#steve harrington oneshot


i have college until Wednesday and then i’m completely finished so when that day comes i’ll be writing all these requests for Steve i’ve gotten + post my finish wips and finish the rest of my wips!

if anyone has anymore Steve requests feel free to send in! i’ll be getting ones done on Wednesday/Thursday <33


—pairings: steve harrington x female!reader

—summary: steve is worried vecna may take y/n, and while they keep an eye on max, steve finds out he should have trusted his gut.

—warnings:SEASON 4 SPOILERS, angst ( + happy ending ), them all crying, death mention, a lot of swearing, steve blaming himself, a lot of implied yelling and fear.

—word count: 2.7k

—additional notes: this is basically episode four but instead of max dealing with the vecna curse, it’s y/n— also maybe listen to everywhere by fleetwood mac during this to hear the song they talk about.

“She’s taking too long” Steve drops his hand from holding his head up against the door of his car, eyes turning from Max and towards his girlfriend beside as she speaks nervously. His other hand reaches over the console to take Y/n’s hand into his lap, intwined fingers, “we’ll give her one more minute.”

His voice is quiet, avoiding the boys from hearing. Dustin standing outside Y/n’s door and Lucas sitting on top of the car’s front, Steve only holding back from scolding him after Y/n told him to leave it. 

For another moment, they all watch Max by the grave, letter in hand as she talks to Billy’s headstone. The way Steve’s thumb swipes across Y/n’s skin is a telling to how anxious he was as well as her, their eyes don’t leave the girl they are keeping a focus on. “Plus, I’m starting to worry about you,” he starts, ensuring his voice is a whisper so Dustin can’t hear. 

“Why me?” Y/n asks, leaning towards him as they converse in hushed voices, “your headaches have been getting worse, and you’ve hardly been sleeping.” She kisses his cheek before reaching her free hand over to run her fingers over where she kissed, in assurance at her boyfriend’s concerned tone, “old news. I’ve dealt with insomnia and migraines for years now, I don’t think it’s Vecna making an appearance.” 

Steve shuts his eyes, shaking his head before speaking again, “…I don’t know, they seemed a lot worse at the start of the week, you were off work.” His eyes reopen, looking ahead to ensure Lucas is watching Max before turning to Y/n, “Steve, I’m fine. We have to look after Max.” 

“You also said you had a weird dream about a clock…” he worries, but Y/n again shakes her head, an unconcerned giggle leaving her, “coincidence.”

Steve doesn’t feel right, he feels like Y/n saying she was fine was not enough, as if what his girlfriend said wasn’t true. Not that she was lying, but maybe she didn’t know herself that Vecna was in her head, but he lets it go.

They look back out at Max for another moment, Steve’s leg jittering below their joined hands as his head spins with worry. Finally, the finger tapping against the car door stops as Steve looks down to his watch before shaking his head, “all right, it’s been long enough.”

His hand slips from Y/n as he opens the door, leaving to briskly walk towards Max. Lucas disagrees, head snapping to look at the older boy, “Steve, just give her some time.” His finger wags back at him, footsteps never faltering as he turns to face him, “I have, all right? I’m calling it, if she wants to get a lawyer, she can.” 

“Now stay here… and keep an eye on each other, okay?” his eyes gaze over Y/n as he speaks, she steps out the car herself to stand beside Dustin, concern crossing his features as he turns around to jog up the slight hill and reach the girl.

“Max!” he shouts, not seeing her turn back around as her head faces the gravestone and his heart plummets to his feet, “time to giddy up, yeah?” his voice falters as he stands beside. Bending down, he sees her eyes are closed and begins to freak out, “Max!” his hand touches her shoulder with a shake causing her to jump in return. 

A gasp escapes her lips as she turns towards the older boy and he sighs in relief as she looks up at him, eyes red but aware as he leans into his hand rested on her shoulder. “We gotta get going now, I’m sorry.”

