


Still Come Back to You

Or: Grover and Percy bro it up over pot brownies.

Final word count: 6109

Summary:“I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking. I was eighty pounds in a wet t-shirt and about as intimidating as a fluffy baby harp seal.”

“You were a wolverine.” Grover shakes his head vehemently. “You’d never even met me, and you still dove in headfirst to rescue me without any concern for your own safety. It’s not every day the universe throws someone that special into your life. I couldn’t shake the feeling that you and I were meant to know each other. When you turned out to be my roommate, I knew I was right.”

Read here!

Happy weed day! I did a thing.



She’s everything he isn’t: loud, bold, brash, demanding attention, and most importantly?

She’s kind of an airhead.

She doesn’t have to think or be smart, she just has to charm the crowd and make them like her. (The part that isn’t him, but really is: he honestly does really want social approval, just not for the things he always gets it for!)

She gets to wear pastel pink and lavender without it being a whole Thing.

She does wear heels, but she saves the stillettos for seated routines and otherwise sticks with platform boots/wedges (stability). She has a couple of pairs that make her over seven feet tall.

She has such a broad chest she can get away with tape/contouring/a padded bra and forego the fake chest, but she’s apple-shaped, so she does tend to either pad her ass or wear fluffy skirts.

Her general mood is like bubblegum-flavored cotton candy.

(I feel like a drag king friend must have joined her for California Gurls, the video for which she probably took a great deal of inspiration from. She may even have a lavender wig. )

(She definitely exclusively does charity events, which is probably how he got over the hump long enough to bring her to life at all— he could tell himself she wasn’t about him.)


…There’s a part of me that thinks maybe one (or both) of Clarisse’s boyfriends offers to be Jason’s drag mother.

WHY DOES THIS FIT IN SO WELL. WHERE DID IT COME FROM. I’m not questioning it; I like it more the more I churn it in my head.

Oh. Right. When I do fiction writing to process, I write things adjacent to but separate from the thing I’m processing.

This is about me taking ages to realize I was genderfluid. That’s where it came from. Duh.
