, he towered over Cal by nearly a foot!

“Yeah we are! Just a team of two though. I thought you said you were gonna bring school’s cleaning club?” Leo asked.

“Well… the Cape University Ecology Club is… having a shortage of members… really just me honestly… so yeah…. I want to get more people involved in it down the line, but for now… well for now I’m happy to keep up the work.” Cal said trying to sound proud

“I like your spirit man, you keep your eyes on the sand, and I got the sea! See you around!” Leo waved goodbye as Cal continued down the shore.

With a sigh Cal continued. Throughout his 4 years in university he’d kept hoping to find away to change the world for the better! He joined the ecology club his freshman year just to get a head start and he was studying biology and environmental sciences to keep that up! However, it didn’t look like the world shared his enthusiasm. Not a lot of strong ways to help save the planet even if you’re smart enough to know how… So his next few years were spent in the same boring patter of trying to do his best locally, but it had no long lasting effect. It seemed futile. There was a part of him just wished he’d find something to break down the monotony of the day today.

And that’s when his foot his something in the sand.

“Huh? Oh. Someone dropped their watch. That’s weird… why is it glowing?” Cal could see small images on the screen. “Is this some sort of-“ he began to say as he pressed the watch’s glowing button and suddenly there was a large flash!
