

may I interest you in some fantasy dickkory

Knight Grayson finds a strange, beautiful woman carved from gold while on a quest - where ever did she come from????

right after this starfire cleared half the battlefield

dramatic losers

Finally got around to finishing this page

spacedewey: hollylu-ships-it:hollylu-ships-it:chromaticallychallenged: Someone should redraw thi





Someone should redraw this in the classic TT style!

I think someone whispered my name… without actually whispering my name.

Again, I don’t really think I was asked specifically, but hey, here ya go! ;D

My style = Original Style

The classic Teen Titans style, eh? I’m no George Perez, but…

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wonkeaux: Teen Titans 54 page 16/ aka Teen Titans 55 page 1,  in colour! in case you’re wondering wh


Teen Titans 54 page 16/ aka Teen Titans 55 page 1,  in colour! in case you’re wondering why Spidey is in Titans Tower, it’s because.

Next page: https://wonkeaux.tumblr.com/post/158086346898/teen-titans-54-page-17-coloured-version-special

First page (cover, page 0):  https://wonkeaux.tumblr.com/post/156560000597/at-last-in-colour-20-years-in-the-making-the

previous page https://wonkeaux.tumblr.com/post/157921903993/teen-titans-55-cover-now-in-colour-hmm-kori

linework version of this page https://wonkeaux.tumblr.com/post/157960849481/teen-titans-55-page-2-aka-teen-titans-54-page-16

I’ll never forget the way Marv said “Oh my gohod” when I told him I made him into a character in a fanzine comic story, which I gave him a copy of. Sorry Marv. lol.

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Titan Talk 66 cover by George Perez. George was a contributing member of Titan Talk, (a sort of zine

Titan Talk 66 cover by George Perez. George was a contributing member of Titan Talk, (a sort of zine with very small print run, say 40 copies only, and every subscriber was also a contributor), beneath it is a full box of other old Titans APAs, I have several, just trying to give a sense of how much fanfic and art existed before the internet was even a thing. for more about this please read https://wonkeaux.tumblr.com/post/164575698322/a-little-bit-about-the-pre-internet-history-of

edit, thanks to the George Perez Website Facebook page for sharing this, and including a link, much appreciated. https://www.facebook.com/gpzcom/photos/a.1606221332773918.1073741831.190253787704020/1949527658443282/?type=3&theater

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This came across my fb feed just now, tried to find it here but failed so I post. Edit: source https

This came across my fb feed just now, tried to find it here but failed so I post. Edit: source https://www.instagram.com/p/BlDrwy4lslO/?taken-by=cosplayway  although anyone can type cosplayway into google and find it, I am remiss in not including an actual URL in my post, I never dreamed this would get over 8,000 notes!

edit: over 24,000 notes! @_@ holy freeow.

39,000 notes! Starfire cosplyer is: https://www.instagram.com/p/BmeJWujgTRc/ here’s her tumb https://starfirealienprincess.tumblr.com/

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wonkeaux: Teen Titans 54 page 14, last page! but the story continues in Teen Titans 54.I forgot ho


Teen Titans 54 page 14, last page! but the story continues in Teen Titans 54.

I forgot how many in-jokes i put into this. there are like 7 or 8 on this page, that you kids will never get. unless I post my after-notes.

next page https://wonkeaux.tumblr.com/post/157921903993/teen-titans-55-cover-now-in-colour-hmm-kori

First page (cover, page 0):  https://wonkeaux-nsfw.tumblr.com/post/156821786944/teen-titans-54-page-3-first-page-cover

previous page https://wonkeaux.tumblr.com/post/157755048401/teen-titans-54-page-13-in-colour-sorry-about-the

linework version of this page: https://wonkeaux.tumblr.com/post/157798791252/teen-titans-54-page-14-in-which-our-creators

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michaeljoncarter: dc holiday special 2017


dc holiday special 2017

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wonkeaux: Teen Titans 54 page 13, in colour! sorry about the violence. we really didn’t like Garfiel


Teen Titans 54 page 13, in colour! sorry about the violence. we really didn’t like Garfield the cat back then, he was a rip off of Kliban’s Cat cartoons, but much more commercial and innocuous. this page was more of a response to the annoying unwanted Captain Carrot and the zoo crew insert comic which interrupted a bunch of DC comics back in the 80′s. it’s also a showcase of my skills (not to boast) of mimicking the styles of other artists, Reed Waller, R. Crumb, Breathed, etc. I should really do something with the Toastie Twins.