Max sniffles, wiping her eyes as she nods, “yeah, I-I’m coming.” Steve stands straight, taking a few steps back to give her space to recollect herself as she folds her letter before standing up with him, he tries to ignore the chatter in the background as he tries to ensure the younger girl is okay.

Steve’s hand returns to her shoulder as he gazes down at Max concerned, “you alright?”, “let’s just go,” Max drops it and he nods, despite wanting her to talk about it, he wasn’t going to force her, “okay, let’s go—” before he can properly finish, he’s cut off by Dustin’s high-pitched terror-ridden screaming. 

Both Steve and Max turn around to the commotion, watching as Dustin is taking steps backwards while Lucas uses one hand to shake Y/n’s shoulder while the other uses his fingers to snap in front of her face. 

“Steve, help!” Dustin’s voice is still high, a screech as he jumps around in his spot. Steve grabs Max’s wrist before nearly tripping over his feet to run towards them, “what? what’s going on?” Max upkeeps with his steps, also concerned over the noise as they approach the car. 

“Y/n! Y/n! wake up!” Steve nearly collapses as he watches Lucas’ attempts at bringing her back to a conscious state. He stands beside him, looking down at his girlfriend, her pupils gone as her eyes are rolled to the back of her head, shaking. “Holy fuck, holy shit, no!” Steve shouts, pushing Lucas out the way. 

Steve holds her cheeks, fingers lightly tapping them in an attempt at waking her, “I knew it! you hear me in there? I told you, I knew it! God, I’m an idiot why didn’t I do something before?” His voice continues to shout as tears already rush down his cheek. 

“What do you mean you knew?” Dustin screams while Steve continues to call Y/n’s name, nothing working. “I told her something was wrong, I felt it, my gut knew because she was having strange dreams and her migraines were worse, but she was too prideful to admit it. Now look at her, shit!” 

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Dustin argues, “we care about her just as much as you do.” Steve stops shouting and begins worriedly muttering under his breath a stream of oh fuck’s and oh crap’s as he tries to think about what to do, “I’m her boyfriend” Steve mutters between them. 

Dustin yells, “that’s your focus right now? you’re joking, right?”. “No! my focus right now is the fact Y/n is about to die, and if we continue to stand and scream at each other I don’t think it’s going to bring her back!” Max looks between the boys as Steve screams, voice breaking as he tries to stop his sobs. 

His hands move so he’s holding the back of her neck, thumbs underneath her jaw and forearms against her chest as if to keep her in a hold from running away. Everyone is worried, voices breaking into a commotion as Lucas stands beside Steve while they try to wake her. 

“Dustin, call Nancy and Robin! Right now! call Nancy and Robin!” Steve rushes as he turns to him for a second, the boy runs to the driver’s side of the car to get access to the talkie, “Nancy? Robin? Do you copy? This is a code red. Do you copy?” Dustin’s voice mixed in as they all scream, Max worriedly looking between everyone while Dustin begins to scream when they don’t reply.

It felt like hours but merely minutes of everyone screaming, Steve while shaking Y/n’s frame and Lucas, Dustin screeching into the radio for an answer from Nancy and Robin. Max shakes beside, watching the way Y/n’s eyes flutter from behind, fear reaching her soul as she wonders what Y/n can see right now, what she is going through. She winces at Steve’s desperate, concerned tone as he continues to try calling Y/n’s name, not knowing what else there is to do, “please, Y/n, please wake up! —shit it’s all my fault—Y/n!”.

“Dustin, it’s Robin. We copy.” is ushered through the channel and Max rushes towards Dustin as they both sigh in slight relief before Dustin shouts, “holy shit. Finally! Please, please tell me you guys have this figured out.”

“I don’t know what else to do!” Steve says, Lucas’ voice cries from beside him as they stop shouting for a moment, “I don’t know,” Lucas agrees. Watching as Steve’s grip only tightens further against Y/n, terrified. 

