

don’t know what’s happening in stranger things and don’t care (or haven’t since s2) but if they give me stancy back they’re getting a point


people are acting like stancy being endgame would be the end of the world. when j*ncy is a relationship that began with j*nathan taking pictures of nancy undressed, which he then went so far as to develop…it’s so nasty and I still can’t believe they got together anyway. all they have is “shared trauma.” That’s all that holds their ship together, and guess what? all of the characters have shared trauma. i could keep going about all the reasons i don’t ship j*ncy, but there are plenty of posts out there that do that for me, and i think the him-taking-pervy-pictures thing is really valid enough reason to be anti j*ncy. 

but stancy. they were both so young and dealing with a lot of fricked up crap. both of them made mistakes. but they’ve changed a lot, and they’ve grown and matured and figured themselves out. i think two people can be unfit for each other at a time in their life (especially if, you know, you’re in a love triangle where the other person you’re into is someone who you keep being forced to spend time with so you have “shared trauma” and creepy old men telling you that’s love) and maybe it’s the wrong time, then grow on their own and come back together when they’re both in a healthier place. i think that’s beautiful. 

i still think nancy and steve are the most supportive of each other. and i’m so done with people being like “oh poor j*nathan this will hurt him he deserves nancy” but like. what does nancy get out of this relationship??? 

also people being mad that the everyone is “shoving” stancy together…it’s better than some random creepy old man telling them to hook up in his bunker like freaking murray did to j*ncy. this is different because it’s their friends (PEOPLE THEIR AGE) being like “hey we have eyes something is going on here my dudes.”

steve and nancy spent a very long time apart, and they’ve both changed a lot…it’s not something that’s coming out of left field and being shoved on us lol. it actually makes sense. people are too butt-hurt about j*nathan and j*ncy to see that. it bothers me how angry people are getting about the POTENTIAL of stancy (and not tagging posts appropriately but whatever) when it’s like. we’ve had to deal with j*ncy for three seasons basically. three seasons of this unhealthy relationship that started with j*nathan violating her privacy and never offering a true apology. great. but stancy is so offensive. okay yeah sure. 

i do prefer stancy to jancy i just think its the single funniest thing that could have happened. like in season one literally the entire bit with steve and jonathan was the 80s movie ‘underdog social reject gets the girl after she dumps popular douchebag jock’ trope and by season four its become so clear that the audience unanimously preferred the popular jock so shes breaking up with the loner to get back with him. theres definitely some insight here about the changing ideal male love interest but its hilarious as is

but honestly yeah even as someone who likes the Steve and Nancy dynamic I was truly not expecting an actual revival so I sincerely would not be surprised if they’re prepping to kill Steve off 


at the end of the day the only person that can absolve Nancy of the guilt she carries around Barb’s death is herself but if Steve ends up being the one to acknowledge this trauma and to help free her from it (from Vecna)…  I just think it would be so incredibly powerful since, at the heart of it, Barb’s death and the blame and guilt Nancy claims from it — from her own perspective — is intrinsically tied to her romantic relationship with Steve. It was Nancy’s feelings for Steve that had her drag Barb to a party that she didn’t want to go to. It was Nancy and Steve trying to include Barb in the fun that resulted in Barb cutting her finger. It’s the way that when Vecna was forcing Nancy to live through her guilt and trauma, its Barb’s death inter-cut with the moments of Nancy and Steve together in his room. I’m hoping the narrative will finally allow Nancy to have this conversation with Steve beyond a drunken exclamation of “We killed Barb” so that she can finally forgive herself, and consequently forgive him, because they’re not to blame for what happened. 


mfs watched this scene and still think that its ooc if steve still has feelings for her, acting like loving nancy isn’t part of steve’s character and the reason WHY he started getting development to begin with, if they didn’t want to revisit stancy later on, they would NEVER make a scene like this, she’s his first love and he will always love her


Why am I suddenly shipping Nancy/Steve?? I’ve been on the Nancy/Jonathan train since day 1 I don’t know what’s happeninggg

Same lol

Stancy hit me hard in season 4


if nancy says ‘you’re an idiot steve harrington’ even once in vol 2 im going to combust


“Are you implying that I still have a thing for Nance?”

“No I’m not implying. I’m stating it.”

- Steve Harrington still always having a thing for Nancy Wheeler, Stranger Things 4, vol. 1 (2022)
