#stargate sg1



If you have watched both StarGATE and Star Trek please tell me the following in the tags (it’s for science):

Favorite Stargate series

Favorite Star Trek series

Favorite Stargate character

Favorite Star Trek character

Favorite Stargate ship (as in relationship)

Favorite Star Trek ship


this is it this is the show



What I always noticed about the Stargates is that everyone had theirs in a plaza or just out in the open (if it wasn’t buried) meanwhile we hid it in a mountain and mounted guns aimed at it when it rings like a millennial getting a call


it’s done it’s done it’s done! 18 pages of formatted worldbuilding for the Stargate franchise!

When the Tok'ra approach Sam about going undercover, they’re at least kind enough to provide her with a briefing book.

Read as PDF

Read on AO3

This started out as a story that I just couldn’t write. I couldn’t find a plot for it, not after months of banging my head against it. I started writing the briefing book so a) I didn’t have to worldbuild on the go, and b) as a Procrastination Activity. Maybe if I just wrote enough about this world I was creating, a plot would come flying in through the window and hit me in the head with inspiration.

Reader, it did not.

After a month, I realized that the more interesting exercise (for me) was Writing The Briefing Book. And so here it is. You can read it in PDF format (here) or you can read it on AO3 (here) with the images of the book’s pages embedded in the plaintext.

This is written as if it were an actual briefing book; the “author” - a junior Tok'ra researcher named Nyala - occasionally pops in to give her opinion on matters.


Stargate SG-1 + like, whatever I could get my hands on