“Music! Robin said play her favourite song!” Dustin suddenly screams, causing both boys to look at one another, “what?” they ask. “We need to play her favourite song.” Steve keeps a grip on Y/n while turning his head to try and look at the boy behind him, “how the hell are we gonna do that, Henderson? Huh?”.

Max suddenly perks up, “I have my Walkman in my bag,” she moves over to open the back door, stretching over to grab her backpack and her Walkman, removing the current tape from it while standing beside Dustin again.  

“Oh shit— okay, uh— I have a bunch of tapes in the glovebox—“, “Steve we need her favourite song,” Dustin cuts him off while Max leans into the driver’s side, Lucas leaning in the passenger’s, opening the glovebox and pushing out all the tapes in Steve’s car onto the passenger seat. 

“Exactly! Most of the tapes in there are for her, I just keep them in there because she loves to listen to them” he’s rushed before turning back to face Y/n, feeling a slight tug in her frame and he tries to keep her close to him. 

Dustin leans beside Max as the three kids look into the car as Lucas turns the tapes to see all the names of the songs, “Steve! What’s her favourite one?”. His eyes never leave Y’n’s face as his eyebrows furrow in thought, “fuck— I… let me think for a second,”

“We don’t have a second!” Max responds, grabbing a tape one at a time to look over as they try to think for themselves. “Uh— shit” Steve mutters, trying to think back of the music Y/n normally picks first when he has her in the car, thinking of the songs she sings along to the most regularly.  

“She loves Fleetwood Mac, she was always forcing me to listen to them on the way to school every morning, fuck—! What song is it, she still plays it every day…” Steve continues, thinking out loud as he tries to remember the song that he can tell is a favourite of hers, nights spent driving around with no purpose, tugs of his hand and kisses placed against his skin as she sings along happily, claiming it to be a track of their relationship.

“Steve!” Dustin shout causes him to stress more, “I don’t know! The one about being everywhere, about being with someone everywhere, falling in love with someone, I forget the name! I can’t think straight!” Steve screams, higher than before as they overwhelm him, “Y/n, please!” he results back to calling her name as he grows more desperate. 

Max reaches over the console to grip one of the tapes, “I think the Fleetwood Mac song about everywhere he is talking about is perhaps… Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac” she holds up the titled tape, her sarcastic tone not reaching Dustin as he nearly causes her to drop it while rushing to take it from her. 

“What the fuck!” they lean back up, looking over from Steve’s yell as he looks down, her height which was usually shorter than him now reaching his as her feet carry off the ground to float, “no! shit, no, please!”. 

Steve tries pulling her back down, his grip slowing her from floating further up as he tries his best to keep her from leaving his side, “you guys!” Steve shouts as he continues to fight against his grasp, her head now slightly above his as he struggles against the pull. 

Max follows Dustin as he runs back to Steve’s side, his shaking fingers trying to shove the tape into the Walkman that Max holds. Steve speaks through his grunts, “Lucas, you’re tall enough.” After Max slams shut the device, Lucas takes it, unravelling the headphones to lean on his toes and place the headphones on her head before pressing play, shoving the Walkman into her trouser pocket to keep it from falling.

Through the volume, they could hear the light start of the song, the kids standing back expectedly while Steve’s face goes red, arms flexing as he tries to keep her from leaving. A pained sob escapes him when it falters, and a shout follows as he stands beside the children, watching in terror as she floats up, eyes continuing to move at the back of her head while her arms float to her sides. 

“Y/n!” Dustin screeches again, all of them hoping and waiting for something to happen, anything to happen apart from broken limbs and an indication of her dying as how the others have. Steve can hardly talk through his pained sobs, holding a hand to his mouth as he watches, feeling helpless. 

It felt like another lifetime of waiting, watching as nothing happens and he can only imagine what is going on inside the other world. Was she dying? Was she fighting to get back? Is the music even working?

