#stonersam x stonerreader


Gotta Get You Into My Life

Summary: Sam catches you smoking, and decides to join.

Characters: Stoner!Sam x Female!Stoner!Reader

Warnings: Marijuana Use, Minor Angst, Fluff, Implied Smut

Sam Winchester Bingo: Stoner!Sam (@samwinchesterbingo)

WC: 1746

A/N: I chose the title, based on the Beatles song, because I was reading a Rolling Stones article and Paul McCartney said he wrote the song after having tried weed the first time. And while it sounds like a love song to a woman, it’s actually a love song to weed. A little bit of trivia there for ya. Anywho, on to the stoner fic!

Sam burst out the main Bunker door, his head poking out first to look around. His eyes landed on Y/N, who stood in the corner of the door’s alcove, hiding beneath the brick wall and railings.

“There you are,” he smiled, letting the door gently close behind him as he approached Y/N. She jumped in alarm at seeing him, quickly hiding something behind her back. Sam frowned before the smell hit him. He smirked knowingly, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

“What?” Y/N choked out in a strangled voice as she held her breath.

“Just waiting for you to choke on that toke,” Sam grinned.

As if on cue, she began coughing, the smoke in her lungs burning from being held in for so long. After a drawn-out coughing fit, she finally took in a deep breath.

“Well, I guess you caught me,” she grinned, pulling the mostly-smoked joint from its hiding place behind her back and taking a small hit to ensure it was still lit before passing it to Sam.

He accepted it, examining it before taking a long, smooth hit. He let the smoke roll around in his mouth, the smell and flavor lingering for his enjoyment. He breathed deep, sucking the smoke into his lungs and gracefully blowing it out with a contented sigh.

“You need to work on your rolling,” he laughed, passing it back to her.

“Yeah, well, I usually smoke blunts. You only had papers in your stash.”

She smirked at him as she took another drag. Sam laughed, shaking his head.

“Of course, you found my stash.”

“You always have a stash, Sam,” Y/N laughed. “You’re the one that got me started if you remember.”

“And now you’re a stoner,” Sam teased, hitting the joint and fending off Y/N’s feeble attack with his other hand.

“Says the stoner,” she rolled her eyes at him, making him laugh and choke hard, which made her laugh heartily in turn.

Sam suddenly wanted another, the one he’d taken from her thin and smoked down low already, as he spotted his stash tin beside her and snatched it up quickly. They chuckled together, as Sam opened the tin and began separating out the items he needed.

Y/N became entranced by Sam’s actions, admiring his hands as his long, nimble fingers began to hand-pick the bud, the callouses on his fingers acting as a grinder, reducing the dense plant to near powder under his effort. His hands were so large and strong, yet somehow gentle and precise all at once. His long, capable fingers made her bite her lip as she imagined just how skillful he could be.

As he rolled the paper and brought it to his lips, her eyes drifted along his arm, up to his neck, and froze on his lips. His tongue peeked out, dragging along the length of the paper to moisten it ever-so-slightly, his fingers rolling it sealed with practiced ease.

Y/N clenched her thighs. Seeing his tongue - wet and dexterous - made her ache. She’d always found Sam attractive, dorky nerd that he was. They always had a good time hanging out, laughing, and swapping stories of their time on the road. They all tried to meet up often, as much as hunting allowed. She cherished quiet moments alone with Sam like this.

Sam’s lips were slightly damp, parting the slightest to allow room for the end of the joint. Y/N watched with rapt attention as he took a long draw. Her eyes focused on the lines of his jaw and mouth as he opened, allowing a stream of smoke to trickle forth, before releasing a plume in a huge breath.

That should not have been as hot as it was.

Sam grinned, dimples popping once more, as he passed the joint to Y/N. She quietly accepted, taking a long drag and locking eyes with Sam as he watched her intently. She was suddenly aware of every movement she made as she blew out the smoke, their eyes still locked in some silent trance.

Sam was suddenly struck by her natural beauty. It’s not as if he hadn’t noticed it before. He’d always had a thing for Y/N, maybe more than a thing. But the timing never seemed right. Looking at her now - her smile bright, eyes glassy, lips wet with a light sheen from her licking and biting absentmindedly - Sam thought maybe now would be a good time.

“Y/N?” Sam asked, swallowing hard as he came to stand in front of where she leaned against the wall.

She looked up at him with those eyes, her body relaxed, showing her comfort with him. It had always been easy and fun, with no judgment as they talked and hung out.

“Are you finally gonna kiss me, Winchester?” she chuckled, finding his bashfulness endearing.

