

The logo from the anime:

The logo from the game

The first thing you might notice is the letter i in “Steins” and the numbers 0.571024 written on it sideways. If you are a Steins;Gate mania you might have already guessed what these numbers mean. If it still doesn’t come to mind check out the timeline guide and take a guess.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, the numbers 0.571024 is the divergence number for the α world line right after Okabe sends the very first D-mail. The alpha world line is where Okabe’s perilous journey through time begins.

That’s not all, the stem of the letter i is shaped like the number 1, and the dot above the stem is actually a decimal point.

A hidden number “1” and a decimal point “.”

There is also a number 0 hidden in the dot above the i.

You can also see a “4″ and an “8″ in the letters N and S

The numbers “5″ “9″ and “6″ are hidden in the word Gate

Putting the numbers together in order you will get 1.048596. This is another divergence number. If the divergence numbers 0.571024 represented the start of the adventure (α world line), then 1.048596 is the divergence number for when the story ends. If you haven’t finished watching the series yet, keep the number in mind until it is revealed which world line the percentage belongs to for a surprise.
