#stevie x david x patrick

Election Day is finally here, y’all. 
Thanks to all who donated to my fundraiser for Democrats. The

Election Day is finally here, y’all. 
Thanks to all who donated to my fundraiser for Democrats. The winner was midnightstreet who submitted a prompt she knew her friend @januarium​ wanted to see. I hope you enjoy!

[ALT TEXT: David is sitting between Stevie and Patrick on the couch in low light as they watch television (they’re watching Lord of the Rings, but really it’s viewer’s choice). David has one hand in a popcorn bowl and the other playing with Stevie’s hair. Stevie hold her legs to her chest with the same arm she uses to hold her wine glass. She draws from a joint with her other hand, and curly smoke curls into the air above them. A pleasantly stoned Patrick leans against David’s other side, one hand on David and wine glass in the other. The three share a blanket, and Patrick has his feet propped on the coffee table. Sitting on the table is a jar of weed, Job rolling papers, a pack of Reese’s Peanut Butter cups, an empty wine bottle, the remote, David’s wine glass and his engagement rings (so they don’t tangle in Stevie’s hair).]



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