#stardew valley



Alternate versions of Leah without her bag, Emily without her necklace, and Seb without the censor

…and some closeups :D



This was a redraw of an older Elliott piece from almost a year ago. I’m very happy with the progress I’ve made so far with my art!

Keep reading to see the original drawing



All of the candidates together!

I tweaked some of the faces and colours so hopefully the characters look a little nicer here then in my originals

My favourite one out of all of these is probably Haley’s although Harvey’s is a close second :)

Them but on one page

They’re dancing :)

Violette has two left feet but Harvey may or may not have a few moves up his sleeve

Here’s a cropped version because I like how it looks

Happy birthday, Dr. Boring! Love ya

An alternative Harv without the party hat!

A little reference for Violette! It’s very vague and honestly a mess, but it should get my points across!

Sorry if there are any grammatical errors or contradictory info

Name: Violette Marianne Fischer

Gender, sexuality, pronouns: cis female, bisexual, she/her

Age, birthday: 26 (as of year 1), winter 28

Loved items: complete breakfast, poppyseed muffin, ginger ale, coffee, chowder

Hated items: cherry, hot pepper, spicy eel, pepper popper

Partner: Harvey (husband)

Friends: Willy, Leah, Sebastian, Maru, Emily

Appearance: 5’4”. dark brown, chin-length hair. Olive, freckled skin. Green eyes

Character:Violette is an absent minded, nervous little ball of anxiety. She has a kind heart and tries her best to not be a burden on others. Once she breaks out of her timid shell, Violette is a giggly, energetic nerd who can find enjoyment in the most mundane things


  • Violette lived in Zuzu city for almost her entire life with her big brother James,grandpaLloyd,and her childhood friend Stella.James was an ambitious, happy-go-lucky guy. Despite being a trouble maker, he was beloved by many. Lloyd was like James but… old. Stella was witty and outgoing, but she had a rotten attitude that left a bitter impression on people
  • When Violette was 12, Lloyd’s health started to decline. At some point, he gave a letter to the siblings (You know. The letter). Lloyd passed away from illness 8 years later
  • Violette graduated University with a degree in architecture. Unfortunately, not much came of it. Violette and Stella found work with Joja together (yay finance buddies, what can go wrong?). Violette initially found her job tolerable, but it devolved to disdain. She kept pushing through hoping things will work out
  • When Violette was 24 James passed away in an accident. He was 29
  • Violette fell into a depressive headspace. She felt so exhausted she could barely get anything done. Public spaces, social events, even the traffic of the streets made her incredibly anxious and sick
  • Violette and Stella drifted apart. The two ended on rough terms
  • Violette, 26, remembered Lloyd’s letter, quits her job and leaves for his abandoned farm, unkempt ever since he moved to the city 23 years ago


  • Harvey:Violette tried to avoid the clinic as much as she could because hospitals stress her out. This idea quickly fell apart as she kept injuring herself due to her work
  • For the first little while the two had more moments of awkward silences than conversation. Violette never knew what to say to Harvey while Harvey didn’t want to press for personal stuff where it wasn’t his business
  • He stressed Violette to be more cautious due to how often she needed medical attention. Harvey was very patient, calm, and easygoing around her, alleviating some of the nerves she had around him after some time. Her dropping by the clinic became almost routine for them
  • Violette started to make gifts for him. It was a little way for her to show off her gratitude towards him (also because she felt terrible for making him worry all the time)
  • “I’d like to get to know you better. Let’s put aside our doctor-patient relationship”. The two form a friendship even though they’re both a little too anxious for their own good
  • The two started spending time together outside of work. They surprisingly had a lot in common. Violette loved how easy he was to get along with. Harvey was glad to see her so lively and talkative knowing this stuff isn’t always easy for her. It was a big change from when they first interacted
  • Violette developed feelings for him (hell yeah)
  • Harvey had Violette on his mind a lot. Like he’d casually bring her up in conversations without realizing it (He’s not subtle at all). It’s been a long time since he had a serious relationship, he never considered it happening again at his current age. He’s having these lovey dovey feelings but is trying to rationalize them into anything other than romantic love
  • Harvey eventually had that “Oh.” moment where he realizes he is in fact, super in love with Violette
  • Pre-dating tension!!!
  • He confesses, they date. Violette proposes, they happily get married, and become the world’s lamest couple :)
  • Willy:Willy and Lloyd were very close friends and fishing partners back in the day. The two go way back to their childhoods
  • He remembers Violette from her youth. He welcomes her with open arms. The two end up catching up over lost time and reminisce on old memories
  • She sees a lot of her grandpa in Willy and finds comfort with him (emotional support fisherman!!!)
  • Willy is the 1st person in town Violette warms up to. She was relieved to see a familiar figure after many years
  • Seb, Emily, Maru, Leah:‍♀️

Random facts:

  • Her hobbies include reading, making crafts, interior design, whittling, building models, and napping… so much napping
  • She sucks at cooking and should never be allowed near a stove. The awful chef gene runs in her family
  • She can play the piano, harp, and guitar
  • She’s very clumsy and has a habit of misplacing things
  • She always wanted to be an architect
  • Her love languages are words of affirmation, and quality time
  • James was a shipwright. Lloyd was a carpenter and piano teacher before he owned the farm
  • She has a habit of putting her hand to her face when she’s nervous/deep in thought

Can’t believe this sat in my drafts unfinished for almost 2 months as of posting this oops

Some Harv sketches for practice

Have I done something like this before? Yeah… but I just love doing these little reference pages. I couldn’t help myself :3

I’m sure it’s obvious but I refuse to draw him facing the other direction. His hair looks so silly

Ras is reading up on some knowledge with some little buddies

I’m not sure what the point of this drawing was. I just wanted to see the Wizard again lol

After-class bug catching ~

I just think the three of them should go on adventures more

I’ve been in the mood to try and draw more full body stuff with more characters lately…

Here’s the sketch because I really like it

I wanted to test out my range in faces so I sketched out almost all of the NPCs as practice. It was a really pleasant challenge!

I left out the non-giftable characters that only show up for specific cutscenes/events. Them being the governor, bouncer, and the henchman. The only exception I’ll make is grandpa. Grandpa is cool.

My personal favourites are Willy, Gus, Marlon, Qi, and Sandy :)

So. I started playing Stardew Valley the other day and OF COURSE I apparently had to make the farmer Xie Lian at Puqi Shrine farm. No, I’m not fixated on TGCF, why would you think that?
