

September 2021 Update

Heeeey, much has happened this month, surprisingly. My total number of stories on Literotica doubled! And I’m making headway on other stories!

Anyway, onward with updates!

The Great Lake!

The first chapters of The Great Lake are finally published! You can check them out here on Literotica:

  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3

You can find the entirety of the story on StoriesOnline here.

This is the first arc of the story, which covers Mavis’ first day at the lake. Subsequent arcs will likely follow that same pattern of being days at the lake. I have the Day 2 Arc sketched out to some degree, but I’m not ready to tackle it yet.

A Fun Little Swim!

After nearly FOUR years, I finally published Part 2 of A Fun Little Swim! Sylvia explores the depths of the inland ocean Colwyn Llyn, and meets a couple strange creatures along the way

You can find Part 2 here on Literotica.

You can find the entirety of the story on Hentai-Foundry here.

(StoriesOnline links next week, I think?)

Scene From An Abandoned Bathroom!

After seeing how The Great Lake did, I feel like it’s safe to repeat the same process for Scene From An Abandoned Bathroom, which has been on standby for quite some time. I’ll work on this and probably publish it some time next month. No exact ETA though. Stay tuned…

Cantata For The Wolf Moon!

Finally, after nearly two years, I have an editor for this story! So this will be edited and published in the near future. When? Uncertain. Recent chats indicate they won’t be able to get to it until late next month at the earliest. So while I’ll certainly make a more reasonable effort to get this published, it won’t be for a while.

A Long Trip To Nowhere Important!

So, in the process of getting this all squared away, I felt motivated enough to work on Part 3 of A Long Trip to Nowhere Important. This part introduces Juli, who in this universe is a hitchhiking rich girl with nothing to do and a stash of various recreational pharmaceuticals to spice up her sex life. The story will also introduce an alien with a more than passing interest in Sasha. It will be quite a bit shorter than Part 2 turned out to be, and I’m already about 60-70% done with it. My hope is that I’ll have it written out by the end of the year, if not sooner.

But, andi, you haven’t finished Part 2 yet…


Thinking Ahead…

So, now that those stories have been published and my backlog’s begun to lighten, I’m thinking about some things I’ve kept shelved for some time and want to revisit.

The one that sticks out to me is building an actual site. I’ve put that on the backburner for various reasons, including the lockdown. But as it stands…nobody’s on Tumblr anymore. Part of the reason for my base had much to do with A3D, who, while I still have some involvement with, I’m not as active as I used to. Most people were here for the pictures. I barely get any responses to these posts anymore.

But more importantly, I want a place for my stories, something that looks coherent, and one where I don’t have to worry about rules as much. Moreover, I have a little more legitimacy in certain spaces having this site up. I’ll still publish on Literotica, Hentai-Foundry, and StoriesOnline, but I want there to be a place for everything. I have a basic idea for the structure, which’ll probably be based on WordPress. I just need to get a designer to build a theme that’s appropriate for it. And I know just the person…

Plus I need to find the right host, one that won’t complain about what stuff I post. That one is super tricky. Kupaa could be an option, but I’m faintly aware of there being some tumult happening with that service, and I’d rather not involve myself in it. Plus it’s really expensive unless I shard it with, say, Intrigue3D…

These are things I will start to dwell on once I at least get Scene From An Abandoned Bathroom, maybe A Long Trip Part 3, out of the way.

From there…we’ll see what happens. But I don’t think it’ll necessarily take long. Ideally, it’s something that’ll happen in Q4, but it may spill into the new year. We’ll see.

The Immediate Future

Here’s what’s on the docket at this point:

  • October:Scene from an Abandoned Bathroom
  • October-November:A Long Trip Part 3(Draft)
  • Q4 2021(?): Cantata for the Wolf Moon
  • Q4 2021/Q1 2022: New Website?
  • TBD:A Long Trip Part 2(Draft)

That’s all for now. Take care, and enjoy yourself.
