#steve love



I think one of the reasons I’m utterly in love with Steve as a character is -and I say this a lot- his kindness, and his willingness to put people before himself.

It was such a nice thing to see, a character who isn’t ‘asshole with a heart of gold’, or 'tortured soul’ or any dark, edgy, morally gray character type. Steve is good by nature, he is kind to be kind, willing to help people because it’s the right thing to do, not because he’s waiting for something in return.

And even then, with Steve being the way he is, he’s not portrayed as naive, or an idiot who’s always being tricked into something or taken advantage of because of his kindness. Steve stands his ground, doesn’t take bullshit from anyone. His kindness is one of his strengths, it makes everything about him 10x better.

His first reaction upon meeting Bruce for instance, is assuring him that it’s Bruce and his work that matters, not the Hulk, which was a very big insecurity of Bruce.

When Sam presented him the file on the falcon subject, his first instinct is to ask about Riley, and letting a moment of silence pass to let Sam know that he understands that type of loss, that Sam isn’t alone.

He sympathised with the Maximoff twins, knowing that they were young and being tricked, and wanting to help them.

We see Steve comfort both Natasha and Wanda at different times, reassuring them in the ways that he knew worked best for them. He gives Natasha his trust, something that wasn’t readily given to her before, and he lets Wanda know that sometimes there are things that she cannot control, and it’s not entirely her fault.

Even though Steve hardens over the years, even when he’s faced with the worst sides of people, his kindness does not fade. He doesn’t close off, never stops comforting those in need, and it’s one of the best things about him.

It’s also why so many people are attracted to him. Kindness draws people in.
