#still not done with this yet




I have dozens of other meta to write and thisis what I can’t get out of my head!?!

So look:

Hawke took ship for Kirkwall in Gwaren.

Loghain was the teyrn of Gwaren.

Loghain’s “manse was looted and many of his personal possessions were stolen, among them the armor he wore at the Battle of River Dane”.

TheArms of Mac Tir ends up in Hawke’s possession.

Ipso facto: Hawke and company totally robbed Loghain!


Soooo if Loghain is still alive in Inquisition…..this could totally have happened!

Loghain: I had a set of armor like that once.

Hawke: You don’t say?  

Loghain: I wore it at the Battle of River Dane.  

Hawke: Armor like this is pretty common in Ferelden.

Loghain: I suppose it has become so.  


Loghain: Although my armor had a square of red silk pinned to the shoulderbelt just…there.  It is a rather remarkable coincidence that just such a memento is attached to your leathers as well.

Hawke: (shrugs) Weird. 

Loghain: You took ship in Gwaren.

Hawke: Finally got around to reading Tale of the Champion, eh?

Loghain: While not as ubiquitous as the Master Tethras’ other work, one can lay hands on it if one knows where to look.  And the Seeker would be thrilled if you would sign her copy.  But to return to the matter at hand, you took ship in Gwaren.

Hawke: Darkspawn ravaging the countryside limits your options.  Nice domes you’ve got there, by the way.

Loghain: Indeed.  It is another curious coincidence that my manor was looted and vandalized around that same time.

Hawke: Yeah.  What a pity!