“The songs going to end soon, what do we do then?” Steve ignores Lucas’ point, unable to face the harsh reality as he steps forward again, almost under Y/n as he looks up at her. “C’mon, Y/n” he mutters under his breath, flinching when Dustin screams her name. 

He lets out an exasperated yell when she gasps, her eyes turning to her usual state before her frame fights against gravity, causing her to start falling back down to the ground. Steve outstretches his arms, gripping her legs to lighten her fall as he collapses with her. 

Everyone cries, running over while Steve collects Y/n desperately into his arms, one hand holding her head as the other traps around her waist. They both sob, Steve’s hand’s wandering her frame as if making sure Y/n’s actually here, that she’s really alive. 

“Oh god, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, baby.” Steve weeps into Y/n’s hair as she moves in his arms so her hands are on his chest, rubbing against the material of his t-shirt as she whispers back, “I’m fine, I’m okay, I’m sorry.” 

Y/n’s head pulls back to look above her as the three kids lean down to see her, their hands outstretched to touch her shoulder, hair, Steve’s back, anything as they all express their feelings, rushed and terrified voices as she’s brought back to reality. 

“I’m okay, I’m here.” Y/n continues, to everyone, as one of her hands move to hold the back of Steve’s head, caressing his hair as they all try to calm down. “I should stand up,” she says, hand rubbing down Steve’s back while the others step back to allow them to move. 

Steve pulls back, hands cupping her face as he pulls her into a desperate kiss, headphones falling to the side as he tilts her head, a sweet kiss before pulling back, “I should have trusted my gut, I can’t lose you, okay? I’m sorry, it’s all my fault.”

“It’s not your fault, Stevie,” replies Y/n while grabbing his outstretched hand as they both stand up. Their joined hands falter when Dustin practically collapses into her arms, Lucas and Max following suit to hug their older friend, and practically a sister as they express how relieved they are.

“Now let’s get that Walkman back on, baby. You’re listening to that damn song on repeat until this whole thing is finished. We’ll travel to get another one for the both of you, I don’t care.” Y/n weakly chuckles at her boyfriend’s words as his arm outstretches when she limps into his side, letting him guide her to the passenger seat. 

“You scared me a lot” his voice turns into a whisper, leaning down to kiss her head as the kids get into the car. “I’ll tell you what happened later. But I guess you can’t get rid of me that quickly, huh?”.

Steve chuckles at Y/n’s ability to joke despite what just she just went through, “give me that Walkman, guess what we’re listening to on the radio the entire way back?” is all Steve replies, leaning down to take it from her pocket while kissing her temple, ready to do anything he can to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.

taglist form.the library.steve harrington masterlist

taglist in reblog.

Pairing:Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader


Author’s Note:  I’m thinking about making this a series?

“Please, Y/N!”  Steve exclaims, trying to get you to agree to be his date to some party.

“Steve, I told you: no.  Why are you even asking?  You know I don’t go to those kinds of things,” you say.

“Oh, come on!  You’re not going to go to a single party while you’re in high school?”


“Even if your best friend needs a date?”

“Maybe I would if my best friend needed a date, but you’re not my best friend.“

“That’s hurtful.”

“It shouldn’t be.  You only started talking to me because of Dustin.”

“Doesn’t mean you can’t be my best friend.”

You roll your eyes.  “You just want to prove to Nancy that you’re over her.”

Steve smirks.  “You’re right.  So will you come with me?”

You look over at Steve; he’s looking at you with so much hope.  You look away and sigh.  You were totally going to regret this…

“You have to promise not to fall in love with me,” you say with a faux serious face.

Steve chuckles.  “I promise.”

That was what you had said 5 months ago when Steve Harrington had asked you to be his date to some party.  The two of you had only been friends for a few weeks after Dustin started bringing him around at that point.  Now, you really did consider Steve Harrington your best friend.

But somewhere along the line, that had stopped being enough.  You had been so concerned with himfalling in love with you, that you hadn’t even considered that youmight be the one to fall in love with him

Part 2?
