#stars of space

 “Why make food when you have replicators?” you clearly have not tried one of Liberty Ba

“Why make food when you have replicators?” you clearly have not tried one of Liberty Balboa’s cheesesteaks, so overflowing with filth, cockroach parts, and brotherly love that the Vanguard called it “an affront to everything we’ve worked so hard for”


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 I know you might think Threadcount 900 looks like an eerie uncanny valley of synthetic skin stretch

I know you might think Threadcount 900 looks like an eerie uncanny valley of synthetic skin stretched too tight over a soulless mechanical chassis, but have you considered that he’s maybe kinda cute instead??


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There’s a machine on the CSS Cavalier just labeled “Anxiety” and Mitzy Festerchild

There’s a machine on the CSS Cavalier just labeled “Anxiety” and Mitzy Festerchild uses her giant wrench to turn its dial and look back at you for approval, but no matter what you do she’ll just start to panic and keep turning it


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