#stardew valley shane



here’s a drawing of shane i made [sorry for the quality, idk how to fix that lol]

[ ID: digital drawing of Shane, from Stardew Valley, with a light green-ish background and green lineart, no colouring. Shane is a chubby man who has short hair swept to the side and shaved sides, as well as a small beard. He has small eyebags and a tiny scar on his cheek. He smiles and holds a chicken in his arms, who also smiles, with its eyes closed. He wears a very baggy hoodie. End ID ]

Best man

We love the local alcoholic

Holy shit it’s been a while. But, guess who got into Stardew Valley

this is old but i realized i never posted my contribution to the shane train ft. my farmer, Redthis is old but i realized i never posted my contribution to the shane train ft. my farmer, Redthis is old but i realized i never posted my contribution to the shane train ft. my farmer, Red

this is old but i realized i never posted my contribution to the shane train ft. my farmer, Red

Post link


Gift for 50Lee






The outfit used in the comic does not belong to me, they are from Seasonal Outfits - Slightly Cuter Aesthetic


Story of Leo’s first participation in the Flower Dance Festival. Emily and Shane have a conversation about a new farmer in town.

This is only the first part.

All of the candidates together!

I tweaked some of the faces and colours so hopefully the characters look a little nicer here then in my originals

My favourite one out of all of these is probably Haley’s although Harvey’s is a close second :)

Them but on one page

I wanted to test out my range in faces so I sketched out almost all of the NPCs as practice. It was a really pleasant challenge!

I left out the non-giftable characters that only show up for specific cutscenes/events. Them being the governor, bouncer, and the henchman. The only exception I’ll make is grandpa. Grandpa is cool.

My personal favourites are Willy, Gus, Marlon, Qi, and Sandy :)

I’m bored and I forget how to draw everyone so it’s time for a candidate redraw (plus some bonus NPCs that I’m very fond of design-wise / as characters)!!!

My main goal for these was to make everyone much more lively and expressive. I think I succeeded! I love how Shane, Emily, Qi, and Razz came out

Forgive me for any anatomy errors. I struggled a lot with the poses

Keep reading to see all of them on one page and the original drawings

Them but on one canvas

And… my beloved originals from many many months ago :) remember them?

The links for my full originals of the bachelors are here and the bachelorettes here!

that relatable feel when your grandfather leaves you his farm upon his death and it turns out to be that relatable feel when your grandfather leaves you his farm upon his death and it turns out to be

that relatable feel when your grandfather leaves you his farm upon his death and it turns out to be magical and a wizard gives you weird drugs that make you one with the forest and you still feel the crushing pressure and emptiness you felt in the city but at least now you feel it with a strong positive support system

also some bonus dumb shit:

Post link

Waffles’ real name is actually the name of a local chicken and waffles chain. Anyway, if the farmer owns four brown chickens and and four white chickens and they’re all now covered in mud, the remainder carrying the five is that Nugget got away.

edit:part 2

Bluebird summer deleted scene

I wrote this AGES ago and said I was gonna use it for bluebird summer but never did lol

Shane’s heart fluttered from across the bar, looking at the cute farmer he’d been fawning after like a twitterpated bird. Their confident but humble demeanor had immediately caught Shane’s attention, and his heart. He’d always had a bit of a thing for humble, soft-looking people, and this farmer was no different. He didn’t care if he was very obviously staring at them from across the bar with round eyes, in a drunken, lovey stupor. He hated to admit it, but he wanted to stare. He wanted to look at them until they left, or until he melted into nothing but a pile of love-mush.

Sha-ne,” Emily said in a teasing tone. “Someone can’t help but stare at the sexy new farmer, hm?”

Shane put down his beer, turning his gaze from the farmer to Emily. “Sexy new farmer? I wouldn’t call them sexy…”

“Yeah, but you’ve still been eyeing them up and down,” Emily joked. “And you only drink twice a week. Only when theygo to the bar, and only when theybuy you a beer.”

“Yeah, I’ve been trying to go sober… I should tell them to stop buying me this stuff.” He looked to his empty glass. “But it makes me feel less bad about staring.”
“Just go and ask them out!” Emily encouraged.

“They would never like a loser like me,” Shane argued.

“Shane, we’ve been best friends since we were three. Have I ever steered you wrong?”

Shane paused. “No.”

Emily sighed. “I’ll buy you a pizza.”

Shane smiled. “You know it doesn’t take much to motivate me, Emily.”

“Well, I mean, a partner and pizza is a pretty sweet two in one deal. Now go get ‘em.”

Shane decided he’d rather take his time, and waited until the next day to make any decisions. He didn’t want to be drunk when he asked them to be his partner, and wanted to really give himself some time to think and mull over the decision before he made it. He liked the farmer, and that much was undeniable. But did he really like them enough to possibly ruin any chance at friendship? He wanted to be friends with the farmer as well as the one that would hear all their darkest secrets, their deepest desires, and the one that kept them warm in bed at night. The former was good, but Shane found his heart pounding further thinking about the latter. He wanted that stupid farmer. Thinking about them brought him a great joy that nothing else seemed to replicate, the fuzzies in his heart that warmed him up like cocoa on a cold day.

He went to work that day, like usual, but noticed his mind wandering unusually. Even Sam’s singing while sweeping the floors didn’t distract Shane from the pit of nervousness in his stomach. What if the farmer didn’t like him… at all? What if they said no? What if they said yes, only for the farmer to be a horrible person that tried to hurt him in every possible way? He shook uncontrollably, the thought bringing back terrible memories, one he’d rather not remember. Ones that were best forgotten. That was when the doubt started to settle in. Maybe he shouldn’t do it at all. Maybe he wasn’t ready for another relationship yet. He should just wait until he was more ready. Maybe until Jas was older, actually. When she would be ready for that kind of change in her life…

“Shane, what’s up with you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Sam poked him on the shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts and distracting him from his distraction. “Are you feeling okay?”

Sam reached out to feel Shane’s forehead for a temperature, but Shane quickly pulled away. “Yeah, Sam, I’m not sick! Just a bit… well, I’m just dealing with my emotions.”

“In a JojaMart?”

“Sometimes, I need to deal with them when they come up,” he explained.

“Well, what’s wrong?”
Shane was about to reply with none of your business when he realized an open ear might be beneficial. “I’m just nervous. There’s this dude I like, but I’m worried that, whether they like me or not, they’re going to end up hurting me. I’m so used to being hurt when it comes to things like this… I’m not sure if I should trust them.”

“Oh, I see.” Sam nodded. “If they hurt you, I’ll just punch them in the mouth.”
Shane jumped a little. “Yoba, Sam, don’t you think that’s a little extreme?”

“Well, if you’re not here to stock the shelves, who will be?” Sam seemed a little sad at the thought. “You should just go get a bouquet from Pierre’s, ask them on a nice date, and if they say no? Then that’s their problem, because you’re great. And if they say yes, and they end up being a total jerk? Also their problem.” Sam dipped his mop in a bucket of soapy water and passionately mopped the floor. “Things could also just go totally okay, though. But things aren’t going to go okay if you don’t give it a shot.”

happy pride month, i just started stardew valley and decided i will peg all the bachelors


I wanted to do more but I only had time for two

But I wanted to show my appreciation to y’all and your support things have been rough which made me be in a sudden hiatus for a little while. But things are starting to look up for me and I wanted to make something in celebration and hopes for more activity.

I dunno, I usually leave the cola out of my calzones.

(Submitted by @flochicken)
