

Taking a break from diabetic talk to send my support to Orlando. 

It shouldn’t be so dangerous just to live. These people were having a lovely evening, dancing, doing the same things I and my friends often do on weekends, did this weekend at RI Pride, and they were murdered. This is not a question of mental illness, as always seems to be the conclusion after yet another attack, and it’s not a question of supposed ISIS involvement-this is hate.

I can’t narrow down the solution to mass violence to a single change; I’m neither qualified to make those pronouncements, nor do I think a single issue is at play. What I can say is this: the United States is the only country of its kind were this kind of citizen perpetrated bloodshed is accepted as a fact of life. While our country prioritizes a misinterpretation of the second amendment over the lives of our citizens, there will be no safety. Yet, I doubt the Pulse case will develop any differently from the Newtown shooting, the Oregon shooting or the countless others-why would this event spur us on to greater legislation when all these others have not?

Beyond the epidemic of gun violence–which by the way, never seems to highlight the daily violence in underpriviledged communities–these murders speak to the ever-growing hate within our borders. Over the course of the election we’ve seen so much racism, sexism, xenophobia, and yes, homophobia come to light. Clearly those feelings had been boiling under the surface, but with the support of a presidential candidate (however unqualified), those feelings become acceptable to vocalize. Now, they’ve also been acted upon.

Call your local legislators, your senators, and your house reps. Voice your support for gun legislation and the LGBTQ community. 

El lobby armamentístico no quiere paz quiere violencia en las calles para así vender más armas y aum

El lobby armamentístico no quiere paz quiere violencia en las calles para así vender más armas y aumentar su negocio. #TexasSchoolMassacre #texas #StopGunViolence

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