#stephen turner

Artist Lives in Egg-Shaped, Floating Micro-House for One Year To explore “the meaning of place at a Artist Lives in Egg-Shaped, Floating Micro-House for One Year To explore “the meaning of place at a Artist Lives in Egg-Shaped, Floating Micro-House for One Year To explore “the meaning of place at a Artist Lives in Egg-Shaped, Floating Micro-House for One Year To explore “the meaning of place at a Artist Lives in Egg-Shaped, Floating Micro-House for One Year To explore “the meaning of place at a

Artist Lives in Egg-Shaped, Floating Micro-House for One Year

To explore “the meaning of place at a time of great environmental change”, artist Stephen Turner teamed up with the association of SPUD Group and PAD Studio to build the “Exbury Egg”, an egg-shaped micro-home that floats on water. 

Designed to be “tethered” like a boat, this unusual little house is made to “rise and fall with the tide”—containing bare necessities like a shower, a stove and a hammock bed, the Exbury Egg allows its occupant to more directly experience the seasonal cycles and processes of nature. 

From 15 July 2013 to 14 July 2014, Turner will be living and working inside and around the house, documenting his unique one-year residency in the micro egg home on his blog.

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