

Some sentimental thoughts I have about Animal Crossing:

I honestly feel so lucky to have lived long enough for the release of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This is literally the game I wanted to play 17 years ago when I first encountered it on GameCube. I remember my parents taking me and my sister to Blockbuster and she had picked the game off the shelves. I was seven years old, and I still had trouble reading the dialogue. I was so young that when my Nanay asked me what I wanted for the following Christmas, I was honest. I asked for the game. And my poor, fresh-off-the-boat grandparents, went to GameStop to buy it for me.

I used to play for literally hundreds of hours with my cousins. We used to wake up as early as possible to try and beat each other for a spot to play. We would take turns watching each other for days on end, wishing we could play together. I remember wanting to decorate my town with the lawn furniture and dreaming of moving my house outside of the plaza to live in the forest or on the beach. I remember being heartbroken when I would hop on and see that my favorite villager moved away leaving only a letter. I remember wishing I could move the mountains or rivers, dreaming how perfect my town could be if it was only possible.

And throughout the years, I would always pick it up again for a good dose of nostalgia. I remember playing with my cousins again at age 13 when my Ama had past. We all slept over my Nanay’s and played like we used to. I even dusted off my old GameCube and started a new town when my Nanay had past because it brought me comfort in a weird way.

Even more recently, there were times in my life where I didn’t see the point, but then I remembered I had the release of this game to look forward to. I’m so thankful to have been able to play this game and to see it become everything I ever wanted.


  • beautiful


  • the fucking lag
  • getting caught on objects every few steps
  • harder to seasonally decorate because all the items are already perfectly curated

Still a work in progress, but here’s my newly renovated downtown for Halloween! 

Stardew’s newly renovated town square! No leaf patterns quite yet, since I’m always afraid I’ll go oStardew’s newly renovated town square! No leaf patterns quite yet, since I’m always afraid I’ll go o

Stardew’s newly renovated town square! 

No leaf patterns quite yet, since I’m always afraid I’ll go overboard 

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When it’s Halloween, but you already gave away all your candy ;_;

Whenever I see someone else post a pic of Able’s, I think huh that kind of looks like my island but not because I think I they’re copying my area but because I’m a grade A dumbass and it’s the same building lmao

open question: how did you hide the pipe item so it doesn’t ruin the ~aesthetic~ of your island? are we hiding it behind cliffs or like are we pretending it does not exist and choosing form over function lmao

I may be constantly changing the layout and theme of my town and then subsequently burning myself out after taking some screenshots, but consider this:

Do I ever disappear for long periods of time just to repeat the process?

Yes, of course.

But that’s the not the point.

The point is that I’m back to change the layout and theme of my town and will be burning myself out until I get those next round of screenshots.