So far this is the only page I have edited the linework on other than cleaning up a few stray overlaps here and there, I wasn’t happy with Tigra’s eyes which were too close together, so I digitally moved them up and apart a bit.

next page https://wonkeaux.tumblr.com/post/157839745570/teen-titans-54-page-14-last-page-but-the-story

The story starts here. First page (cover, page 0):  https://wonkeaux.tumblr.com/post/156560000597/at-last-in-colour-20-years-in-the-making-the


previous page https://wonkeaux.tumblr.com/post/157629467549/teen-titans-54-page-12-now-in-colour-sorry-for

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Originally posted by senatorarnidala: (reblogging wouldn’t work for me, not sure why, so I copied and pasted, sorry.)

   Reasons why Princess Koriand’r is extremely inspiring and why you should love her:

       Spent close to 5 years enslaved and continued to have an optimistic outlook on life
       Was abused by her older sister and continued to have some of the strongest will power I’ve seen exhibited (green lantern material hell yeah)
       She’s a free spirit who doesn’t believe in inhibitions
           she’s actually a very feminist character
           Kory didn’t understand the taboos of American culture when she got here because she was used to speaking her mind and being free with her body
       Kory absolutely never lost the will to fight for herself or others after being experimented on and sexually abused and I find that really important
       Her planet exploded (New Titans #128, you should check it out) and she continued to be optimistic and led her people to a new planet
       In Teen Titans Spotlight she was framed for killing someone and isolated herself on a mountain top because she felt so guilty (Teen Titans Spotlight #2 if anyone’s interested)
       She was a mentor for the Teen Titans in Teen Titans v3 and advocated that the choices they make for themselves have value and that’s important for teenagers to hear (it was important for tiny me to hear honestly)
       Kory has a beautiful soul pls stop hating her for no reason

wonkeaux: Teen TItans 54 page 8 in colour! next page https://wonkeaux.tumblr.com/post/157415974135


Teen TItans 54 page 8 in colour!

next page https://wonkeaux.tumblr.com/post/157415974135/teen-titans-54-page-9-in-colour-linework-here

First page (cover, page 0):  https://wonkeaux.tumblr.com/post/156560000597/at-last-in-colour-20-years-in-the-making-the

previous page https://wonkeaux.tumblr.com/post/157240516187/teen-titans-54-page-7-in-colour-linework-is-here


I’m very proud of this page, I started making this comic because I was studying Perez art, and copying it, (not tracing) to learn, and realised I ought to make a story instead of just copying some panels, since I was drawing so much, on this page only the last 3 panels were copied from reference art, the 3rd from last was Baretto I think, a controversial panel where Starfire is clearly having an orgasm courtesy of her first husband, who, like all the rest, died, ouch, (worth it though! :D ) that panel was censored in the reprint of the comic, from the original baxter paper edition. the baxters went to comic book shops the newsprint versions went to news stands. Anyway, I think my original art stands pretty well compared to the swiped images. particularly panel 5 where I have her rolling her eyes, even though you can’t see pupils. my crowning achievement.

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Once upon a time, say around 1996, I had it in my head that I might be able to collect every single piece of Starfire fan art in existence, and back then, it was possible to imagine you could do such a thing. The internet was in its infancy. Now there’s so much of it, it’s completely impossible to imagine one could collect it all, and I’m happy about that. There was a time when the character was booted out of her own book, which had previously for a brief time, been the most popular superhero comic, and she, the most favoured character, this is true, she went from the top, to limbo, and us firebugs back then worried if she’d ever be back. Starfire forever!

Phil just posted this on his fb “ Probably my favorite page from the issue of#Nightwing I just worke

Phil just posted this on his fb “ Probably my favorite page from the issue of#Nightwing I just worked on, most likely ‘cause I got to draw Starfire. :) Script by Sam Humphries and inks by Matt Santorelli!#Nightwing39#DCComics

I was talking to him at a convention not long ago about her big hair, and here it is again! proper! X’hal yes!

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