
incend-ium: I’m in love with my guppy bag! From @stopmicrowaste, this awesome initative catches micr


I’m in love with my guppy bag! From @stopmicrowaste, this awesome initative catches microplastics shed from your clothes when you wash them & prevents it from going into the waterways! Did you know the most common source of plastic pollution is from clothes? Microplastics are tiny and you can’t see them, but they are everywhere! In 2017, a group of scientists discovered that 83% of tap water samples worldwide contain microplastics and it is estimated that there are 15-51 trillion individual pieces of microplastics in the oceans. We are drinking and eating microplastics and burdening marine life with them as well! Getting a guppy bag is such a simple way to make a huge difference, so have you got yours yet?

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