
thehiddenlawyer: My sexual orientation right now is stocky Benedict Cumberbatch. First of three finathehiddenlawyer: My sexual orientation right now is stocky Benedict Cumberbatch. First of three finathehiddenlawyer: My sexual orientation right now is stocky Benedict Cumberbatch. First of three finathehiddenlawyer: My sexual orientation right now is stocky Benedict Cumberbatch. First of three fina


My sexual orientation right now is stocky Benedict Cumberbatch.

First of three finals today and I have a request!

Help me Cumbercollective, you’re my only hope!
For reasons that I doubt I need to explain, I have a great need for more pictures of a more….solid BC.
Especially the first one in the black suit because I can’t tell what the event is and his hair and his body……..I need more
Go ahead darlins, make my day.

We all have a mighty need

Now there’s a blog dedicated to feeding the addiction. 

Spread the word. 

The world needs him. 

Stockybatch to the rescue. 

Stockybatch is life. 

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thehiddenlawyer: Benedict in jeans. Stocky Benedict in jeans. Stocky Benedict in jeans with dark hai


Benedict in jeans.
Stocky Benedict in jeans.
Stocky Benedict in jeans with dark hair.
Stocky Benedict in jeans with dark hair with pursued lips.
Stocky Benedict in jeans with dark hair with pursued lips and mid-lisp.

I can’t handle it.

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