#squadron power rangers


Here’s how I’d envision it.

Part 1

- Jason Lee Scott has Tommy Oliver get into contact with the Zordon of the past before the Z-Wave happened in Power Rangers in Space. Zordon explains that the White Ranger and White Tiger Ranger powers were part of a set and it’s possible to unlock the new powers along with the Thunder Zords.

- A woman arrives in Angel Grove from a portal while being chased by monsters. She reveals herself to be the Yellow Ranger and Trini from another universe: Trinity Trinidad. She warns of a deadly force headed to Earth who usurped Rita Repulsa’s powers and killed off her teammates, the alternate reality versions of Jason, Zack Taylor, Billy Cranston, and Kimberly Ann Hart.

- This pushes Jason and Tommy to get the ranger teams to train and achieve the same form as Rocky DeSantos did during the Beetleborgs crossover.

- Two sets of MMPR train. The OGs are the original MMPR with Trinidad replacing the late Trini Kwan. The other MMPR team were the replacements Rocky, Aisha Campbell, Adam Park, and Katherine Hillard. In Billy’s place in the team was Justin Steward, the Blue Turbo Ranger.

- As expected, with two people occupying the same power set, their powers were halved. They needed to create a new set of powers for the Morphin Grid to give them full powers. Rocky was able to unlock Red Dragon Ranger, but the others were having troubles unlocking the Green Lion Ranger, Blue Unicorn Ranger, Yellow Griffin Ranger, and Pink Firebird Ranger.

- Jason gives Rocky a pep talk, saying that a team is only as good as its leader and he should have more faith in himself so that his team can have faith in him, reminding him that he’s a pretty good guy who taught him how to do an arm bar back in the 1990s.

- Trinity then betrayed the MMPR, revealing herself to be the traitor to the original team in her universe while serving as Colonel Trinity (Gara) to Master Shadam of the Org Tribe, the Master Org of their dimension. Shadam killed the Master Org of their universe, stole the powers of Master Vile, and wields the wand of Rita Repulsa.

- They found this universe by tracing back Trinity’s connection with the Morphin Grid to this alternate universe Earth. Trinity then ends up corrupting the OG MMPR with the influence of Shadam’s mind control by tainting their Power Coins with Org Tribe energy.

- The powered-up OG Rangers make short work of their replacements before they end up reclaiming the other half of MMPR powers.

- Tommy Oliver attempts to save the day with the Master Morpher, morphin into his multiple forms to fight against Master Shadam. However, he is stabbed in the back by Major Pain (Zydos). The hypnotized MMPR then turn on the White Tiger Ranger.

- The MMPR know Tommy too well and the hypnotized Jason gets the upper hand, who them prompts his team to use the Power Blaster to un-morph him. He then steals the Master Morpher away from his rival and seemingly kills him.

Part 2

- The Replacement MMPR Team, with no Power Coins, regroup with an injured Tommy. They first contact Tanya Sloan and attempt to use the Zeo Ranger powers in order to deal with Master Shadam’s Org Army. However, they start losing their Zeo crystal powers too because Master Shadam has started invading the Morphin Grid through the Master Morpher so that only the MMPR could use its infinite power.

- They then hear the OG MMPR are headed to the White House using the Megazord in order to destroy it, with them destroying property, tanks, police cars, and fighter jets along the way.

- Knowing the danger of having multiple ranger teams without access to the Grid, the team attempts to use the New Powers once more, with Tanya sharing her Zeo powers to Aisha to get aid her attempt at creating a new power never before seen on Earth until the Super Mega Force Rangers and Rocky accessed it.

- The injured Tommy gives Rocky a pep talk too, saying he’s every bit a leader as Jason is, he should just have confidence in himself.

- The bad guys close in on the good guys inside the cave, with the Zeo Rangers and one Turbo Ranger barely holding it together because their powers are themselves starting to fade with Master Shadam’s corruption of the grid. Another Shattered Grid event might happen. Inspired by Jason and Tommy, Rocky transforms into the Red Dragon Ranger and saves the weakening Zeo team plus Justin.

- The rest of the rangers were also inspired by the heroism of Rocky, which resulted in them getting new morphers in the form of Aura Changers. They then change into the Thunder Power Rangers with free access to the Thunder Zords without morphing the Dino Mega Zords to turn into them.

- The TPR drive the monsters back and with Zordon’s instructions, fly out with the Thunder Zords to stop the Dino Megazord from killing the president and destroying the White House. Unlike the earlier battle with the Dark Rangers, the veteran hypnotized MMPR were tough opponents against their replacements.

Part 3

- The Thunder Power Rangers get help from the Yellow Zeo Ranger in her Yellow Zeo Zord. This allows Tommy to summon the White Tiger, which then merges with the Thunderzords to form Mega Tigerzord while the Red Dragon Thunderzord Robot Form attacks from the rear.

- After defeating the Dino Megazord, a showdown between the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and the Thunder Power Rangers commence. Master Shadam has Major Pain morph into the MMPR Green Ranger to make it a 6-on-6 match, but because Master Shadam is aiding the MMPR, they were forced into a corner on top of Tommy still being injured.

- Just as the MMPR were about to use the Tower Formation Attack to take out the TPR, the Yellow Zeo Ranger attacks the alternate universe Trinity, saying “This is for the real Trini!” before she lost her connection to the Morphin Grid. This prompts Rocky to use that opening to summon the Power Cannon and do a beam struggle against the MMPR’s Power Blaster that they win out because Trinity was injured. This finally de-morphs the whole MMPR team.

- The TPR then face off against the Org Tribe’s Big Three… Master Shadam, Colonel Trinity (in her Org Tribe form), and Major Pain… with Master Shadam finally revealing his Master Org form.

- They struggle for a bit, with them running out of power because Master Shadam still has the Master Morpher and is still attempting to shatter the Morphin Grid, but then they get saved by the non-hypnotized MMPR, who offer their own remaining power to them to recharge their batteries.

- Defeating Master Shadam proves tricky because of his illusion abilities, but the inner martial artist abilities of the Thunder Power Rangers allow them to see through the lies and take the Master Morpher away from Shadam, which makes the Morphin Grid powers open up to them once more.

- The recharged TPR destroys Major Pain with another Team Cannon shot, does a team attack on Trinity to de-transform her back to human form, and then they’re forced to finish off Shadam with a slash from the Thunder Megazord and a third blast from the Power Cannon.
