

plot:this. kind of.
closed starter for @staygcld

she blames it on the wine– on the way it blurs the lines between them. they’re there, in the dim light of the cafe. it’s shut–and she’s typing, working on something. but mostly she’s looking at them, and laughing. mostly– she’s trying hard not to feel the way their laugh feels like she swallowed the sun. since when– did they make her feel like this? she tries to pin point the moment when they went from acquaintances to something resembling friendship– when this tension that’s present in the room came to be? when did this happen? when did they happen?

she takes another sip and let’s the wine erase the frown lines on her brow, the worry low in her gut about all of the things they’re risking when they meet her gaze again–and hold it. she’s holding her breath and she’s not sure why. “you’redistractingme– you know? i’m never going to get anything done with you looking at me like that.” she bites her bottom lip, her cheeks warm. “put those eyes away– i need to finish this by tomorrow–so just say what you’ve wanted to say since you walked in here to interrupt my night–” she smiles, soft–playful. “spit it out. and no– i’mnotcalling you sir/maam. we’re off the clock and we’re in my cafe…”