“You been waitin’?” he inquired, stamping out the half-smoked joint before his hands slid to her waist, letting him press himself against her.

“Been hopin’,” she admitted with a nod, her arms wrapped behind his neck, her fingers playing in the stands of his hair as she met his gaze.

In the next heartbeat, Sam leaned in as he brought their mouths together. Her heart fluttered, the kiss firm but chaste. Their eyes met again as Sam barely pulled apart from her, watching for her reaction. She took in a shuddering breath before leaning forward to press her lips to his once more.

Sam returned the kiss as they both sighed and relaxed into it, giving back in kind, running the tip of his tongue along the seam of her lips, just as he had when moistening the paper.

As it grew with a little more heat, Sam pressed Y/N into the brickwork behind her, his mouth sampling her as if they had all the time in the world. His hands found the curves of her sides, squeezing the soft flesh, introducing her body to his touch.

Sam forced himself to stop as the kiss -and their roaming hands- grew hungry. He’d wanted this forever, but he didn’t want to rush it. He wanted to have sex with her -so much that he almost couldn’t stand it- but he didn’t want it to be just about sex, or to have her think that’s all it was supposed to be.

“Y/N, wait,” Sam whispered, not wanting to break whatever was happening between them, but needing her to understand how he felt.

He faltered a bit as she tilted her head, a soft smile playing on her lips. Maybe it would be easier if he smoked some more, and was more comfortable.

“Let’s go back to my room,” he instead offered, holding one of her hands in his as he gathered the stash and supplies with the other.

“To sample more of your stash?” she smirked, hoping maybe they’d pick back up on that kissing ‘cause damn.

“And other things,” he insinuated with a filthy smirk, capturing her lips once more.

It was giggles and shushes and pauses to kiss against walls and archways, neither of them even thinking about Dean. They crashed through Sam’s door, their laughter bouncing in the small space as he closed it behind him, sealing them into their own little world.

Sam rushed to his nightstand, setting down the stash. As he turned around, Y/N was there, reaching out for him. Her hands found his pecks, smoothing up his shirt, and passed his collar.

Her hands continued their upwards path, fingers spreading out into his hair, then lightly scratching and tugging as they slowly came back down. Sam’s eyes fluttered shut, a shaky breath leaving his parted lips.

When he opened his eyes she was smiling at him, biting her bottom lip. He hadn’t realized his hands wrapped around her on their own at some point, holding her close.

The high from the weed mixed with the high from Y/N combined to make him feel absolutely blissful. He couldn’t help it, he had to kiss her again, and again.

Y/N giggled into the kisses, Sam giggling back but still kissing. She gently nudged him back, her hands on his chest, her smile still warm. One of her hands drifted down his torso as she held his gaze. He swallowed hard, wondering if she was going where he thought she was going, not that he’d stop her.

Her hand suddenly left him and then she took a couple of large steps backward, confusing Sam completely, his now empty arms dropping to his sides. She held up the half-smoked joint that she swiped from the nightstand with a triumphant grin.

“You’re such a tease,” Sam groaned, watching as she climbed on the bed, making herself comfortable against the headboard as she lit the joint.

Tease implies that I am withholding something you want,” Y/N spoke as Sam relented and took up the space beside her. She blew out the smoke, smiling as she held it out to him, “Do I have something you want, Sam?”

Sam accepted the smokable, taking his fair share of hits as he mulled over her words. He below out the smoke, handing it back to her as he looked at her.

“You,” he finally spoke. Her eyes widened and he shook his head, looking down at his lap. “Everything I want, everything I think about, it all comes back to you.”

Y/N’s heart jumped into her throat, nearly choking her. The sight of Sam, hunched and not looking at her, told her all she needed to know.

He'd finally kissed her. She’d wanted it for so long, not wanting to push him. He’d been through so much, lost so many people. She needed to let him come to her. Now, the dam had broken as the moment she’d wished for was finally happening.

She dropped the joint in the ashtray -not wanting to cause a fire but not caring if it burned itself out in the tray- before crawling into Sam’s lap. Her actions forced him to sit straighter, his back against the headboard as she crowded herself into him as close as possible.

“Been waiting for you, Sam,” she breathed, his only warning before she kissed him deeply.

He moaned, his hands wrapping around her once more. He briefly wondered if they would always automatically find their way around her now before her kisses started moving down his neck, distracting him from his thoughts. When her hips ground down against him, his thoughts were obliterated, the woman in his arms his only concern.













Sam Winchester:


