#st fandom



i feel so bad for lucas. he’s made his intentions clear by joining the basketball team from the start. him, mike and dustin all said they wanted high school to be different and he’s sticking by what they said. he just wants him and the gang to stop being bullied because they’re outcasts… like he’s not even doing it for himself; he’s doing it for everyone.

then lucas said that mike and dustin coming to his big game was really important to him and yet they chose a campaign over him. he saw them exiting the hellfire club looking like they had an amazing time without him, like they didn’t even care that he was there or not. he had no one - not a single person - come to support him. lucas’ ambition and efforts to experience a better life is lowkey being punished by his friends.

he’s also trying his best with max. he’s being so concerned, gentle and understanding with her even though she’s evidently been brushing him off for months. he won’t give up on her. he offers her the ticket, sees her suffering and expresses his worries but doesn’t get angry and push her. he’s so patient and understanding.

lucas is trying his damn best. he’s so underappreciated by his friends. he’s trying to better himself whilst helping all of them and he deserves better.
