

The last time I logged into this account was around 2 years ago.
My life has changed SO much… let’s just say my life is much more in order now.

Sadly, during the past couple of weeks we have been all been effected by Covid-19.  I am working from home and am staying inside pretty much all the time.

So how did I end up back here?


What has not changed during these 2 years, is that I am still an Introvert.
However, I am not quite sure I can relate to all these memes/ quotes.

While yes, I am more of indoors kind of person and staying at home for days does not seem like a bad idea after all, I LOVE, NEED and MISS my alone time.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my family - they’re my whole wide world.

BUT… Is anyone finding this whole thing somehow exhausting and getting some time alone has become merely impossible?
