


OK, OK, OK. SO…this is a gift to Sal, @bluxboi (I’m sorry, Tumblr isn’t letting me @ you for some reason??), for the @kuraryouexchange. (Thank you to the mods for putting up with me) I meant to write a couple 1000 words, but this fic somehow became 8k….I hope you enjoy!!

T+ rating for language and suggestive content; minor miyusawa/misawa 

Also available on AO3

“Ah, crap.”

“Yes! You’re buying me lunch today!”

Kuramochi would’ve glared at his friend Miyuki for bragging, but his eyes were preoccupied with his midterm instead. He stared down at paper, a mixture of disappointment and frustration as the big red, circled ‘60’ stared back at him. He had high hopes for this one, even looked it over multiple times before handing it in. But apparently that still wasn’t good enough.

“You shouldn’t stress out so much,” his friend Miyuki replied. “The upperclassmen even told us that your marks often drop in the first couple of years.” He gave Kuramochi a gentle pat on the shoulder.

“That’s not really convincing coming from someone who is doing just fine in this class,” Kuramochi retorted. “And don’t try to console me. That’s weird and uncomfortable coming from you,” he said as he shook off Miyuki’s hand.

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Summary: Secret relationships can be exciting at first, but introducing your parents to your post-delinquent boyfriend, years after you’ve been dating, is much less thrilling.

A mixture of meet the family, university au, & childhood au + age gap for the Kominato brothers.


Notes: This is my participation gift for the Kuraryou Exchange of 2018! Long live my otp! Thank-you, Steph, for the prompts (I used a few of them) and the flexibility for your gift. It was a lot of fun to create and I hope you enjoy it too! I’m a fan of your fanfics and I’ve always wanted to create some sketches for them!

Ryousuke and Haruichi are 7 years apart in this au and because the Kominato parents’ names have yet to be revealed in canon, I’ve had to come up with names that I believe would suit them.

Read it on Ao3!

Thanks for reading! ♡ I truly had the best time writing this! Fool Like Me was the song that motivated much of the story! Give it a listen. I’m not the best artist but I couldn’t help getting inspired enough to sketch some fanart.

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